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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
盖饭[gài fàn, ㄍㄞˋ ㄈㄢˋ,   /  ] rice with meat and vegetables #67,335 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
"Grated Yam over Rice"[CN] (第2话: 山药泥盖饭 Midnight Diner (2014)
Grated yam over rice.[CN] 山药泥盖饭 Midnight Diner (2014)
-I'm sure she'll be happy.[CN] 听起来很棒 好像生鱼片盖饭 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
-You're free tomorrow?[CN] 听起来很可爱 波克盖饭 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
-You told her your feelings though, right?[CN] 波克盖饭 Case of the Meat (2016)
-Yeah.[CN] -没错 波克盖饭 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
-When's your first day?[CN] (筑地海鲜盖饭 Bye Bye Mr. Perfect (2016)
Moo goo gai in a pan.[CN] 盘装蘑菇盖饭 Fly Away Home (1996)
- I didn't lie. He made risotto.[CN] 我没说谎 他做了道盖饭 Red Badge (2009)
Okay.[CN] 波克盖饭 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
You mean pork-egg[CN] 鸡蛋加猪肉不是亲子盖饭 是陌生人盖饭 Swing Girls (2004)
-Bon appétit.[CN] 不好意思久等了 您的综合鱼盖饭 不加芥末 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
Grated yam over rice?[CN] 那可以煮山药泥盖饭吗? Midnight Diner (2014)
You can try some of the ahi poke.[CN] -对 波克盖饭 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
-Want something to drink?[CN] -吃了一些面包? 厨房有一些夏威夷生鱼盖饭 是我做的 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
-Hmm?[CN] -吃了海鲜盖饭之类的 Byrnes Sandwich (2016)
-Wow![CN] (两种特制盖饭 综合鱼盖饭、轰隆轰隆盖饭 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
Instead of, "Hey, I made this with Nacchan,"[CN] 因为要做波克盖饭 她说要帮忙 所以就一起做了 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
-You already had curry, right?[CN] 波克盖饭吗? Case of Poke Bowl (2016)
Tomoko dinner's chicken-egg rice bowl After 7, we'll eat without you[CN] 友子 晚餐吃亲子盖饭好吗? 过蒳点我们就要先吃了哦 Swing Girls (2004)
. ..met with other major players at the Cargyle Ηotel.[CN] 和其他主要车手在卡盖饭店会面 Speed Racer (2008)
-We did.[CN] -波克盖饭 Case of Poke Bowl (2016)


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