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道走[みちばしり;ミチバシリ, michibashiri ; michibashiri] (n) (uk) roadrunner [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
ln fact, it's a desert, thathallway.[CN] 事实上,那道走廊简直就是一片沙漠 Under Suspicion (2000)
- Right this way.[CN] - 沿着轨道走 Fortress 2 (2000)
I didn't go anywhere near it. I went the other way.[CN] 我不会走近那里 我们绕道走 Les Misérables (1998)
I wanted to go home, I wanted to go to Kino Bay, then I got lost![CN] 我想回家,我想去宜野湾 然后就不知道走到哪了 Nada sô sô (2006)
After pondering this possibility, I realized that no matter how cautious I am, if it's my time to die, it doesn't matter if I'm walking down the sidewalk orjumping out of a plane.[CN] 深思熟虑可能性后,我意识到, 不管我多么谨慎,如果是我的死期到了 才不管我是在人行道走路还是从飞机上跳下。 Faces of Death (1978)
The next time you come here, follow the tunnel.[CN] 下次来的时候,沿着通道走 Troy (2004)
My son's running into the street.[JP] 息子は歩道走ってるわ The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
Good idea. Coming?[CN] 不错, 这个想法好 安娜也一道走么? Emmanuelle II (1975)
But yet this white woman sees two black guys who look like UCLA students strolling down the sidewalk, and her reaction is blind fear?[CN] 可是这个白人妇女看到两个黑人 像加州大学洛杉矶分校 沿着人行道走过来的学生一样 她的反应就是莫名的恐慌? Crash (2004)
Move on, it's ugly.[CN] 道走吧 给您看到不好 Arsène Lupin (2004)
He knows the show's at 3:00 at the hotel.[CN] 他知道走秀是在酒店3点开始 Save the Tiger (1973)
It's 1 a.m. Why were you walking on Mountain Avenue at this hour?[CN] 現在一點鍾了 你這時候怎麼還在 山岳大道走來走去? I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano (1999)
- Yeah, let's go follow the smell.[CN] - 好啊,跟着味道走 House of Wax (2005)
Why didn't you leave with him?[CN] 为何不跟他一道走? Autumn Tale (1998)
I didn't know then that she was walking with Sergis Bauer.[CN] 当时不知道走在她身边的人就是瑟吉斯·鲍尔 Gaslight (1944)
Oh, well I'll walk you for a ways. I'm going to the shop.[CN] 我跟你一道走 我去商店 Debbie Does Dallas (1978)
- Over here?[CN] 太热了绕道走,走那个房间 13 Hours (2016)
We'll have to go the other way.[CN] 我们得绕道走 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
Looks like they're headed for the tunnel.[CN] 看来他们好像往隧道走 Analyze This (1999)
Walking down the street[CN] 沿着那些街道走 The One Where Underdog Gets Away (1994)
- Want to come with me?[CN] 要不要和我一道走? 我已经迟到了 What Have I Done to Deserve This? (1984)
How long will it be before the pedestrian is banished from the sidewalk and the street?[CN] 在人行道和街道走,很快就都不安全了吧? Faces of Death (1978)
- Now, walk in the path.[CN] - 现在,通过走道走出来 Deep End (1970)
Unit 477 in pursuit, eastbound, Esposito.[CN] 单位477正在追踪 朝东面艾普西道走 RoboCop 3 (1993)
All you have to do is go to David and tell him that you have this evidence[CN] 你知道走到大卫告诉他你有这个证据 Day 3: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (2004)
They lead to the steam plant. I go out across the steam lines.[CN] 这些管道通向蒸汽房 我沿着蒸汽管道走 Lock Up (1989)
Who know to walk to arrive halfway up[CN] 谁知道走到半路上 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }Who know to walk to arrive halfway up Sing gei cha low (1974)
- Nah. You know bootleggers. They do a cash business.[CN] 你不知道走私犯.他们都是现金交易的―没错 Elmer Gantry (1960)
If men live here, they can tell us how far we wondered.[CN] 如果上面有人 那我们就能知道走多远了 The Odyssey (1997)
Sometimes when I walk along the corridor, [CN] 有时我沿着这条过道走着走着 Rebecca (1940)
How do you know which way to go?[CN] 你怎么知道走那条路? Land of the Dead (2005)
I don't know where to go.[CN] 我不知道走哪里去 The Night of the Hunted (1980)
Take a detour[CN] 道走 Devils on the Doorstep (2000)
Well, I understood that any dog who is lost, is taken to Battersea Dog's Home immediately.[CN] 我知道走丢的狗一般都会被 送去巴特西犬类中心 The Hidden Room (1949)
Going with your friend or in my car?[CN] 和你朋友一道走 還是坐我的車? Malina (1991)
You can meet him outside. Everyone is being cleared to the street.[CN] -我们要和我们的人一道走 Maximum Risk (1996)
Well, come with us in the van.[CN] 上车来和我们一道走 All the Little Animals (1998)
Maybe we better go around.[CN] 也许我们最好绕道走 The Lion King 3: Hakuna Matata (2004)
Turn this pass in at the end of the tunnel.[CN] 道走到底把通行证交了 Cry of the City (1948)
Try the marina loop. Maybe we'll make it through.[CN] 从船坞环道走, 或许可不被雾气影响尽快到达 The Fog (2005)
Because we have to go round...[CN] 因为我们必须要绕道走... The Blair Witch Project (1999)
And you're definitely goin' with us, right?[CN] 跟我们一道走吗 ? Joy Ride (2001)
What're you stopping for?[CN] 那边? 右边,绕道走 Too Late the Hero (1970)
- Take the cross-town, it's faster...[CN] -从主干道走 那样更快一些 Night Watch (2004)
No.[CN] 看起来沿轨道走最近 Looks like a straight shot if we follow the tracks. Twice as Far (2016)
The last plane.[CN] 我要带一位朋友一道走 Casablanca (1942)
And the rest of you, follow the foot lanes.[CN] 其余的人,沿着步行道走 Raw Deal (1948)
- Yeah, thank you. I know what to take.[CN] 对 谢谢 我知道走那条路 Constantine (2005)
No. We must go around.[CN] 不,我们必须绕道走 Bats: Human Harvest (2007)
Well, what are you doing over here?[CN] 你来这儿干什么? 嘿,我只是顺道走过来看看 Ray Home Alone (1999)


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