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KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: larvae; grubs
On-yomi: キョウ, ドウ, kyou, dou
Kun-yomi: にしどち, nishidochi

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[xiàng, ㄒㄧㄤˋ, ] larvae [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Locals are out of the kill zone. You are clear.[CN] 螣喂 谓蟿蠈蟺喂慰喂 蔚委谓伪喂 伪蟽伪位蔚委蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Given the circumstances, this has been brought to Admiral Marcus's attention.[CN] 螌位伪 伪蠀蟿维 苇蟿伪蟽伪谓 蟽蟿伪 伪蠀蟿喂维 蟿慰蠀 螡伪蠀维蟻蠂慰蠀 螠维蟻魏慰蠀蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
It's why you gave me your ship.[CN] 螕喂' 伪蠀蟿蠈 渭慰蠀 未蠋蟽伪蟿蔚 蟿慰 蟽魏维慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I need to beam Spock back to the ship. Give me one way to do it.[CN] 螔蟻蔚委蟿蔚 蟿蟻蠈蟺慰 谓伪 未喂伪魏蟿喂谓委蟽慰蠀渭蔚 蟿慰谓 危蟺慰魏 蟽蟿慰 蟽魏维慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You think the rules don't apply to you 'cause you disagree with them.[CN] 螡慰渭委味蔚喂蟼 蠈蟿喂 慰喂 魏伪谓蠈谓蔚蟼 未蔚谓 喂蟽蠂蠉慰蠀谓 纬喂伪 蟽苇谓伪 蔚蟺蔚喂未萎 未喂伪蠅谓蔚委蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You here tonight represent the senior command of all the vessels in the region.[CN] 螘蟽蔚委蟼 蔚未蠋 渭苇蟽伪, 未喂慰喂魏蔚委蟿蔚 蟿伪 蟽魏维畏 蟿畏蟼 蟺蔚蟻喂慰蠂萎蟼 渭伪蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Captain on the bridge![CN] 螣 螤位慰委伪蟻蠂慰蟼 蟽蟿畏 纬苇蠀蟻伪! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
What was I supposed to do, let Spock die?[CN] -螡伪 维畏谓伪 蟿慰谓 危蟺慰魏 谓伪 蟺蔚胃维谓蔚喂; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
The target was a Starfleet data archive.[CN] 围蟿蠉蟺畏蟽伪谓 蟿慰 伪蟻蠂蔚委慰 蟺位畏蟻慰慰蟻喂蠋谓. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Do we have use of the transporters?[CN] 螆蠂慰蠀渭蔚 渭蔚蟿伪慰蟻喂魏蠈 渭苇蟽慰; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Safely and soundly.[CN] -螡伪喂, 魏伪喂 蔚委谓伪喂 伪蟽伪位萎蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
If utilized in a rescue effort, it would be revealed to the indigenous species.[CN] 螒谓 魏维谓慰蠀渭蔚 伪蟺蠈蟺蔚喂蟻伪 未喂维蟽蠅蟽畏蟼, 胃伪... ...伪蟺慰魏伪位蠀胃蔚委 蟽蟿慰蠀蟼 伪蠀蟿蠈蠂胃慰谓蔚蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I understand regulation, but every decision I've made...[CN] -螝维胃蔚 伪蟺蠈伪蟽萎 渭慰蠀... -螌蠂喂! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I incorrectly assumed that you would be truthful in your captain's log.[CN] 违蟺苇胃蔚蟽伪 位伪谓胃伪蟽渭苇谓伪 蠈蟿喂 胃伪 萎蟽慰蠀谓 伪魏蟻喂尾萎蟼 蟽蟿畏谓 魏伪蟿伪纬蟻伪萎. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
And what's worse is you using blind luck to justify your playing God![CN] 韦慰 蠂蔚喂蟻蠈蟿蔚蟻慰 蔚委谓伪喂 蠈蟿喂 蔚蟺喂魏伪位蔚委蟽伪喂 蟿蠀蠂伪委伪 纬蔚纬慰谓蠈蟿伪 纬喂伪 谓伪 魏伪位蠀胃蔚委蟼! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Commander, I see now I should have alerted you to the fact that I submitted the report.[CN] 螘委谓伪喂 伪谓蔚蟻蠈 蟺蠅蟼 蠈蔚喂位伪 谓伪 蟽蔚 蔚谓畏渭蔚蟻蠋蟽蠅 纬喂伪 蟿畏谓 伪谓伪慰蟻维 渭慰蠀. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Tell me more about this volcano. Data says it was highly volatile. If it were to erupt, it would wipe out the planet.[CN] 螠伪胃伪委谓蠅 蠈蟿喂 蟿慰 畏伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰 渭蟺慰蟻慰蠉蟽蔚 谓伪 蔚尉伪伪谓委蟽蔚喂 蟿慰谓 蟺位伪谓萎蟿畏. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Kirk to Shuttle One.[CN] 螝蔚蟻魏 蟺蟻慰蟼 危魏维慰蟼 1. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
That is a first.[CN] 螤蟻蠅蟿慰伪谓苇蟼 纬喂伪 蔚蟽苇谓伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
To which are you referring?[CN] 危蔚 蟺慰喂慰 伪谓伪苇蟻蔚蟽蟿蔚; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You got your ass handed to you.[CN] 韦喂蟼 蔚委蠂蔚蟼 维蔚喂 维蟽蠂畏渭伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You're talking about an active volcano![CN] 危蔚 蔚谓蔚蟻纬蠈 畏伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
The first time I found you was in a dive like this.[CN] 韦畏谓 蟺蟻蠋蟿畏 慰蟻维 蟺慰蠀 蟽蔚 尾蟻萎魏伪 萎蟿伪谓 尉伪谓维 蟽蔚 苇谓伪 魏伪蟿伪纬蠋纬喂慰. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here.[CN] 危蟺慰魏, 渭蟺蔚蟼 渭苇蟽伪, 蔚尉慰蠀未蔚蟿苇蟻蠅蟽蔚 蟿慰 畏伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰 魏伪喂 蟺维渭蔚 谓伪 蠉纬慰蠀渭蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
The heat's frying his comms, but we still have contact.[CN] 螚 胃蔚蟻渭蠈蟿畏蟿伪 蔚渭蟺慰未委味蔚喂, 伪位位维 苇蠂慰蠀渭蔚 蔚蟺伪萎. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Maybe if we had a direct line of sight. - If we got closer...[CN] 螒谓 蔚委蠂伪渭蔚 慰蟺蟿喂魏萎 蔚蟺伪萎, 伪谓 蟺位畏蟽喂维味伪渭蔚... Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Is that a derogatory reference to...[CN] 螒谓伪苇蟻蔚蟽伪喂 蠀蟺慰蟿喂渭畏蟿喂魏维 蟽蟿伪... Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- Admiral... - You filed a report?[CN] 螝伪蟿苇胃蔚蟽蔚蟼 伪谓伪慰蟻维; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I know what it says! Which is why I'm running through the jungle wearing a disguise![CN] 螕喂' 伪蠀蟿蠈 蔚委渭伪喂 渭蔚蟿伪渭喂蔚蟽渭苇谓慰蟼 蟽蟿畏 味慰蠉纬魏位伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
That was our ride! You just stunned our ride![CN] 螠' 伪蠀蟿蠈 胃伪 未喂伪蔚蠉纬伪渭蔚! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Captain, I'm ditching the shuttle.[CN] 螘纬魏伪蟿伪位蔚委蟺蠅 蟿慰 蟽魏维慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Forget about seniority. They gave us the newest ship in the fleet.[CN] 螠伪蟼 苇未蠅蟽伪谓 蟿慰 蟺喂慰 魏伪喂谓慰蠉蟻喂慰 蟽魏维慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go![CN] 巍委尉蔚 蟿慰 蟽慰蠉蟺蔚蟻 蟺伪纬维魏喂 魏伪喂 蠉纬伪渭蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Now it's a damned hole in the ground, 42 men and women are dead.[CN] 畏蟽伪谓 蟽蠀谓蟿蟻委渭渭喂伪 魏伪喂 42 谓蔚魏蟻慰蠉蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- We can't just leave him, Sulu![CN] -螖蔚谓 渭蟺慰蟻慰蠉渭蔚 谓伪 蟿慰谓 伪萎蟽慰蠀渭蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
It's a portable transwarp beaming device.[CN] -螘委谓伪喂 慰蟻畏蟿蠈蟼 未喂伪魏蟿喂谓喂蟽蟿萎蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Our shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud, but the Enterprise is too large.[CN] 螚 蟽蟿维蠂蟿畏 魏维位蠀蠄蔚 蟿慰 蟽魏维慰蟼, 伪位位维 蟿慰 螘谓蟿蔚蟻蟺蟻维喂味 蔚委谓伪喂 渭蔚纬维位慰. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- Guys! We have to go! Now![CN] -螤蟻苇蟺蔚喂 谓伪 蠉纬慰蠀渭蔚, 蟿蠋蟻伪! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
All that information is public record.[CN] 螘委谓伪喂 未畏渭蠈蟽喂蔚蟼 蟺位畏蟻慰慰蟻委蔚蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You lied. On an official report, you lied.[CN] 螘委蟺蔚蟼 蠄苇渭伪蟿伪 蟽蟿畏谓 伪谓伪慰蟻维. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
If this volcano erupts, the planet dies.[CN] 螒谓 蟿慰 畏伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰 蔚魏蟻伪纬蔚委, 慰 蟺位伪谓萎蟿畏蟼 蟺蔚胃伪委谓蔚喂. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I told the Captain the shuttle wasn't built for this kind of heat.[CN] 韦慰 蟽魏维慰蟼 未蔚谓 伪谓蟿苇蠂蔚喂. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Captain, you let them see our ship.[CN] 螔位苇蟺慰蠀谓 蟿慰 蟽魏维慰蟼 渭伪蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I have activated the device, Captain. When the countdown is complete, the reaction should render the volcano inert.[CN] 螠蔚蟿维 蟿畏谓 伪谓蟿委蟽蟿蟻慰畏 渭苇蟿蟻畏蟽畏 蟿慰 畏伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰 胃伪 伪未蟻伪谓慰蟺慰喂畏胃蔚委. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I saved your life, Spock. You wrote a report, I lost my ship.[CN] 危慰蠀 苇蟽蠅蟽伪 蟿畏 味蠅萎, 苇纬蟻伪蠄蔚蟼 伪谓伪慰蟻维, 苇蠂伪蟽伪 蟿慰 蟽魏维慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Spock, we're going back to the Enterprise.[CN] 螘蟺喂蟽蟿蟻苇慰蠀渭蔚 蟽蟿慰 螘谓蟿蔚蟻蟺蟻维喂味. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I'm expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously, sir.[CN] 螘魏蟻维味蠅 蟺慰喂魏委位伪 蟺谓蔚蠉渭伪蟿伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
We have to abandon the shuttle.[CN] 螘纬魏伪蟿伪位蔚委蟺慰蠀渭蔚 蟿慰 蟽魏维慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Still in the volcano, sir.[CN] 螒魏蠈渭伪 蟽蟿慰 畏伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
He'd let you die.[CN] 螛伪 蟽蔚 维畏谓蔚 谓伪 蟺蔚胃维谓蔚喂蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)


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