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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
輸送車[ゆそうしゃ, yusousha] (n) (See 輸送) transport truck; transport vehicle [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Go, go, go! Three suspects are robbing an armored car with what appears to be...[JP] 三人の容疑者が 現金輸送車を... Chappie (2015)
Cue the truck.[JP] 輸送車が来る Groundhog Day (1993)
That's why the armored car company changed their protocol and put a third man inside.[JP] そのために輸送車の会社は プロトコルを変更し 三人目を中に乗せた Us Against the World (2014)
One ogre tank, three monkey wagons.[JP] 戦車1台、捕虜輸送車3台 Goodbye to All That (2008)
Look, you've got three minutes to get everyone in this cup with you... and then I'm on that truck to Cleveland, got it?[JP] いいか 3分だけ待ってやる そしたら俺は輸送車 Finding Dory (2016)
-I don't see an armored truck.[JP] 輸送車は見当たらないわ Eagle Eye (2008)
-Go to the armored truck.[JP] 輸送車に向かいなさい Eagle Eye (2008)
Truck belongs to a private lab run by Omni, company specializing in DNA research.[JP] 輸送車は オムニ社という名前の- DNA研究に特化した 企業が所有しています Pilot (2013)
And a good lawyer could prove that, but you're not getting a lawyer.[JP] 諦めろ 来るのは 弁護士でなく輸送車 Tribes (2008)
It's just a transport truck.[JP] ただの輸送車よ 大丈夫 In Absentia (2012)
- Barry, an armored car was just hijacked on griffin avenue. Get your ass over there.[JP] バリー 現金輸送車が グリフィン通りで襲撃されたわ Fastest Man Alive (2014)
Found the schedule for the armored car.[JP] 輸送車のスケジュールを 見たのね Insomnia (2014)
(Fred) Armored car pulled in around midday.[JP] 輸送車は昼頃停車した Us Against the World (2014)
One will be carrying a briefcase. then return to the van.[JP] 1人はブリーフ・ケースを所持しています 武器が輸送車の中に入っています Eagle Eye (2008)
Robbery target was an armored truck, carrying bio research.[JP] バイオ研究施設の 装甲輸送車が狙われた Pilot (2013)
For security reasons, armored-car vehicles are on a rotating schedule.[JP] セキュリティ上の理由で 輸送車の予定は ローテーションしていた Us Against the World (2014)
I'm not doing this.[JP] - 輸送車を襲撃するのか? Eagle Eye (2008)
A federal witness killed in D.C.[JP] ヒューストンで 刑務所バス輸送車の待伏せ Cede Your Soul (2015)
Based on the masks, these are the same guys from the armed robbery.[JP] 犯人のマスクですが- 今朝の輸送車襲撃犯と 同一のものです Pilot (2013)
Everyone go. The transports are downstairs.[JP] みんな行って 下に輸送車があるから The Good Man (2015)
Uh, no, no, no. If I just take your tag...[JP] 違う 俺がタグをもらって 輸送車に乗れば- Finding Dory (2016)
- That transport truck leaves at dawn... and I'm not missing it, so give me your tag.[JP] 輸送車は夜明けに出る タブをよこせ Finding Dory (2016)
Transport has arrived![JP] 残り少しありますが ご覧頂き有難うございました 輸送車が到着しました Toy Story of Terror (2013)
Well, looks like this is it, kid. Now I got a truck to catch.[JP] じゃあ お別れだな おれは輸送車 Finding Dory (2016)
Check out a transport vehicle from the motor pool.[JP] 輸送車をチェックして Blood Brothers (2013)
And despite what the banks would have you believe, the men who drive these trucks are not exactly mental giants.[JP] 銀行が世間に 思わせてる程― 輸送車の運転手は賢くない Now You See Me (2013)
Elaine, I know this is difficult, but both times that armored truck was robbed, [JP] イレイン 難しい事なのはわかるが 輸送車が襲われた 二回とも Us Against the World (2014)
I want all these Humvees cleaned out by 0800.[JP] 8時までに 全輸送車を清掃しろ Monsters: Dark Continent (2014)
Both carrying hundreds of thousands worth in gold.[JP] 大金を載せた 現金輸送車 Falling (2016)
Parabolic pulse charge was used to stop the vehicle.[JP] まず 放射式電磁パルスで 輸送車が止められた Pilot (2013)
Clutch, station the transport vehicle![JP] クラッチ 輸送車両! G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
Whatever they wanted, they killed four security guards to get it.[JP] . 目当ての品が何であれ 輸送車の警備4名を殺害している Pilot (2013)
We've learned it was just over $800, 000 stolen from the Gibbs Security truck this morning.[JP] 今朝の現金輸送車には 80万ドルが 入っていたそうです Nothing Gold Can Stay (2015)
Andwehear Elizabeth Kerrigan has some additional details about this morning's armored-truck robbery.[JP] またエリザベスから 追加の情報が入りました 今朝の現金輸送車の 強盗ですが Nothing Gold Can Stay (2015)
73% of all armored car robberies happen when the hopper's away from the truck, so if they're gonna hit you, that's when it'll happen.[JP] 輸送車強盗の73%は 回収係が車を離れた時に〉 〈したがって その時は君も襲われる〉 GSMが繋がった Matsya Nyaya (2012)
Automated vehicles-- our AGVs-- they unload pallets of bills from the armored trucks that bring in the deposits.[JP] 自動化された無人搬送車が 保管所に入った現金輸送車から 札束のパレットをおろすんです Snow Angels (2013)
Your orange friends are on their way to Cleveland.[JP] お前の友達が輸送車 Finding Dory (2016)
Sure as hell beat sitting on our asses 30 clicks to nowhere waiting for our humpbacked friend to defecate the keys to our transport.[JP] どこへ行くにも30キロの場所で コブのあるダチが 輸送車の鍵を糞するまで Knots Untie (2016)
Kandahar, '09, when the Marines took out a Taliban transport vehicle.[JP] カンダハル'2009 海兵隊が タリバンの輸送車両を襲った Trust But Verify (2013)
A 72-year-old that's casing an armored car?[JP] 72歳が輸送車の 下調べをしてるって? Matsya Nyaya (2012)
- Cash in transit.[JP] 現金輸送車 Chappie (2015)
Get him in the Humvee. Get him in the Humvee.[JP] 輸送車に乗せろ American Sniper (2014)
My guess is that they targeted a shipment of freshly minted money headed to the Frenchman's bank on-board an armored truck.[JP] 推測だが銀行へ向かう 現金輸送車を狙った Now You See Me (2013)
Dispatch, I need a bus.[JP] 輸送車を用意して Bury the Lede (2012)
When this thing goes off, you pop those wagons.[JP] こいつが爆発したら輸送車を確保して Goodbye to All That (2008)
Once the armored car called 911, we had 182 seconds before any cop could be on the scene.[JP] 現金輸送車が通報すれば 警察到着まで182秒掛かる Going Rogue (2014)


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