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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
适度[shì dù, ㄕˋ ㄉㄨˋ,   /  ] moderately; appropriate #7,885 [Add to Longdo]
适度微调[shì dù wēi tiáo, ㄕˋ ㄉㄨˋ ㄨㄟ ㄊㄧㄠˊ,     /    調] an appropriate amount of fine-tuning [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I don't mind working in modest anonymity.[CN] I don't mind working in modest anonymity. 我不介意工作在适度的匿名性。 Grand Canyon (1991)
They're all right in moderation, but in a mass like that, they look beastly.[CN] 适度的话是不错的 但像那样子集聚一起,看起来非常糟糕 Blithe Spirit (1945)
It'd be a waste of breath mentioning moderation to you.[CN] 对你说"适度"会是浪费口舌 Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962)
Yes.[CN] 毕夏普先生的舒适度 Runnin' with the Devil (2013)
Look, I can find ways of keeping you girls reasonably...[CN] 神情,我能找方法 保存你女孩 适度地。 。 Jersey Shore Massacre (2014)
Never, never have I met her equal in good sense or sweetness of character.[CN] 我从未 从未见过如她般 刚柔适度 可爱至极的女子 Persuasion (2007)
They need an environment that is survivable and has some level of comfort.[CN] 他们需要一个可以生存的环境 至少要有一定的舒适度 Europa Report (2013)
You need to indulge once in a while.[CN] 偶尔要适度的放纵自己 该奢侈时就奢侈一下 Kaiji: The Ultimate Gambler (2009)
My dearest Lizzy, here we continue at Gracechurch Street to be quiet and comfortable.[CN] 亲爱的丽西 我们在格雷斯查奇街 继续安宁闲适度 Episode #1.3 (1995)
There is nothing moderate about it.[CN] 并且没有适度 关于它。 Hungry for Change (2012)
In moderation.[CN] 适度 Casanova 70 (1965)
Well, tests have shown that children under moderate trauma have a tendency to apply themselves academically[CN] 研究表明经受适度创伤的小孩 理论上能形成 Up in the Air (2009)
"Student undergarments should be as modest[CN] 学生的内衣必须适度" {\b0\shad1\fs14\fn微软雅黑\3cH202020}"Student undergarments should be as modest Van Wilder: Freshman Year (2009)
I remember doing a bit of carbohydrates and fats, then switch to high in fat and low in carbohydrates, then switch to low fat and moderate carbs.[CN] 记住 事业小 碳水化合物和脂肪 然后切换到高含量 脂肪 低碳水化合物 然后切换到低脂肪 及适度的碳水化合物。 Hungry for Change (2012)
Modest meal, 40 dancers 80 musicians and 300 simple dishes.[CN] 适度的进食, 40个舞女... ...80个音月家 和300个简单的器皿. Asterix and Obelix Meet Cleopatra (2002)
This is not about our client's comfort level, Your Honor.[CN] 与我方当事人的舒适度无关 法官阁下 Runnin' with the Devil (2013)
And I shall build a floor for ye between the seventh and the eighth in me own building so at least there'll be one place on God's green earth where ye and your accursed kind can live in peace.[CN] 就盖在我自己的大厦 七楼和八楼之间 至少会有一处上帝的净土 让妳和同样受苦的族群 能舒适度 Being John Malkovich (1999)
Natural make up, a sober coiffure that stays in place, moderate use of perfume.[CN] 自然的妆容 朴素而不散落的发型 适度使用的香水 Populaire (2012)
"Modest preemptive actions, can obviate the need of more drastic actions, at a later date."[CN] "适度的先发制人 在以后可以避免更大的冲突" Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
And maybe some of the fundamentalists might say just that to you.[CN] 在他们的宗教信仰 作为理性的, 并可能 适度的热情... Root of All Evil? (2006)
What do you mean reasonably bright?[CN] 你什么意思 适度聪明? The Roommates (1973)
It is a bit like an investigation into, you know, the lives of these people as they took this treacherous journey across the sea.[CN] 他说会起风 但是不会有飓风 闪电和雷鸣呢? 也适度吗? Sea of Cortez (2008)
I believe it is customary for a land grant... a modest land grant to be awarded.[CN] 我相信这是习惯 一个批地... 适度批地 得到赔偿。 Cyclops (2008)
This of course is all music to my ears, but I'm kind of left wondering why you stick with Christianity at all therefore.[CN] 也许很多原教旨主义 我想说的是一样的。 我认为适度 要激情, Root of All Evil? (2006)
Modest hopes...[CN] 适度希望... The English Teacher (2013)
Girl, I mean, reasonable enough to know that it's all right being a wife doll mate, but housekeeping, oh, that's absolutely unnatural.[CN] 我是说 适度得足够知道 好好做一个美丽配偶 但是家务 那绝对违背人道 The Roommates (1973)
Setting, supple.[CN] 设置中 调节舒适度 Free Birds (2013)
- We could-We'll just get four hundred's worth?[CN] - 购买适度 Vendetta (2013)
Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards.[CN] 生命中任何一件事都值得全力以赴, 懦夫才谈中庸和适度 Lone Survivor (2013)
At the modest cost of $350 a piece.[CN] 适度的成本,350美元一块 Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2002)
Spontaneous osculation, reaction of embarrassment combined with a measure of bashful delight.[CN] 主动接吻 Spontaneous osculation, 反应尴尬 兼有适度的 reaction of embarrassment combined with a measure 害羞的愉快 非常好 of bashful delight. The Hero of Color City (2014)
Number two, a moderate drinker or less.[CN] 第二, 适度饮酒或更少。 Married in a Year (2011)
I've always found that good whiskey, taken in moderation...[CN] 我经常发现适度地喝好的 威士忌酒像开胃食品... Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962)
He's legally entitled to operate modest metallurgical installations.[CN] 他能合法的适度的操作冶金设备 Goldfinger (1964)
God, you're well-built, you're well-seasoned, reasonably bright.[CN] 天哪 你身材好 你经验好 适度聪明 The Roommates (1973)
Well, Grayson already knows. I mean, we don't exhibit some degree...[CN] 反正Grayson已经知道了 我是说 如果我们不适度展示一些... Chapter 18 (2014)
-We gotta go, man.[CN] "匀称 健壮 适度丰满" ATL (2006)
They never did anyone any harm. Well, not if taken in moderation.[CN] 它们对任何人都没害处 如果适度服用的话 Carry On Screaming! (1966)
A modest score for Marva Vereecken.[CN] 适度得分 为MARVA Vereecken。 Everybody's Famous! (2000)
We are well aware that life in Theresienstadt may require certain adjustments.[CN] 你们都应该明白,在特雷西斯塔特 生活需要做出适度的调整 Part VII (1988)
Did you at least start out modestly?[CN] 你有没有至少在开始时适度一点? Solaris (1971)
Okay, we're introducing a very modest amount of infernus to Andromeda.[CN] 我们注入了 适度的地狱菌到安朵美达里 The Andromeda Strain (2008)
- I give a mean back rub.[CN] - 我给他做次适度的背部按摩? Meet the Robinsons (2007)
Poor Elsa, of course, didn't know that and was properly chastised.[CN] 可怜的Elsa当然不懂这个且受到适度惩罚 Born Free (1966)
Give them a sobriety test. I'm gonna 402 the vehicle.[CN] 给他们"适度"的检测一下 我要对这台车做402 Let's Be Cops (2014)
Right, also the modest amount he asked for, just 6000...[CN] 对 他要的钱还挺适度 才六千... Don't Torture a Duckling (1972)
Moderation is the key.[CN] 适度非常关键. Detox (2005)
My sister and I were thinking of a modest supper... followed by a cup of coffee.[CN] 我和妹妹考虑到一顿适度的晚餐 由几杯咖啡代替 Babette's Feast (1987)
I said "in moderation".[CN] 我说过适度 Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962)
Easy On's really that good, is it?[CN] 适度的真的那么好,是吗? The Stepford Wives (1975)


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