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没人住[méi rén zhù, ㄇㄟˊ ㄖㄣˊ ㄓㄨˋ,    /   ] unoccupied [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I thought this was an empty house.[CN] 我还以为这栋房子没人住 Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Didn't they say no one lived here?[CN] 他们不是说这里没人住吗? [ Rec ] (2007)
I thought this building had been vacated.[CN] 我以为这栋房子已经没人住 Short Circuit 2 (1988)
Nobody lives here?[CN] 没人住这? Sound of the Sea (2001)
The extra bedrooms were for the children, which were never used.[CN] 多出来的房间是给孩子们用的,但是一直没人住 Under Suspicion (2000)
It would only be on local maps. Dirt roads. Hardly anybody lives out there.[CN] 只有本地的地图才会标示 泥巴路,几乎没人住那里 The Happening (2008)
"...since no one has lived in this house for years.[CN] 因为房子好多年没人住 The Lake House (2006)
Nobody has ever lived in your house before[CN] 之前没人住过你们房子 Darkness (2002)
They breed in empty old houses, and cover them with soot and dust.[CN] 它们专门跑到没人住的旧房子里 然后弄得满屋子的灰尘和煤灰 My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Nobody's been there since she died.[CN] 她死后没人住 Graduation Day (1981)
No one was living here.[CN] 没人住 Deep Red (1975)
Nobody lives on the 13th floor.[CN] 十三楼从来没人住 Love in a Puff (2010)
Nobody lives here anymore, goldilocks.[CN] 这里没人住了 金发宝贝 Unearthed (2006)
No, this was Gina's room, no one sleeps there now.[CN] 不 这里是Gina的房间 现在没人住 The Unknown Woman (2006)
No one's lived there for a hundred years.[CN] 这里一百年没人住 Lisa and the Devil (1973)
- What are you doing there? - Nobody lives here.[CN] 那里又没人住 Dream House (2011)
Nobody lives upstairs, He's probably just moving in.[CN] 楼上没人住的,新搬来的吧! Shanghai Blues (1984)
No one's lived there for a long time.[CN] 已经很久没人住 Dead in 3 Days (2006)
If no one's in there, go for it.[CN] 如果没人住那里 你去试试吧 Sleep Dealer (2008)
And nobody lives here.[CN] 还有,这里没人住 Once in a Summer (2006)
And nobody's lived in this house since then, either.[CN] 这间屋子也从此没人住 Half Light (2006)
Seems like no one's been here for a while.[CN] 组长,这里好像很久没人住 Diary of June (2005)
I was born in that house. Empty 44 years-- Look at that roofline.[CN] 我在那个房子里出生 44年没人住 The Shipping News (2001)
This is vacant and furnished.[CN] 这里没人住 而且家具齐全 The Unknown Woman (2006)
A will that Dad handled. Empty for 30 years.[CN] -这下有的忙了, 这里都三十年没人住 Poltergay (2006)
No one's lived there for some time now.[CN] 有一段时间没人住 What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969)
They're all unoccupied pre-war premises[CN] 找到这种地方 这儿才棒啊呀! 都是战前的房子,没人住 Ling chen wan can (1987)
It looked absolutely empty... as though it hadn't been lived in for years.[CN] 看起来空无一人 好像很多年都没人住 Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)
Not since the death of Mrs. De Winter.[CN] 没有 夫人 自从德温特太太死后就没人住 Rebecca (1940)
- Vacant. - Nobody's been there-[CN] - 没人 - 没人住那... Quarantine (2008)
Of course, the place hasn't been occupied since the Terror.[CN] 当然, 这里自暴乱以来就没人住 Quills (2000)
You said that nobody lives at that address.[CN] 你不是说, 这个地址是没人住 Love Letter (1995)
Apparently some of the folks hereabouts seem to think the Mexicans is comin' back.[CN] 那些房子为什么没人住? 很明显是因为这儿的人认为 墨西哥人说不定哪天又会回来 The Alamo (2004)
Of course, that can stop.[CN] 当房子没人住时候 当然他们会停止 The Idiots (1998)
The one in the mountains is available[CN] 山上还有一间,一直空着没人住 Izu no odoriko (1974)
I mean that no one is to live at Howards End.[CN] 我的意思没人住在霍华德庄园 Howards End (1992)
It's always been empty[CN] 一直都没人住 Darkness (2002)
This is a deserted house. Why don't you live here?[CN] 这里没人住 你为什么不搬进来? Once in a Summer (2006)
What? What are you talking about? Nobody lives here.[CN] 什么 你说什么 没人住这儿 Pilot (2005)
Well, this house ain't been lived in for 20 years.[CN] 这间老屋已经有20年没人住 It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Yeah, and it looks like nobody's lived here for a long time anyway.[CN] 看起来这里很久没人住 The Happening (2008)
The house where it took place had been abandoned for a long time.[CN] 就发生在那很久没人住的房子里 Mother (2009)
No one's lived here for over a year.[CN] 唉,这屋子一年多都没人住了。 Black Snow (1990)
-Nobody lives there.[CN] -没人住 Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
No one has ever lived here, my love.[CN] 实际上没人住过这里 The Leopard (1963)
Yeah, looks like nobody is in.[CN] 好像这儿没人住 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)
No one's lived there for years. Hold on![CN] 那里有很多年没人住 101 Dalmatians (1961)
No one lives here now...[CN] 现在没人住在这里了... 2009: Lost Memories (2002)
I didn't think anybody could live upstairs.[CN] 我想楼上没人住 Fragile (2005)
*Nothin' lives here anymore *[CN] "屋子已经没人住 Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)


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