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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
締め[しめる, shimeru] (vt) บิด, ขันให้แน่น เช่น 水栓を締める ปิดก๊อกน้ำให้สนิท
締め切り[しめきり, shimekiri] (n) เส้นตาย
締め切り日[しめきりび, shimekiribi] (n) วันครบกำหนดเส้นตาย, Syn. 締め切り

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
締め括る[しめくくる, shimekukuru] จบ สรุป
締め括り[しめくくり, shimekukuri] จบ สรุป

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
締め[しめ, shime] (n) summing up; judo choking (strangling) techniques; (P) #15,345 [Add to Longdo]
握り締める(P);握り緊める;握りしめる[にぎりしめる, nigirishimeru] (v1, vt) to grasp tightly; (P) [Add to Longdo]
伊達締め;伊達締[だてじめ, datejime] (n) small, thin fabric belt worn over the kimono and under the obi in order to protect the fabric [Add to Longdo]
引き締め(P);引締め(P)[ひきしめ, hikishime] (n) tightening; (P) [Add to Longdo]
引き締める(P);引締める(P)[ひきしめる, hikishimeru] (v1, vt) to tighten; to stiffen; to brace; to strain; (P) [Add to Longdo]
音締;音締め[ねじめ, nejime] (n) tune [Add to Longdo]
家計を締め[かけいをしめる, kakeiwoshimeru] (exp, v1) to economize in the household; to economise in the household [Add to Longdo]
活き締め;活締め[いきじめ;いきしめ, ikijime ; ikishime] (n) (1) (いきじめ only) (See 活け締め・いけじめ・1) draining blood from a live fish (from above the gills and at the base of the tail) to keep it fresh; (2) (esp. いきしめ) (See 活け締め・いけじめ・2) fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); (3) (esp. いきしめ) (See 活け締め・いけじめ・3) killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank [Add to Longdo]
活け締め;活〆(iK);活け〆(iK);活締め;活締[いけじめ;いけしめ, ikejime ; ikeshime] (n) (1) (いけじめ only) draining blood from a live fish (from above the gills and at the base of the tail) to keep it fresh; (2) (esp. いけしめ) fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); (3) (esp. いけしめ) killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank [Add to Longdo]
噛み締める;噛締める;かみ締める;噛しめる[かみしめる, kamishimeru] (v1, vt) (1) to chew thoroughly; (2) to reflect upon; to digest [Add to Longdo]
気を引き締め[きをひきしめる, kiwohikishimeru] (exp, v1) to brace oneself; to focus one's energies; to focus one's mind [Add to Longdo]
胸を締め付ける;胸を締めつける[むねをしめつける, munewoshimetsukeru] (exp, v1) to constrict one's chest; to wring one's heart; to wrench one's heart [Add to Longdo]
金融引き締め;金融引締め[きんゆうひきしめ, kinyuuhikishime] (n) monetary tightening; credit squeeze; credit crunch [Add to Longdo]
締め;元締[もとじめ, motojime] (n) manager; boss; controller; promoter [Add to Longdo]
絞め技;締め技;絞技;締技[しめわざ, shimewaza] (n) { MA } shime-waza (judo stranglehold) [Add to Longdo]
絞め殺す;締め殺す[しめころす, shimekorosu] (v5s, vt) to strangle to death [Add to Longdo]
締め[つなしめ, tsunashime] (n) putting on the tsuna (sumo) [Add to Longdo]
締め[ねじめ, nejime] (n) (1) pounding down earth around the roots of a tree; (2) adding short branches of flowers to the base of an arrangement in ikebana [Add to Longdo]
三本締め[さんぼんじめ, sanbonjime] (n) hand-clapping patter (at start of party) [Add to Longdo]
締め[おじめ, ojime] (n) string-fastener; drawstring on pouch or purse (handbag) [Add to Longdo]
勝って兜の緒を締め[かってかぶとのおをしめよ, kattekabutonoowoshimeyo] (exp) (obs) You must keep up your guard even after a victory [Add to Longdo]
締め[みずしめ;みずじめ, mizushime ; mizujime] (n, adj-no) water-binding; compaction by watering; hydraulic filling; hydraulic tilling [Add to Longdo]
締め[そうじめ, soujime] (n) the total [Add to Longdo]
増し締め[ましじめ, mashijime] (n) (1) retorquing; (vs) (2) to retorque [Add to Longdo]
帯を締め[おびをしめる, obiwoshimeru] (exp, v1) do up a sash [Add to Longdo]
締め;帯締[おびじめ;おびしめ, obijime ; obishime] (n) decorative string used to hold a kimono sash in place [Add to Longdo]
締めくくり;締め括り[しめくくり, shimekukuri] (n) conclusion; end; completion; summing up; supervision [Add to Longdo]
締めくくりをつける;締め括りをつける[しめくくりをつける, shimekukuriwotsukeru] (exp, v1) to bring to a finish; to complete [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめて, shimete] (adv) in all; all told [Add to Longdo]
締めひも[しめひも, shimehimo] (n) adjustable strap; bracer; lacing [Add to Longdo]
締める(P);〆る;緊める[しめる, shimeru] (v1, vt) (1) (締める only) to tie; to fasten; (2) (締める, 〆る only) to total; to sum; (3) (締める, 緊める only) to be strict with; (4) (締める only) to economize (economise); to cut down on; (5) to make sushi adding a mixture of vinegar and salt; (P) [Add to Longdo]
締め括る;締めくくる[しめくくる, shimekukuru] (v5r, vt) to bind firmly; to superintend; to bring to a finish [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめがね, shimegane] (n) buckle; clamp; clasp [Add to Longdo]
締め固める[しめかためる, shimekatameru] (v1, vt) to compact [Add to Longdo]
締め高;締高;乄高[しめだか, shimedaka] (n) sum; total [Add to Longdo]
締め込み;締込み;締込[しめこみ, shimekomi] (n) sumo wrestler's belt [Add to Longdo]
締め込む[しめこむ, shimekomu] (v5m, vt) to shut in; to lock in [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめさば, shimesaba] (n) soused (vinegared) mackerel [Add to Longdo]
締め出し;閉め出し;締出し;閉出し[しめだし, shimedashi] (n) shutout; shutting out; lock-out; freeze-out [Add to Longdo]
締め出す(P);閉め出す[しめだす, shimedasu] (v5s, vt) to shut out; to bar; to lock out; to exclude; (P) [Add to Longdo]
締め上げる;絞め上げる[しめあげる, shimeageru] (v1, vt) (1) to screw up; to put the screws on (a person); (2) to constrict (someone, something) [Add to Longdo]
締め切り(P);締切り(P);締切(io)(P);〆切;〆切り;乄切り(oK);閉め切り;閉切り[しめきり, shimekiri] (n) (1) (not 閉め切り, etc.) deadline; closing; cut-off; end; (2) (not 閉め切り, etc.) cofferdam; (adj-no, n) (3) (not 〆切, etc.) closed (door, window, etc.); (P) [Add to Longdo]
締め切り日;締切日;〆切日;乄切日[しめきりび, shimekiribi] (n) time limit; closing day; deadline [Add to Longdo]
締め切る(P);閉め切る;〆切る;閉切る;締切る[しめきる, shimekiru] (v5r, vt) to close up; to shut up (e.g. behind doors); to cut off (e.g. because a deadline has expired); (P) [Add to Longdo]
締め太鼓[しめだいこ, shimedaiko] (n) (See 太鼓) small high-pitched Japanese drum or taiko with its head pulled taut by ropes [Add to Longdo]
締め代;締めしろ[しめしろ, shimeshiro] (n) interference; jamming [Add to Longdo]
締め直す[しめなおす, shimenaosu] (v5s, vt) to retighten [Add to Longdo]
締め日;締日(io)[しめび, shimebi] (n) (See 締め切り日) time limit; closing day; deadline [Add to Longdo]
締め付け(P);締付;締付け[しめつけ, shimetsuke] (n) pressure; clamping; tightening; fastening; (P) [Add to Longdo]
締め付ける;締めつける[しめつける, shimetsukeru] (v1, vt) to tighten; to press hard [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
What if I miss the deadline? "I bet he will get mad at you!"締め切りに間に合わなかったらどうなるかなあ」「きっと彼は怒るぞ!」 [ M ]
Fasten your seat belt at all times.いつもシートベルトを締めなさい。
I always keep my deadlines.いつも締め切りを守っている。
Excessive reliance on monetary policy an attempt to curb inflation could unnecessarily constrain credit and hence business.インフレを抑制しようとして金融政策に偏重すると、金融、したがって景気を必要以上に締め付けることになりかねない。
I'll shut you out.おまえを締め出してやる。
Please fasten your seat belt.お座席のベルトをお締めください。
Monetary policy in United States has been characterized by tight credit over the months.ここ数ヶ月間、アメリカの金融政策は信用の引き締めで特徴づけられている。
Remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened.シート・ベルトを締めて席を離れないでください。
Please fasten your seat belt.シートベルトをお締めください。
Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for departure.シートベルトをお締めになり、出発のご準備をお願いいたします。
Please fasten your seat belt and observe the "NO SMOKING" sign until it is turned off.シートベルトを締め、「禁煙」のサインが消えるまで喫煙はご遠慮下さい。
Fasten your seat belt, please.シートベルトを締めてください。
Then Mike tells Hiroshi to fasten his seat belt.その後でマイクは博にシートベルトを締めるように言います。
How can I make the deadline for this document?どうやってこの書類の締め切りに間に合わせるんだ?
Tom closed his speech with a beautiful song.トムはスピーチの最後を美しい歌で締めくくった。
Hold still a moment while I fix your tie.ネクタイを締める間、ちょっとじっとしてね。
Brian is holding Kate's hands.ブライアンがケイトの手を握り締めている。
The last call has been taken.ラスト・オーダーは締め切らせていただきました。
I am terribly busy because the report deadline is near.レポートの締め切りが間近に迫っているので、私はひどく忙しい。
It is unusual to see rock stars wearing a tie!ロックスターがネクタイを締めているのを見ることはあまりない。
Fasten your seat belt when you drive.運転するときはシートベルトを締めなさい。
Drivers should wear seat belts.運転手はベルトを締めるべきだ。
Fasten your seat belts while you are driving.運転中はシートベルトを締めなさい。
On base and off, buckle your seat-belts.基地の中でも外でも、シートベルトを締めなさい。
Interest rates will move up due to monetary tightening.金融引き締めで金利が上昇するだろう。
A tight-credit policy is underway.金融引き締め政策が実施されている。
I'm tied up with a project that is due Friday.金曜日締め切りのプロジェクトに追われています。
He's reigning champion, and no young challenger is going to take it away from him.現在、チャンピオン・ベルトを締めているのは彼であり、その彼から王座を奪える若者はいないだろう。
Keep your purse and your mouth closed.口と財布は締めるが得。
The final deadline.最終締め切り。
We have to be careful with expenses.財布の紐を締めなくてはいけない。
I told the librarian that I needed the book for a report due on Friday; so she said she would call it in.私は図書館の職員に金曜日締め切りのレポートのためにその本が必要だと言った。そうしたら彼女は借りている人に返却を求めるように言うと言った。
Don't bar me out.私を締め出さないで下さい。
It's the law: always buckle your safety belt in cars and airplanes.車や飛行機ではいつも安全ベルトを締めることが法律で決められています。
You must keep up your guard even after a victory.勝って兜の緒を締めよ。
I always have to wear a tie because of my job.商売柄いつもネクタイを締めなければならない。
The girl squeezed her doll affectionately.少女は人形をいとしげに抱き締めた。
The boy clasped the puppy to his chest.少年は小犬を胸に抱き締めた。
If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind.人類が環境を保護しなければ環境から人類は締め出されるだろう。
Are you strapped in?体をベルトで締めてありますか。
I worked all night so to meet the deadline.締め切りに間に合わせるために、私は夜通し働いた。
He was called down by his boss for missing his deadline.締め切りに間に合わなかったために、彼は上司にひどくしかられた。
I'm sorry for the short deadline.締め切りまでにあまり時間が無くてすいません?
She handed in her term paper after the deadline.締め切り期限を過ぎてから彼女はレポートを提出した。
I cannot agree to your proposal as regards the deadline.締め切り日に関してはあなたの申し出には同意できません。
The refugees were excluded from the country.難民たちはその国から締め出された。
Let me remind you again that March 31st is the due date.念のためにもう一度申しますが、締め切りは3月31日です。
He has been barred from the club.彼はクラブから締め出しを食っている。
He looked quite handsome in his suit and tie.彼はスーツにネクタイを締めてとてもかっこよく見えた。
They excluded John from the club.彼はそのクラブからジョンを締め出した。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We've come too far. Now buckle up. Buckle up![JP] ここまで来たんだ ベルトを締めろ! Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
And close.[JP] 締めくくり The Demon Hand (2008)
- No, sir. Get your head and your ass wired together or I will take a shit on you.[JP] ケツの穴 引き締めんと おれの大グソ ぶっかけるぞ! Full Metal Jacket (1987)
I'll loop it around your neck on the way out.[JP] それで首を締め上げるのよ Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
If you hold on for one more day[JP] もう1日 抱き締めてくれたら Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
- You better get organized, quick. - Hey, last time I checked, I tipped you off and you're not in jail.[JP] 「少し、締めたほうがよさそうだな」 「待ってよ、この前だって、情報を流した」 The Departed (2006)
It's too late. It's due a week from today.[JP] 締め切りまで1週間よ Demons (2005)
Hold on[JP] 抱き締めてくれたら Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
Bringing the game to close with your own outs... Is it for aesthetic reasons?[JP] 自分がアウトになって試合を締めくくるのは美学ですか We Can Get Married If I Make It to the Koshien!? (2007)
Give me the seat belts.[JP] ベルトを締めてくれ Brainstorm (1983)
Put together a group, have them meet me at the third junction.[JP] 気を引き締める必要がある 集会を開け Demons (2005)
My gut tightens up.[JP] 内臓が締め付けられる Sin City (2005)
Pyle, you had best square your ass away and start shitting me Tiffany cuff links or I will definitely fuck you up.[JP] ケツの穴を引き締めろ! ダイヤのクソをひねり出せ! さもないとクソ地獄だ Full Metal Jacket (1987)
The hull plating kept out most of the hard stuff.[JP] 船体装甲がキツイのを 締め出してくれたな Episode #1.1 (2003)
They shut him down.[JP] そいつは締め出された The Italian Job (2003)
Chief Kang "persuaded" him.[JP] (キム) ええ カン検事が締め上げてね Hero (2007)
He knew that the morrow's battle would be the most dreadful of all those he had taken part in, and the plain possibility of death presented itself to him vividly, almost like an awesome certainty.[JP] 明 日 の戦いは 過去最大 の激戦にな ろ う 今 度 こ そ死ぬか も しれぬ 疑いのない思いが 彼の胸を締めつ けた War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 (1967)
-Late entry.[JP] おっと締め切りましたよ... A Cinderella Story (2004)
Maybe I'm gonna be the one who gets capped when she comes back.[JP] そして戻ってきた時には 俺を殺して締めくくるのさ Towers of Silence: Part 1 (2005)
If he gets its coils around you your limbs will shatter like glass![JP] しっかりと締め付けた相手の 手足はガラスのように砕ける Siegfried (1980)
The plans were shelved and it remains in Level 4 ever since.[JP] 計画は締められましたが、それはLeveI4に残っています。 Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)
Vicki, why do you keep shutting me out of these things?[JP] ヴィッキー 何で俺を締め出すんだ? Bad JuJu (2007)
All right, Claudia, get in the front and put your belt on.[JP] 前に乗ってベルトを 締めるんだ The Bourne Identity (2002)
He's putting the squeeze on you to get to me.[JP] そのために お前を 締め上げているんだよ Insomnia (2002)
You will feel the initial symptoms in about 30 minutes-- tightness in the chest, irregular heartbeat, tingling in your cranial ridges...[JP] 30分で最初の自覚症状が現れます 胸が締め付けられ、心拍が乱れ 額がうずきだすでしょう Divergence (2005)
Paper due on thursday.[JP] 原稿の締め切りが木曜だった Self Made Man (2008)
I think it's like I feel like you don't even want me around sometimes.[JP] 私を締め出し 遠ざけてるみたいに Crazy Handful of Nothin' (2008)
Sometimes they crank those tight before they bring you in here.[JP] 連行するときに締め上げすぎることがある Queen's Gambit (2008)
Wait a minute, how can he keep you off the globe?[JP] ちょっと待て。 奴はどうやって君らを地上から締め出す気だ? What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
Okay, fasten all.[JP] はい。 じゃみんな 安全のためにベルトを締め Manny & Lo (1996)
The dog-legged clincher there.[JP] 締め具だ Beauty and the Beast (1991)
- They might bar me.[JP] 医師会からも締め出された Chameleon (2008)
Exhibits, witness prep. It is deadline time.[JP] 証拠と証人の準備 締め切りは厳守だ I Hate These People (2007)
You've broken the bloody agreement, and barring miracles, you've broken my bloody neck, too.[JP] 契約を破ったうえに おれの首まで 締めたくせに The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
If I find you idle, if you do a bad job, if you patch up the steel instead of forging it new then I'll flay your craven hide, you'll get a drubbing you won't forget![JP] お前がへまなつなぎ方をしたら 俺はお前を締め上げる 仕上げは俺から習うのだ Siegfried (1980)
Get your seatbelt on.[JP] シートベルトを締め Goodbye to All That (2008)
You said Norman Bridewell looked good for it.[JP] - 締め切りが迫ってる Heart of Ice (2007)
Remember, it must be ready tonight.[JP] 締め切りは今夜ですよ The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
- Tighten.[JP] 締めて。 Imagine Me & You (2005)
Get out. If they catch us, we're all screwed...[JP] 出て行け、捕まったら 全員が締め上げられる Babel (2006)
Definitely. Here, buckle up.[JP] もちろん ベルトを締めろよ Life as a House (2001)
Put the thing up. Put the gate back up.[JP] ドアを締め Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Nigirishimeta kobushi wo mata nigirishimeta[CN] 握り締めた拳をまた握り締め One Piece: Episode of Alabaster - Sabaku no Ojou to Kaizoku Tachi (2007)
forget about keeping the criminals out.[JP] はい、犯罪者を締め出す_忘れます。 The Da Vinci Code (2006)
He rejected me and locked me out.[JP] 私を追い出して締め出したのよ 8 Women (2002)
I always had a knot there, and now... it'sgone.[JP] 締め付けられるような感じが 消えたわ Léon: The Professional (1994)
Take your time. Do your buckles. All right, tighten that.[JP] 締め金具をつけろ Ladder 49 (2004)
When I find her, I'm gonna wring her--[JP] 見つけたら締めつけて... A Cinderella Story (2004)
So how we arranged it was he grew progressively more and more suspicious that you were an undercover cop trying to nail him or use him to get high or...[JP] で、そうなるようにお膳立てしたんだ 彼は次第にますます疑念を膨らませた 君が潜入捜査官で、ヤツを暴き、利用して 元締めを捕まえようとしていると A Scanner Darkly (2006)
First off, tighten your stomach muscles.[JP] まず最初に、腹筋を締めて。 Imagine Me & You (2005)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
引き締め[ひきしめる, hikishimeru] festschnueren, zusammenschnueren [Add to Longdo]
握り締め[にぎりしめる, nigirishimeru] fest_ergreifen, druecken [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめる, shimeru] sich_schliessen [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめる, shimeru] festschnueren, zusammenschnueren [Add to Longdo]
締め出す[しめだす, shimedasu] aussperren, ausschliessen [Add to Longdo]
締め切り[しめきり, shimekiri] letzter_Termin, -Schluss [Add to Longdo]


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