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Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
長時間[ちょうじかん, choujikan] TH: เป็นเวลานาน

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
長時間[ちょうじかん, choujikan] (n-adv, n-t) long period of time; long playing; (P) #11,644 [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Don't spend so much time watching TV.テレビを見てそんなに長時間過ごしてはいけない。
The committee had a long session.委員会の会議は長時間にわたった。
If you work too long without a rest, it begins to tell on you.休憩もしないで長時間働けば、体にこたえてくるよ。
In the Hanshin earthquake, the ground shook for a long time.阪神大震災では地面が長時間に渡って揺れた。
If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are likely to become dull and unintelligent.他方、何もすることもなく長時間1人にほっておくと、子供は鈍くて愚かな子供になりやすい。
The captain exercised the new recruits with long marches.隊長は長時間行進させて新兵たちを訓練した。
To fly big passenger airliners calls for long training and experience.大きな旅客機を操縦するには、長時間の訓練と経験が必要である。
It took a long time, but in the end I was able to convince him.長時間かかったが、とうとう彼を納得させることができた。
We tend to slack off after many hours of hard work.長時間一生懸命仕事をした後はどうしてもだらけてくる。
If you walk a lot you will develop calluses on your heel.長時間歩くと踵にたこができる。
His speech went on for such a long time that some people began to fall asleep.彼はあまり長時間話し続けたので、何人かの人が居眠りを始めた。
He made nothing of working for a long time.彼は長時間働いても苦にならなかった。
He seemed to have been working for a long time.彼は長時間働き続けていたようだった。
They talked over the plan for hours.彼らはその計画について長時間話し合った。
She quit her job because of the low pay and long hours.彼女は、低賃金と長時間労働が理由で、仕事をやめた。
It took her a long time to choose a hat.彼女は長時間かけて帽子を選んだ。
She is not accustomed to driving for a long time.彼女は長時間の運転には慣れていない。
It took her a long time to choose a hat.彼女長時間掛けて帽子を選んだ。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Have you spent a lot of time near artillery or loud concussive blasts?[JP] 大きな振動性の爆破に 長時間さらされた事は? The Gunman (2015)
I'm trying to take a long exposure photograph but my flashlight broke[JP] 私は長時間露光写真を撮るしようとしています しかし、私の懐中電灯が壊れました Kong: Skull Island (2017)
A taxi driver sits too long is apt to have testicle defects[CN] 的士司機長時間坐在車中 焗住了睪丸 Qiu ai ye jing hun (1989)
- I don't think we can wait that long.[CN] - 我想我們不能等太長時間 Escape from Sobibor (1987)
I've made it last a long time.[CN] 我保存了很長時間 The Uninvited (1944)
It takes too long for you to see it all, Jakub.[CN] 要花很長時間 才能讓你瞭解清楚 The Devil (1972)
Stolen art can take a long time to sell, so our guess is that they're sitting on a lot of the art, including the paintings from yesterday's heist.[JP] 盗まれた美術品を売りさばくには 長時間かかる よって 昨日盗まれた絵も含めて 窃盗団は 多くの美術品を まだ所持していると思われる Violets (2014)
How long do you think it'll take?[CN] 你覺得要多長時間 Trust (1990)
Because this was a team effort comprised of long hours of good old-fashioned investigative work.[JP] というのもこれはチーム全員の努力の賜物だからです それは長時間に渡る古き良き調査方法から成ります The Accountant (2016)
Had to stay like that for a long time.[JP] 長時間隠れなきゃ いけなかった Church in Ruins (2015)
I just want to show you something it's not gonna take very long.[CN] 我只想給你看點東西 花不了多長時間 East of Eden (1955)
- Hey, stranger, where have you been?[CN] - 所以,小逃兵,這麼長時間你都去哪兒了? Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
- How long have you been there?[CN] 288) } - 在那裏做多長時間 The Black Republic (1990)
We're going to be spending a lot of time together.[JP] 皆と長時間過ごすのよ Interstellar (2014)
I met them at the airport, we spoke for quite a long time...[CN] 我在機場見到他們了,我們談了好長時間... I met them at the airport, we spoke for quite a long time... ABBA: The Movie (1977)
Sure. How long will it take?[CN] 當然可以 需要多長時間 To Sir, with Love (1967)
Prolonged attacks."[JP] "長時間に渡る暴行"― Inside (2015)
Unless someone did chest compressions, post-mortem.[JP] 救急救命士では? 長時間 放置されてた Sin of Omission (2011)
Come on, buddy. After a long day of Turing Tests, you gotta unwind.[JP] なぁ、長時間の仕事の後は 自分を開放しろ Ex Machina (2014)
Jurors spend a lot of time together.[JP] 陪審員は 長時間一緒に過ごすから The Leviathan (2012)
It has long been my contention... that Joe Welch is the son of Joseph Stalin.[CN] 我很長時間都在推論... 那就是喬韋爾奇是 約瑟夫斯大林的兒子 Children of the Revolution (1996)
What's the verdict?[CN] 還有多長時間? Tombstone (1993)
How long do you think it'll take?[CN] 你覺得要花多長時間 Trust (1990)
I figured out that if you use a very powerful lens and you open the shutter for a really long time that you can pick up on that.[JP] もっと強力なレンズが必要で 長時間シャッターを開ければ − 見つけられると思う The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016)
If you want to wear your hair long, clean it else you'll soon get lice and smell.[CN] 如果你想長時間穿戴你的頭髮, 清理它 否則很快就會長滿蝨子和不好味道 To Sir, with Love (1967)
I've prepared a text which I'd like to discuss with you.[CN] 長時間堅定地維護絕大多數民主的意志 我準備了一份稿子想跟你們商討一下 Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
I hope you didn't wait long...[CN] 等了很長時間 The Mother and the Whore (1973)
The great task for which we have prepared so long is now needed. The revolution is here![CN] 為此我們已經準備了很長時間,現在需要我們馬上行動了 Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
I've been here a very long time.[CN] 我已經等了很長時間了. Grand Hotel (1932)
It was a long flight on short notice, and I like to focus, to work quickly.[JP] 急な長時間のフライトでね 早く終わらせたい The Equalizer (2014)
We're about to sit around for a very long time, aren't we?[JP] 私たち かなり長時間 うろうろ動き回ることになりそうね? We Are Everyone (2013)
One of the longest flights in the world. He makes it every two weeks.[JP] かなり長時間のフライトだ 2週間後と聞いている Inception (2010)
Zaèinjenu food, long showers, soda, closely underwear, dancing...[JP] うーん... 辛い食べ物とか 長時間のシャワー Manny & Lo (1996)
They have looked long enough.[CN] 他們已看的足夠長時間 Escape from Sobibor (1987)
Don`t know. l`m just not used to being locked up the whole time.[CN] 不知道 我就是不習慣被鎖住這麼長時間 The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)
My 100 hours of interrogation tapes and the volumes of evidence taken from my house weren't enough for you to understand John?[JP] 長時間の尋問と━ 家から沢山 物を押収したのに? Saw IV (2007)
Sometimes when I'm working long[JP] 時々長時間に渡る 仕事の時 Bone Tomahawk (2015)
A taxi driver may have fantasies[CN] 不過的士司機長時間一個人 難免太多幻想 Qiu ai ye jing hun (1989)
The movement went through a long time in history and was very reluctant to make radical changes, to become violent.[CN] 這種運動在曆史上 已經存在很長時間了 但很難會發生根本的變化 很難不成為暴力 Punishment Park (1971)
Someone of your height and weight has been lying there for long periods.[JP] 長時間 そこに横になってたんだ 私は 不眠症だから Dirty Laundry (2013)
My bullet has been looking for him for a long time now.[CN] 我的槍已經追捕了他很長時間 你認不得我了? The White Bird Marked with Black (1971)
If only I can keep them cold enough long enough[CN] 如果我能讓它們長時間冷凍的話 East of Eden (1955)
Means that she was restrained for quite some time.[JP] 長時間の圧迫によるもの Selfie 2.0 (2015)
This long?[CN] 那麼長時間 Man of Marble (1977)
See, I could've looked at that for hours and never have figured that out, all right.[JP] オレは長時間 見ていられないから わかったら教えてくれ The Source in the Sludge (2014)
I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin, that my big brother might be a bit peckish.[JP] なにせ長時間 棺の中で 干からびていた後だ 兄者とてなりましょう 些か怒りっぽく Fruit of the Poisoned Tree (2013)
All divers have been down 40 meters.[JP] 指導潜水士は全員が 水深40メートル付近に 長時間いたため Umizaru (2004)
Forgive the delay, Marquis, but I had to wake the marchioness for the keys to the wine cellar.[CN] 不好意思 馬奎茲閣下 之所以費了這麼長時間 是因為我愛人 她拿著酒窖的鑰匙 必須先把她叫醒 The Executioner (1963)
I don't move, I'm still here. There's no one left. They've vanished...[CN] 長時間逗留的只有我一個了 大家都走了 The Mother and the Whore (1973)
...she died a long time ago... and Nopoko needs a mother, and Tenga's daughter would be perfect...[CN] ...她死了很長時間了... 而且瑙柏古需要個媽媽 滕迦的女兒比較合適... Yaaba (1989)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
長時間[ちょうじかん, choujikan] lange_Zeit, viele_Stunden [Add to Longdo]


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