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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
示意[shì yì, ㄕˋ ㄧˋ,  ] to hint; to indicate (an idea to sb) #10,586 [Add to Longdo]
示意[shì yì tú, ㄕˋ ㄧˋ ㄊㄨˊ,    /   ] drawing used to convey basic meaning; sketch; schema #20,753 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
♪ Give me a sign! ♪[CN] 给我个示意吧* *Give me a sign Britney/Brittany (2010)
Well, if those pointers include wearing provocative beachwear for money, [CN] 如果這些要點包含 穿著有暗示意味的泳裝 Bad Teacher (2011)
meanwhile, the blood makes a bee-Iine to parts of the body that openly indicate desire.[CN] 与此同时 血液会以最短的距离输送到身体各部分 来公开示意欲望 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
Reiser heads to third. Durocher's going to wave him in.[CN] 莱泽跑向3垒,杜侯示意他回本垒 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
There's five in the affirmative All those opposed, say "no."[CN] 五人同意 反对者请举手并示意反对 Open House (2011)
They signal us to stop.[CN] 他们示意我们停下来 Conquest 1453 (2012)
Zero, Bravo Two is signaling to take the shot anyway.[CN] 总部 B2示意无论如何都要开枪 Vengeance, Part 4 (2012)
I used card transactions and cash withdrawals to yield a temporal map of her recent history, bolstered by Oyster card, railcard, congestion charge and parking fine data to name but four.[CN] 我用她的银行卡交易和提现记录 构建了一张近期活动的示意图 再加上公交卡 , 轨道卡 , 过路费 Second Life (2010)
Wait here until we signal you.[CN] 等我们示意再过来 Survival Instincts (2013)
You hear the whistle, and this is the end of extra time.[CN] 裁判吹响口哨 示意加时赛结束 Goal! III (2009)
She's flagging us down.[CN] 示意我们着陆 The Thing (2011)
A face with features... so they can gesticulate.[CN] 一张有特色的脸... 这样他们才能用表情示意 The Skin I Live In (2011)
I high-fived Becky Lutz.[CN] 然后我示意她在下方击掌 P&P Romance Factory (2012)
Yes. There's four in the affirmative.[CN] 示意同意即为肯定 Open House (2011)
That's the one where you're paralysed but you can still wink.[CN] 指你处于瘫痪状态 但仍能眨眼示意 I Give It a Year (2013)
Any sign will do.[CN] 来个示意 Any sign will do. A Night in Old Mexico (2013)
Cause if we start talking about it, then we're gonna be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws.[CN] 一旦说起来,三天三夜都讲不完 还得一边说,一边给你画图示意 Looper (2012)
I figured my air gauge was broken, so I gave him the signal and he just, he just stared at me.[CN] 我猜是气压计坏了,向他示意... 但他只是看着我 Shark Night 3D (2011)
I'm sorry if I've been a little inaccessible or terse lately or for several years, but if I could just see a show of hands, who's going with Don to 10:00?[CN] 我很抱歉最近,或者说这几年来 有点不近人情 不过你们可以举手示意一下... We Just Decided To (2012)
The jury has signaled us the race is too close to call[CN] 裁判团示意我们 山西队的张挺和耿浩的距离非常接近 Silver Medalist (2009)
I'm looking for real estate records and plat maps?[CN] 我需要不动产记录和示意地图 The Company You Keep (2012)
Why don't we let Maggie raise her hand when she wants to take a break instead of continually vocalizing her pain into the record?[CN] 不如看Maggie举手示意了 我们再休息 而不是不停的让痛这字儿出现在录音带里 Get a Room (2011)
This really is-is the key diagram of the manna machine, as we built it up from the text.[CN] 这就是吗哪制造机的示意图 是我们根据文献记载制作的 The Evidence (2010)
Tommy and Manny were waving their flags to let them know they were Americans, but they didn't stop.[CN] 湯米和曼尼不斷搖旗示意 他們是美國人 但是他們沒有停止投擲 Warrior (2011)
They're calling for the stretcher.[CN] 他们在示意需要担架 Goon (2011)
Now by the raise of the hand, which one of you killed Dr.Newton?[CN] 現在舉手示意 是誰殺了牛頓醫生 Bloodstream (2011)
Give me a sign.[CN] 给我一个示意 Give me a sign. A Night in Old Mexico (2013)
Can you draw it for me? I can' t imagine it..[CN] 您能画个示意图吗 我还是理解不了 Wetlands (2013)
It looks like a schematic for an incendiary.[CN] 看起来是一幅袭击示意 Day 8: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2010)
Stevie made a gesture by giving, I think, half of his pay for the show... to the Salvation Army blind school in Jamaica, and I think Bob was moved by that.[CN] 示意 通过给 上半年盈利 从展会 盲校在牙买加 Marley (2012)
Her gaze is absent, yet it seems to beckon us amid all the colors.[CN] 她没有投下视线 但却好像在示意我们 还有所有这些颜色 Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013)
All those in favor, raise your hand and say yes.[CN] 同意者请举手并示意同意 Open House (2011)
If the spirit is Claire, please signal, one for yes, two for no.[CN] 如果是克莱尔的灵魂 请示意 敲一下表示是 两下表示否 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010)
Please signify by raising your hands.[CN] 请举手示意 Another Ham Sandwich (2012)
Show of hands, y'all.[CN] 举手示意一下 Walk with Me (2012)
They've signaled their cargo ship to turn around, sir.[CN] 他们已经示意货轮掉头了,长官 X-Men: First Class (2011)
Signal us when you're ready. Got it?[CN] 当你们准备好时示意一下 知道吗 The Chaperone (2011)
♪ Give me a sign! ♪[CN] 给我个示意吧* *Give me a sign! Britney/Brittany (2010)
But no and he, you know, he was complaining a lot and that sort of signaled me that there was a potential uh, there's a problem that could be solved and I just looked into it and um, came up with the solution, [CN] 他发现音乐。 但没有他,你知道, 他抱怨了很多 那种示意 我说, Downloaded (2013)
He ordered three glasses.[CN] 他这样示意要三杯酒 Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Watch the front, then come when I signal.[CN] 看着前面 我示意 你再过来 New York Sour (2013)
Well, then I would suggest we call our first witness.[CN] 犯罪现场示意 Blue Ribbon Panel (2012)
You don't have to do much. Just a little sign so I know.[CN] 不需要太麻烦 给我一点点示意让我知道你存在 Rise of the Guardians (2012)
Get down when I tell you.[CN] 听我示意蹲下 X-Men: First Class (2011)
- I'll be back.[CN] 我将是点头示意 Purge (2012)
He had a map that showed your house marked with a skull and crossbones.[CN] 他有张示意图 上面是到你房子的路线 用颅骨和交叉腿骨的图形标记了 Blood Brothers (2009)
But you still have to give your opinion.[CN] 但你还是要表示意 Arena (2011)
But more than that, we're also attracted to people whose pheromones indicate they have a complementary immune system to our own.[CN] 但比这更重要的是 我们也吸引了人们信息素的示意 他们有一个自己的互补性免疫系统 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
He waved back with a small handkerchief.[CN] 父亲也挥舞着手帕向孩子们示意 Borgman (2013)
All those in favor, signify by saying "yes."[CN] 同意者请举手并示意同意 Open House (2011)


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