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电磁场[diàn cí chǎng, ㄉㄧㄢˋ ㄘˊ ㄔㄤˇ,    /   ] electromagnetic fields #50,537 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We need to try to disrupt the electromagnetic field. Jam the radio waves?[CN] 我们应该试着瓦解电磁场 Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
The electromagnetic field is disrupting my tricorder.[CN] 电磁场干扰我的追踪器 Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
I bet they sense our bio-electromagnetic shit.[CN] 它们应该可以察觉到 生物电磁场之类的玩意 The Darkest Hour (2011)
Any electric appliance we turn on will increase the power of the electromagnetic field.[CN] 任何电器,我们打开将增加 电磁场的功率。 Lost Place (2013)
It's impossible for it to have gone anywhere, because the machine will always be at the center of the circular field it creates.[CN] 机器不可能移动到别处 因为机器必须在电磁场中央 Outpost: Black Sun (2012)
And this field brought about a regeneration and a healing of, uh, broken bones, damaged tissue, internal organs.[CN] 这种电磁场能够促进 受损的骨骼,坏死的组织,和内脏的愈合并且再生. Happy Birthday to Me (1981)
- Expand the field.[CN] -他们让我扩大电磁场范围 Outpost: Black Sun (2012)
Check it out-- this thing creates an electromagnetic field which will disrupt our pilot's signal.[CN] 看看 它能产生电磁场 破坏驾驶员的信号 A'ohe Kahi e Pe'e Ai (2014)
As far as I understand it, certain objects give off auras, and some objects that have been exposed to high-intensity electromagnetic fields... absorb some of that energy and would give off an aura.[CN] 以我个人的理解,电椅上某些部分会发出弧光 一些器件暴露在高强度的电磁场内... 吸收了一部分的电磁能量,或许会散发出弧光 Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999)
I feel vivid and flashing... as if suddenly I'd been plugged into a great electromagnetic field.[CN] 我觉得鲜活闪耀 好像突然被接入一个巨大的电磁场 Network (1976)
So this is, uh... is the image that I picked up of the EM field... in the altar stone.[CN] 能帮忙拿下吗? 这是我探测到的 巨石柱中心 祭坛的电磁场影象 Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
Electro Magnetic Field.[CN] 电磁场探测器 Hell House (2006)
So what he did was he developed this apparatus which reproduced this field in human beings.[CN] 他所做的就是发明了一种 能在活人身复制这种电磁场的仪器. Happy Birthday to Me (1981)
To have an electromagnetic field with the force that we want we're gonna need at least a couple of car batteries.[CN] 要制造 呃 电磁场 就我们现在的能力来说 我们需要至少几个车用蓄电池 你能弄到吗? Quiet Riot (2008)
In the stone.[CN] 电磁场 Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
Do you have any idea how vulnerable a fetuses, brain is to the electromagnetic field created by your cell phone?[CN] 难道你不知道胎儿的大脑... Do you have any idea how vulnerable ... 易受到手机电磁场的伤害吗? Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Something no animal can ever switch off.[CN] 都会产生电磁场 Reef to Rainforest (2012)
We have to generate an electromagnetic field.[CN] 我们就要制造一个电磁场... Quiet Riot (2008)
I've been attempting to build up a tolerance for electromagnetic fields.[CN] 我正在尝试建立对外界的电磁场的耐受性 Bingo (2015)
But with this compromised electromagnetic field... it's going to hit the Earth like a nuclear blast.[CN] 但这又会损害电磁场 撞击地球时会像核爆炸一样 CAT. 8 (2013)
In order to get through that, we have to generate an electromagnetic field.[CN] 若想穿过去我们必须制造出一个电磁场 Quiet Riot (2008)
These... electromagnetic fields...[CN] 这些... 电磁场... Lost Place (2013)
I'm gonna set up for some EMF measurements.[CN] 我要准备做电磁场测定 Doug Ghosts of the Past (2013)
According to Faraday's plan, you must get the bomb as close as you can to the source of electromagnetism.[CN] 根据费罗德的计划 你必须把炸弹... ...尽量靠近电磁场来源 The Incident: Part 2 (2009)
Alien stone lining to create electromagnetic flux field... at least, I imagine.[CN] 外星石形成了一层不稳定的电磁场 Alien stone lining to create electromagnetic flux field. 至少我是这么想的 At least, I imagine. Aftershocks (2015)
Actually, any electrical device generates a magnetic field, just not a big one.[CN] 任何电器都能产生电磁场 可惜不强 Small Soldiers (1998)
These are grid maps that the Dharma people used to identify pockets of electromagnetism.[CN] 这是达摩计划从前使用的蓝图... ...用来辨认电磁场区域 The Package (2010)
The field's expanding much quicker than I thought.[CN] 电磁场扩张地比我想象的要快 Outpost: Black Sun (2012)
As I've said, I can program carrier pigeons to track a strong electromagnetic field.[CN] 我说了 我可以编程让传信鸽 去追踪较强的电磁场 Power Hungry (2008)
You see, computers generate electromagnetic fields which, over time, can cause severe copper poisoning.[CN] 你知道 电脑会发出电磁场 日子一久 会导致铜中毒 Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)
It's something on the subatomic level and his electromagnetic field --[CN] 是亚原子级别的 和他的电磁场... Goodbye Stranger (2013)
Electronic devices create their own electromagnetic fields.[CN] 电子设备会产生相应的电磁场 Alpine Shepherd Boy (2015)
The tesla coils will create An artificial electromagnetic field, [CN] 特斯拉线圈会产生人造电磁场 Power Hungry (2008)
And, uh, Dr. Feinblum found that when this happens, the salamander's nervous system creates a kind of electric field around the site of the wound.[CN] 费布朗博士发现当蝾螈丢掉尾巴以后, 它的神经系统就会在伤口位置 创造出一种静电磁场. Happy Birthday to Me (1981)
A surface magnetic field just repelled the blast.[CN] 近面电磁场刚刚 抵消了爆炸的冲击 Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
In order to get through that we have to generate an electromagnetic field.[CN] 那么 如果要穿过去 我们就要制造一个电磁场... Quiet Riot (2008)
They have amplified a person's electromagnetic field.[CN] 他们把一个人的电磁场增大 Power Hungry (2008)
Those doors are electromagnetically sealed.[CN] 那扇门被电磁场封锁了 Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
It has to be some kind of electromagnetic field.[CN] 可能是... 某种电磁场 Contact (1997)
The stones turned and discharged again... after exactly ten hours, followed by a super volcano in Java... which has wiped out Indonesia.[CN] 那些巨石柱 每10小时产生一次电磁场 接着爪洼岛就发生火山喷发 Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
Now, the Hamiltonian shows us that the energy levels are perturbed by the electric field.[CN] 现在 汉密尔顿函数告诉我们 能量常受到电磁场的干扰 Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Others think it's a charge or electromagnetic fields, still others that it's a means through which the dead can communicate with us.[CN] 一些人认为 不过是电磁场的效应 但另外一些人认为 这是死者在试图和我们交流 White Noise 2: The Light (2007)
It's a scan of the altar stone... showing an electromagnetic field inside the stone.[CN] 这是对祭台的扫描 能看出石台里面的电磁场 Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
To have an electromagnetic field with the force that we want we're gonna need at least a couple of car batteries.[CN] 若想制造一个理想的 有压力的电磁场 我们就会需要至少几块汽车上的电池 Quiet Riot (2008)
Coils are used to measure and analyze seafloor electromagnetic fields.[CN] 利用线圈测定和分析海底的电磁场 Midsummer's Equation (2013)
It's nerve impulses are giving off an electromagnetic field.[CN] 它的神经冲动释放出 一种电磁场 Iron Golem (2011)
-The boat is being protected electromagnetic field.[CN] 船被保护 电磁场 The Philadelphia Experiment (2012)
Given the strength of Mister...[CN] 那位有着强烈电磁场的... Power Hungry (2008)
By pulling out this button, sir it turns the watch into a hyperintensified magnetic field powerful enough to even deflect the path of a bullet at long range, or so Q claims.[CN] 先生,把这个按钮拉出来 这表就产生强力电磁场 力量强到能让一颗子弹转向 Live and Let Die (1973)
This area, this is an electromagnetic field.[CN] 这区域是电磁场 Outpost: Black Sun (2012)


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