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KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: without; apart from; none; a negative
On-yomi: ブ, ム, bu, mu
Kun-yomi: しげ.る, shige.ru

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[wǔ, ㄨˇ, ] variant of 無|无; negative; none; without; apart from [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
This is supposed to be the "Georgetown Express."[CN] 聿 ヌ矼ンハムヨ テ・パ趾 衵藹N( フ贄フ ハヌ趾 ナ゚モネム) College Road Trip (2008)
- This thing got air bags? - Your side does. I don't know about mi...[CN] 衵・ヌ瞠桒ムノ 砒ヌ ゚ 褂ヌチ 聿 フ衞゚ 睇 ヌマム・レ・フ衞í Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Who was the 21st president? - Go fuck yourself![CN] 聿 ゚ヌ ・ヌ瞋ニ ヌ礦ヌヘマ 賍ヤム淸 レ硼゚ ヌ矣レ菲 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
And he knows, you can be Chief at the station, but you have to be Dad at home.[CN] ・褂 汜矼 淏゚葹 テ・パ趾 ヌ瞋ニ ン・ヌ矗モ綵N矚・ン・ヌ矼萪癸 レ硼゚ テ・パ趾 ヌ眦ネ College Road Trip (2008)
- A sack with seven sacks... - Weren't you listening?[CN] ン淲 モネレノ モネレノ ヌ゚桒モ ヌ矼 パ・ハモ聚 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- This is Bill Jarvis. He's...[CN] 衵ヌ ヌ瞠榘 フヌムン ヌ蒟... Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
But believe me, the jerk isn't worth it.[CN] 矚・ユ゙蓖 衵ヌ ヌ眦ネ砒 睇 ハベ衂 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I got him, Connie. He's takin' the scenic route.[CN] 賣マハ裙ヌ 桒 ゚趾・ヌ蒟翩 矚ヌ・リム洄 ヌ矼ハ萪褊ä Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
See? It goes from here all the way up to the Catskill Mountains.[CN] ヌムテ桄ソヌ蒟 樰 ゚・衵ヌ ヌ瞿ム洄 ネヌハフヌ・フネヌ・゚ヌハモ゚涖 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
They're two minutes away. I can't wait to meet Tracy.[CN] ナ蒟翩 レ碆 ネレマ マ゙洄ハ淸 (睇 テモハリ汜 ヌ瞰ネム ヘハ・デヌネ・(ハムヌí College Road Trip (2008)
Goes for about 60 miles.[CN] 樰 ヘ貮硼 60 肬睇 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- It's Chris. - Chris? What are you doing there?[CN] (テ萇 (゚ム - ゚ム) 翩ミヌ ハンレ・裝ヌ゚ ソ) - College Road Trip (2008)
- Everything okay, Chief? - I got everything under control.[CN] 裔 ゚・ヤ暿 レ碆 翩樰ヌ罍 ムニ ソ - ゚・ヤ暿 ハヘハ ヌ瞠毖ムノ - College Road Trip (2008)
- Who's gonna help you? - Nobody.[CN] 聿 モヌレマ゚綵N睇 テヘマ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Tracy? - Yeah.[CN] ハムヌ・ ソ) - テフ・- College Road Trip (2008)
He keeps stealing', they'll find him in a dumpster.[CN] ヌ蒟 睇 橫ヌ・ム゙ 聿 ヌ砌ヌモ モ淸ハ褊 ネ・ヌ睇耜 ン・マヌ翳モハム Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- It's a Yugo. It's built for economy, not speed.[CN] ヌ蒟 淼ロ貮蒟 耻蓙レ 矣ヌ゙ハユヌマ 趁 モム汜ヌ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- I found out who's the 21st president.[CN] 矗マ レムンハ 聿 褂 ヌ瞋ニ ヌ礦ヌヘマ ・レヤム淸 聿 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Elvis Duran. You're on the air. What's up?[CN] 耜ヘネヌ ヌ蒿・ヌ矍 マ贄ヌ臀Nヌ萍 レ碆 ヌ砒貮チ 翩ミヌ 裝ヌ゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- How we looking? - Looking good![CN] ゚泚 樰 ヌ眦耜ソ - ネヤ゚・フ榘 - College Road Trip (2008)
McClane ist hier. He's walking toward the bank.[CN] 翩゚硼・裝ヌ ヌ蒟 樰 ネヌ矗ムネ 聿 ヌ矼ユムン Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I say left, he says right.[CN] テホネム・淏淸 。 洄趁 硼 ヌム College Road Trip (2008)
- Put that fuckin' money away, asshole. - Shit.[CN] 睇 テヘマ ム゙゚ 桒 テヘ聳 睇 バハ砌・睇 テヘマ モ洄ハ矚 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Don't ever let people use you.[CN] 睇 ハマレ ヌ砌ヌモ ヌネマヌ ハロ礦葹 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Thank you. That's very helpful.[CN] ヤ゚ムヌ 衵ヌ ヌレマ フマヌ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
14? Jesus. Is somebody startin' a construction company?[CN] 14 桒 ヌ砒偆N裔 柀マテ テヘマ裙 ネハテモ ヤム゚ノ ネ萇チ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Doris, can you get ahold of my wife?[CN] マ贄 ヌハモハリ汜淸 贏硼 聚 メ賣ハí Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Seven times 49 is... 343, right?[CN] モネレノ ヨムネ 49 ヌ跫 343 ヌ硼モ ゚ミ矚 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Doris![CN] マ贄 ツ蓖 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- I'm gettin' nothing. Busy signal.[CN] ヌヤヌムノ 耿ロ趁 跫モハヤハム テモ貪 聽ヌ ゚萇 レ硼å Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- All right, all right, but who's the 21st? - I don't know.[CN] ヘモ萇 ヘモ萇 矚・聿 褂 ヌ瞋ニ ヌ礦ヌヘ ・レヤム淸 睇 テレムン Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
The 42nd president. - No, she'd be the 43rd president.[CN] ヌ瞋ニ ヌ・2 睇 ヌ蒟ヌ ゙マ パ趾 ヌ瞋ニ ヌ睛ヌ睛 ・ヌ眦ムネレ淸 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I'm James Porter, Police Chief, husband, dad, and the best part of my plan?[CN] テ萇 (フ淏モ ネ贄ハム) ムニ ヌ瞞ムリノ ヌ瞑賣 。 ヌ眦ネ .. ・テンヨ・フメチ 聿 ホリハí College Road Trip (2008)
- Nice to meet you, Tracy. - There you go.[CN] (モレ榘 ネ聚ムンパ (ハムí College Road Trip (2008)
See what Kelly can do with it.[CN] ヌ葮ム 翩 ハリ汜 ゚涖 桒・泚レ・ネミ矚 ヌ趺 貮æ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- I thought it was worth a try. - This guy's a raving maniac.[CN] ヘモ萇 矗マ ヌレバマハ ヌ・ヌ眦耜 ハベ ヌ瞽萇チ 衵ヌ ヌ瞋フ・肄跏モ 淲ミí Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- What does? - That. The water pipe.[CN] 樰 菠貶 ヌ矼ヌチ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
7 times 7 is 49. Tell me the rest.[CN] モネレノ ヨムネ モネレノ ヌ跫 49 ヌホネム蓖 ヌ睚ヌ゙í Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I look Puerto Rican to you?[CN] 矼 ハ萇マ淸・賍 裔 ヌヤネ・ネ桄ム・ム涇ヌä Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Look, Jesus, I'm sorry... - "Jesus"?[CN] ハハヘマヒ ゚ムフ・ヌネ櫢 桒 賍 ヌモ 睫贄リ゚ 聨褂ã Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
They can drop me off. It's only a couple hours from DC.[CN] ハリ汜趾 ヌユリヘヌネ悅 ナ蒟ヌ 耄ムマ モヌレヌハ ナ碆 ヌ瞽ヌユ翹 College Road Trip (2008)
See, Mel? Told you everything was gonna work out.[CN] テムテ桄 矗マ テホネムパ テ・゚・ヤ暿 モ樰 レ碆 翩 樰ヌã College Road Trip (2008)
- You really sound like my dad. - Well, the Chief's a pretty smart guy.[CN] 衵ヌ 橳ネ・゚睇・貮睹・- ヘモ萇・。 ヌ瞋ニ ムフ・ミ゚í College Road Trip (2008)
Walter Cobb, C-o-b-b. He's the head of my police unit.[CN] 貮睫ム ゚貶 ゚ ・ネ ヌ蒟 ムニ 賚マハ・ン・ヌ瞞ムリノ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Tracy.[CN] (ハムヌ College Road Trip (2008)
Thank you. Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Tracy.[CN] (ヤ゚ムヌ・矚。 テネ・・テ肬。 テム榘゚翩 テ・ハハレムンヌ レ碆 (ハムí College Road Trip (2008)
He didn't steal it. He says his uncle gave it to him.[CN] 睇 ヌ蒟 矼 ム゙藹N洄趁 ヌ・レ肄 ヌレリヌ・ヌ桒å Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Walter, they don't allow dump trucks on the FDR.[CN] 貮睫ム ヌ蒟・睇 耋趾 ネ賣賺 ヤヌヘ萇ハ ゚衵・裝ヌ゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- So who's gonna help you? - We help ourselves.[CN] 聿 モヌレマ゚翩 モ萼ヌレマ ヌ萬モ萇 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Guy back there called you Jesus.[CN] ヌ砌ヌモ 裝ヌ゚ 萇マ赱 賍 ヌ硼モ ゚ミ矚 矼 洄趁貮 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)


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