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演化[yǎn huà, ㄧㄢˇ ㄏㄨㄚˋ,  ] evolution #14,676 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Evolution is a part of nature, and nature kills.[CN] 演化是一种自然过程,而自然会 淘汰不适者,简单易懂,不是吗 Chapter Eighteen 'Parasite' (2007)
It's evolution, baby.[CN] 这是演化 宝贝 Screamers: The Hunting (2009)
And we let them evolve in the computer, they develop the spiral structure, they look quite realistic.[CN] 然后我们用电脑模拟它们演化 它们发展成螺旋型结构 他们看起来相当真实 Inside the Milky Way (2010)
Sounds like a great argument for evolution if you ask me.[CN] 在我看来是演化的一大差异 The Ugly Truth (2009)
Its toes have become grasping pincers.[CN] 它的脚趾 演化成握力超强的钳子 Reptiles & Amphibians (2009)
Hey, Raj, Professor Laughlin is looking for someone to join...[CN] 嘿 Raj 好消息 Laughlin教授正招人 参加星体演化研究小组 The Pirate Solution (2009)
One hundred and fifty million years ago, as dinosaurs approached their golden age, one group evolved along new and revolutionary lines.[CN] 一亿五千万年前 恐龙的黄金时代即将来临 有一种动物依循 前所未有的新路线演化 Birds (2009)
You know, little beings like me scurrying around on the surface of a rock on the edge of one of the galaxies have been able to understand the very origin and evolution of the universe.[CN] 象我这样 一个星系的边缘的一颗小石头上的 微小事物 却能够明白宇宙起源和演化的过程 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
With them, one of the links in a long chain of evolution snaps.[CN] 演化的一个环节也随之断裂 Home (2009)
He told us that in the future, people will be born, without the influence of evolution.[CN] 他告诉我们在未来 人类由于演化连手指都没了 Timber Falls (2007)
For those animals and plants which were able to adapt to the changing conditions, the Great Rift has promoted a remarkable burst of evolution.[CN] 对于动物和植物 必须能够适应不断变化的条件 大裂谷,造就了激烈的演化大爆炸 Fire (2010)
Then, over billions of years, they evolve into neat, organized structures, like the Whirlpool galaxy...[CN] 经过几十亿年后 演化成秩序井然的结构 像漩涡星系 Galaxies (2010)
And as the universe evolves, Its biggest blasts[CN] 随着宇宙的演化 其最大的爆炸 Biggest Blasts (2009)
some scientists believe that it's easy for nature to bring animals up to a clever level where they might use tools, they might become masters of their environment.[CN] 一些科学家认为 自然把动物演化成智慧生物并不难 它们会使用工具 Life After People (2008)
In the great tree of life, we and chimpanzees ... went our separate ways about six million years ago, [CN] 我们和黑猩猩大概在六百万年前 在演化的过程中走上不同的道路 Primates (2009)
Written in the red light from these distant worlds is the story of our universe's origin and evolution.[CN] 这些遥远世界传来的红色光线 为我们带来了宇宙起源和演化的线索 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
As the head gets larger, which is what makes us into human beings the burgeoning of the forebrain is what creates the human species, actually.[CN] 这是个简单的演化逻辑 头部较大 使我们之所以为人类 实际上正是高度发达的前脑 使我们成为人类 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
You know, the word "harmonizing" comes from the word "harmony. "[CN] 你得明白 "和声"是从"和谐"一词演化而来 Hotel for Dogs (2009)
ACT has helped astronomers understand how galaxies have evolved since almost the beginning of time itself.[CN] ACT帮助天文学家了解... 由天地初开至今, 星系怎样演化 Galaxies (2010)
It's perhaps they don't understand physics and the laws of stellar evolution.[CN] 可能是因为他们不理解物理 不了解恒星演化的定律 Stars (2010)
Astronomers are seeing how galaxies evolve from groups of stars into the patchwork of systems we see today.[CN] 天文学家见到星系怎样由一群恒星 演化成今日见到拼凑而成的星系 Galaxies (2010)
Because I promise you, it will come and it will evolve and you will see just how spectacular your "differences" are.[CN] 因为我敢保证 它将到来并且演化... ... 然后你就会发现你的"不同之处"有多特别 The Women (2008)
I simply felt obliged to point out the word derives from the Latin roots ad, "to," and mors, "death." "To death."[CN] 我感觉有强烈义务指出来那个单词时拉丁文演化来的 把"to"和"mors"加在一起,"death"死亡 Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2009)
By capturing the light from the skies, we've been able to tell the story of the universe's origins and evolution, and it's worth reflecting on what a remarkable thing that is.[CN] 通过捕捉天空中的光 我们能把宇宙起源和演化的过程讲清楚 这真是一件不可思议的事情 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
Simple, right? What you've done is not evolution.[CN] 你所做的不是演化, 是谋杀 Chapter Eighteen 'Parasite' (2007)
But you'll be surprised at how a few ominidi started the human race.[CN] 你可能会对"能人"如何演化成人类感到惊讶 Episode #3.10 (2009)
The stable and self-perpetuating end stage in the evolution of a plant community.[CN] 稳定,自身不朽的最终舞台 在植物界的演化 Easy A (2010)
Tool-using was a major break- through in primate evolution.[CN] 使用工具是灵长类 演化的重大突破 Primates (2009)
I think Mr. Billings and Mr. Darwin will be welcomed, because you girl, will evolve.[CN] 我想毕尔林斯和达尔文先生,, 大可站起来叫好 因为你即将演化 Timber Falls (2007)
The unique characteristics that separate mountain gorillas from their lowland cousins evolved as a result of their isolation on just a handful of volcanoes along the Great Rift.[CN] 这独特的特征 把它们与低地的近亲区分开来 并演化成一个独立的群体 Fire (2010)
It's not about Earth. It's about evolution.[CN] 这不是关于地球 它是关于演化 Screamers: The Hunting (2009)
Crabs have evolved many different ways of gathering food.[CN] 螃蟹演化出许多觅食方法 Creatures of the Deep (2009)
Oh, don't give me that old irreducible complexity crap.[CN] 喔,少来这套 "太复杂不可能自身演化"的废话 Paul (2011)
It's remained relatively unchanged for billions of years, giving life time to establish and evolve.[CN] 这儿已有数十亿年没有怎么变动过了 因此生命得以有时间建立与发展演化 Inside the Milky Way (2010)
They have no backbones, and have evolved into countless different forms.[CN] 它们没有脊椎 而且演化出无数型态 Creatures of the Deep (2009)
You can't take a giant step from one culture to another- there are in-between systems.[CN] 都只是历史上社会演化的一部分 你不可能跨一大步 就马上完成文明上的转变 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
Their astounding diversity, the product of millions of years of evolution, has enabled them to triumph.[CN] 林林总总的品种令人咋舌 这是数百万年来演化的成果 让它们克敌制胜 Fish (2009)
as the icy grip eases, the world's largest bears emerge from their dens.[CN] 历经数千年 雅库次克马演化出御寒的厚皮浓毛 Kamtschatka (2009)
from our little blue planet for life to evolve, making it possible for you to be sitting here in this riveting lecture.[CN] ...恰好能使生命演化... 能让你们安然坐在这里 聆听这堂生动的讲课 Knowing (2009)
Plants have been residents on land longer than animals and have had nearly half a billion years to evolve.[CN] 植物在地球上 出现的时间比动物早 几乎花了五亿年的时间演化 Plants (2009)
Having seasons is very, very important for the evolution of life on the Earth, and having some stability in the tilt of those axes, that's very, very important also for maintaining life on the Earth.[CN] 季节的出现,对地球上 生物的演化极为重要, 而地球在轴心线上,那倾斜度的稳定性, History of the World in 2 Hours (2011)
Somewhere out in space, alien evolution should have created beings at least as smart as we are.[CN] 在太空中某处 外星演化也应该将人类打造成 至少如我们这样聪慧 Can We Live Forever? (2011)
Their beaks are developing the filters and distinctive shape that will allow them to separate the algae they need from the mud and silt[CN] 紅鶴的嘴演化出具有篩檢功能的特殊形狀 可以分開沼澤裡的 The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos (2008)
No, they must've been tipped off.[CN] 我已规划出一个交互式的演化算法 Knight Fever (2008)
Insects have evolved sophisticated societies that in complexity ... are the closest thing in nature to our own cities.[CN] 昆虫演化出高度精密的社会 就复杂性而言 和人类城市的本质最接近 Insects (2009)
But isn't this just the next logical step in our evolution?[CN] 這不就是演化的邏輯? In Time (2011)
Or, is the foundational gravitation of our society actually going against the core evolutionary requirements needed to create and maintain our personal and social well-being?[CN] 或是我们社会的基本动力 实际上是否违背了 创造和维持我们个人和社会福祉的 核心演化需求? Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
What you've done is not evolution.[CN] 你做的不是演化,是谋杀 Chapter Nineteen '.07%' (2007)
On this planet, it has evolved independently at least half a dozen different times.[CN] 那么就会一而再 再而三地演化 在这个星球上 独立演化 在不同时期至少有了六次 Can We Live Forever? (2011)
But that early sensitivity isn't just an evolutionary mistake.[CN] 但这些早期的对外界的敏感性 不是演化上的错误 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)


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