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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -貮-
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KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: number two
On-yomi: ニ, ジ, ni, ji
Kun-yomi: ふた.つ, そえ, futa.tsu, soe
Variants: , ,
[] Meaning: II; two; second
On-yomi: ニ, ジ, ni, ji
Kun-yomi: ふた.つ, そえ, futa.tsu, soe
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , ,
[] Meaning: two
On-yomi: ニ, ジ, ni, ji
Kun-yomi: ふた.つ, そえ, futa.tsu, soe
Variants: , ,

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Watch this.[CN] ヤヌ袞 衵ヌ College Road Trip (2008)
Looks like Albert has a problem.[CN] 柀マ テ・(テ睚ムハ) 睹淲 耿゚睨 College Road Trip (2008)
- Pretty impressive, right? - James, it looks like a football field![CN] ナ蒟 耙裔。 テ硼モ ゚ミ矚 ソ - フ淏モ) ヌ矼゚ヌ・柀マ ゚聶レネ ゚ムノ ゙マ・ - College Road Trip (2008)
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Mr. Wolf, has been accused of horrible crimes.[CN] モ榘ヌハ・・モヌマハ・ヌ矼ハフマ趾 ン・ヌ矼ペ翹 (肆゚硼 ヌ瞠榘 ( 跏矍 賣衞 砒 ヌハ衂翩ハ ネフムヌニ・ンル汜ノ College Road Trip (2008)
The State has not presented a single shred of conclusive evidence.[CN] ヌ礦睇栁 硼モ 砒ヌ マ硼・ヘマ 聳蒂 College Road Trip (2008)
I had my parents convinced I was an oceanography major for a whole year, just so they'd pay for spring break in Mexico![CN] 矗マ デ蒂ハ 睹ヌ・ネテ蒿・゚萍 ン・゙モ・マムヌモノ ヌ矼ヘ毖ヌハ (リ・ヌ瞽ヌ罍 ・裙 ン゙リ 榘ンレ趾 瞽リ・ヌ瞋ネ汜 ン・(ヌ矼゚モ涇 College Road Trip (2008)
- And it was kind of... - This man is not my father.[CN] ... ・゙マ ゚ヌ・衵ヌ 蓙レ 聿 - 衵ヌ ヌ瞋フ・硼モ 睹・- College Road Trip (2008)
Hide![CN] ヌホハネニ College Road Trip (2008)
Looks like we got ourselves a wedding crasher.[CN] 柀マ テ蒿ヌ モ萸ムネ ヘン・ヌ瞑ンヌン College Road Trip (2008)
Doesn't seem that long ago.[CN] 睇 柀マ 衵ヌ 聿ミ メ聿 ネレ榘 College Road Trip (2008)
- It will only take a minute. - Who is she staying with?[CN] モテヘハヌフ ナ碆 マ゙洄ノ ヘマノ ン゙リ - ハモ゚・聚 聿 ソ - College Road Trip (2008)
Hi, my name is Melanie Porter. I got a call about my father. Is he okay?[CN] 耜ヘネヌ。 ヌモ肬 (肬睇蓖 ネ贄ハム) ハ矗桄 ヌハユヌ睇ハ ネヤテ・睹偆N裔 褂 ネホ樰 ソ College Road Trip (2008)
I mean, my parents live less than an hour away, and it's awesome.[CN] テレ蓖 テ・睹ヌ・汜橳ヌ・レ碆 聳ムネノ 聿 裝ヌ ・衵ヌ 耜レネ College Road Trip (2008)
I've got you! Daddy's coming, baby! Daddy's coming.[CN] モテ葯ミ゚。 睹゚ ゙ヌマã College Road Trip (2008)
Because you're an amazing father, and you showed her right from wrong and you taught her how to think for herself and be strong.[CN] 眦葹 テネ・ユヌ睿。 ・フレ睫衂 ハ肬メ ネ淸 ヌ睾リテ ・ヌ瞰ネ ・レ矼ハ衂 ゚泚 ハモハリ汜 ヌ睫ン゚樰 ネ萬モ衂 ・パ趾 ゙跫ノ College Road Trip (2008)
Have you been hiding in here the whole time?[CN] 裔 ゚萍 耒ハネニヌ・裝ヌ リ・ヌ礦゙ハ ソ College Road Trip (2008)
- Is the plane going to Washington? - Yeah, but it's for team members only.[CN] 裔 衵・ヌ瞿ヌニムノ 飜賣衙 ナ碆 (ヤ蒭・ ソ - テフ癸 矚蒟ヌ 眦レヨヌチ ヌ矍ム洄 ン゙リ - College Road Trip (2008)
No, forget a Taser.[CN] 睇。 ヌ萼 ヌ瞰レ゙ College Road Trip (2008)
Thanks, Nick, sounds like we have a rainy week ahead, so don't forget your umbrellas.[CN] ヤ゚ムヌ ( 蓖゚) モ涇趾 睹淸ヌ テモネ賍 翩リム 睇 ハ萼 テホミ 聘睇パã College Road Trip (2008)
- Are you guys divers? - Yeah.[CN] 裔 テ萍・ロユ趾 ソ - テフ・- College Road Trip (2008)
I know you are, baby. Let me talk to your daddy. Love you.[CN] テレ矼 テ葹 ツモン。 マレ蓖 テ゚矼 睹゚ College Road Trip (2008)
Police Global Positioning System.[CN] フ衂メ ハヘマ榘 ヌ矼゙レ 矣ヤムリノ College Road Trip (2008)
Baby, that's right near your mama's house, where you're planning on staying tomorrow, anyway.[CN] レメ橫悅 衵ヌ ユヘ楨 ゙ム柀 矼萪・睹パ テ淸 ハホリリ 矣ネ゙ヌチ ロマヌ・レ碆 テ栁 ヘヌá College Road Trip (2008)
This place looks nice.[CN] 柀マ ヌ矼゚ヌ・ムヌニレヌð College Road Trip (2008)
- What is it? - Dad, it's an emergency.[CN] 翩ミヌ 裝ヌ゚ ソ - ヘヌ睨 リムニ - College Road Trip (2008)
Disperse.[CN] ハンム゙ College Road Trip (2008)
Baby, we just had some trouble with the car.[CN] 矗マ フ衞萇 ネレヨ ヌ矼ヤヌ゚・聚 ヌ瞠桒ムノ College Road Trip (2008)
Well, we have Tasers.[CN] ヘモ萇 睹淸ヌ ユレ゙ College Road Trip (2008)
Check this out.[CN] ヌ葮ム College Road Trip (2008)
It's just one semester.[CN] ナ蒟 ンユ・マムヌモ・ヘマ College Road Trip (2008)
All right. One![CN] ヘモ萇 ヘマ College Road Trip (2008)
Wow, you actually talked to your dad?[CN] 裔 パ矼ハ・ンレ睇 聚 睹゚ ソ College Road Trip (2008)
No, I did not pass out. I just didn't get a nap that day.[CN] 矼 沆冐 レ硼・・矚蒿・矼 テロン ン・ミ矚 ヌ硼跂 College Road Trip (2008)
A phase is when they want to be a cowboy.[CN] 耜ヘ睨 レ蔆翩 樰榘趾 テ・橾ネヘ ムレヌノ ネ゙ム College Road Trip (2008)
You sure you don't want to wait for me to finish this?[CN] 裔 テ萍 ビノ テ葹 睇 ハム榘淸 ヌ睇萍ルヌム ヘハ・テ萍褊 聿 衵・ソ College Road Trip (2008)
Poor little gazelle, you should have stayed with your father.[CN] ヌ瞻メヌ・耨゚淸。 﨓ネ レ硼゚ テ・ハネ゙・聚 睹゚ College Road Trip (2008)
Georgetown is in Washington, DC.[CN] (フ贄フ ハヌ趾) ン・ヌ瞽ヌユ翹 (ヤ蒭・ College Road Trip (2008)
Now, Mama's rule is we go home and celebrate.[CN] ヌ眥・。 ゙蓖・ヌ眦・褊 ヌ瞽賺ノ 矣聿メ・・ヌ睇ヘハンヌá College Road Trip (2008)
I've been working with him for 17 years, all right?[CN] 矗マ ゚萍 テレ聶 聚・リ・17 モ菲 。 ヘモ萇・ソ College Road Trip (2008)
You still live with your mom. That's nice.[CN] テ萍 ハレ橳 聚 睹パ。 衵ヌ 瞿泚 College Road Trip (2008)
- You really sound like my dad. - Well, the Chief's a pretty smart guy.[CN] 衵ヌ 橳ネ・゚睇・睹・- ヘモ萇・。 ヌ瞋ニ橆 ムフ・ミ゚í College Road Trip (2008)
Look, I know what this sounds like.[CN] ヌモ聚悅 テレ矼 翩ミヌ 柀マ 矚 衵ヌ College Road Trip (2008)
Think you got enough stuff, Melanie?[CN] (ヤ゚ムヌ・矚。 睹涇 テマハ ゚ヌン栁 (肬睇蓖 College Road Trip (2008)
One! Two![CN] ヘマ。 ナヒ萇ä College Road Trip (2008)
I have the most important interview of my life, and I don't want Einstein and Porky along for the ride.[CN] 睹・テ裙 聳ヌネ睨 ン・ヘ桒ハí 睇 テム榘 ツ淸ヤハヌ淸 ・(ネ贄゚・ リ・ヌ瞋ヘ睨 College Road Trip (2008)
What are you doing, gazelle? Stay with your daddy.[CN] 翩ミヌ ハンレ癸 ロメヌ・ソ テネ゙ 聚 睹゚ College Road Trip (2008)
So what do you do if you encounter an individual resisting arrest?[CN] 翩ミヌ ハンレ・礦 フ衞 ヤホユヌ・洄ヌ跂 ヌ睇レバヌ・ソ College Road Trip (2008)
Sounds like you're not getting in my sorority.[CN] 柀マ テ葹 砌 ハマホ・モ゚蓖 College Road Trip (2008)
Double Dutch Bus. We used to sing it in the car all the time.[CN] 矗マ ゚萇 葩蓖 衵・ヌ眦ロ蓖ノ リ・ヌ礦゙ハ ン・ヌ瞠桒ムノ College Road Trip (2008)
All right. Come on. We got one minute to go![CN] ヘモ萇 褊ヌ ネ萇 。 ネ゙・睹淸ヌ マ゙洄ノ ヘマノ College Road Trip (2008)


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