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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
石榴石[shí liu shí, ㄕˊ ㄌㄧㄡ˙ ㄕˊ,   ] garnet (red gemstone Mg3Al2Si3O12) #54,361 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
石榴石;ザクロ石[ざくろいし(石榴石);ザクロいし(ザクロ石), zakuroishi ( sekiryuu ishi ); zakuro ishi ( zakuro ishi )] (n) garnet [Add to Longdo]

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Colette's husband is a friend of Garnet's whose gallery is showing Jill's paintings.[CN] 克莱特 丈夫是石榴石的朋友 其画廊展示Jill的画作。 The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
My name is Garnet Wallace, and this is my partner Mike Breer.[CN] 我的名字是石榴石华莱士, 这是我的搭档麦克布里尔。 Freeway (1996)
Garnet's sneaking out of a fundraiser for Danny Hart's camp to look at a painting I'm stalled on.[CN] 石榴石的溜出了 募捐丹尼哈特的营 看一幅画,我就停滞不前。 The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
Don't you think garnets are a little lifeless?[CN] 你不觉得石榴石有点太没生气了吗? The Palm Beach Story (1942)
She always shows me her work first, not-not that Garnet's a bad guy, you know, if you're into rich guys with chiseled good looks who work out.[CN] 她总是给我看了她的作品第一次,不,不 石榴石是一个坏家伙,你知道,如果你是 为丰富球员与轮廓分明 谁制定出良好的外观。 The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
- This is Troy Garnet.[CN] - 这是特洛伊石榴石 The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
Just entry-level beryls and garnets one passable black tourmaline.[CN] 只是入门级别的绿玉石和石榴石 一块还可以的黑色电气石 Hermanos (2011)
That looks fantastic with our garnet pendant necklace.[CN] 这跟我们的石榴石吊坠项链配在一起 简直太棒了 Prom (2011)
Danny and I made the Olympic team, Garnet didn't.[CN] 丹尼和我做的 国奥队,石榴石没有。 The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
If your bro didn't throw that grenade, we'd be sitting in the future right now enjoying our bacon.[CN] 如果您的bratokat nehádzal石榴石, 我们可以在将来成为一名护士。 My iz budushchego 2 (2010)
Garnet, Cooper, stop him![CN] 石榴石,库珀,阻止他! The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
- That is all the rage. - You mean like garnets?[CN] 一现在很流行 一你是说石榴石 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
I'm Garnet Wallace from the sheriff's department.[CN] 石榴石华莱士 从警长的部门。 Freeway (1996)
Garnet.[CN] 石榴石 Dust of War (2013)


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