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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
禽鸟[qín niǎo, ㄑㄧㄣˊ ㄋㄧㄠˇ,   /  ] birds; fowl [Add to Longdo]

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But in the western part of the island, these flamboyant birds share the forests ... with a rather unassuming looking character, the Vogelkop bowerbird.[CN] 不过在岛屿西部 森林里除了这种华丽的禽鸟 还有一种外观不起眼的鸟类 褐色园丁鸟 Birds (2009)
Parrot's a Jew bird:[CN] 鹦鹉是犹太人的禽鸟: Khrustalyov, My Car! (1998)
There are dead birds everywhere, and the caretaker is a total creep.[CN] 禽鸟尸体随处可见, 和管理员是一个总的蠕变。 Death Do Us Part (2014)
This place should be resounding to the cries of the wading birds -- the lapwing and the curlew and the ringed plover, the red shank...[CN] This place should be resounding to the cries 此处应该回响着涉禽鸟类的响亮叫声 of the wading birds - Ireland's Wild River (2014)
Two million birds are soon on the move again.[CN] 很快两百万只禽鸟也加入迁移途中 North America (2011)
Wally, do you know what they do to ducks at the waterfowl farms?[CN] 胡莱 可知禽鸟农场怎处理鸭? The Switch (2010)


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