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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
楽しめる[たのしめる, tanoshimeru] (v1) to be able to enjoy #12,448 [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
I want to get the word out - even if you don't have a lot of clothes you can enjoy dressing more fashionably by mixing and matching.たとえ、あまり洋服をもっていなくても、アレンジ次第でおしゃれは楽しめると声を大にして言いたい。
Any child can enjoy the story.どんな子供でもその物語を楽しめる
In Hawaii, one can enjoy sea bathing all the year round.ハワイでは1年中海水浴が楽しめる
It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.やる仕事がたくさんあって始めて暇なときを12分に楽しめる
Yachts are for the wealthy few.ヨットは少数の金持ちだけが楽しめるものだ。
The time will come and in it we can enjoy space travel.宇宙旅行を楽しめるときが来るだろう。
It won't be long before we can enjoy space travel.宇宙旅行を楽しめる時がまもなくやってくるだろう。
The day will come when we can enjoy space travel.私たちが宇宙旅行を楽しめる日がくるだろう。
A time will soon come when people can enjoy space travel.人びとが宇宙旅行を楽しめるときがまもなくやって来るだろう。
He rented a room on the top floor in order to enjoy a good view.彼はよい眺めが楽しめるように最上階の部屋を借りた。
A drama where you can enjoy the delicate workings of a woman's mind.女心の機微を存分に楽しめるドラマである。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Anyway, I'm sure you'll play lots of other things, and there'll be cake, and presents, and...[JP] たくさん楽しめるから ケーキや プレゼントもあるし Dark Touch (2013)
You'll have more fun if you stay.[JP] ここに居たらもっと楽しめる Deadly Departed (2007)
Enough to suspect you got lucky. Am I right?[JP] 俺以外に楽しめる相手が できたのかな? Turn Me On, Dammit! (2011)
And from there you can get any number of boat trips:[JP] そこでは、ありとあらゆる船旅が楽しめる The Railway Man (2013)
And you're gonna have fun.[JP] きっと楽しめる The Mooring (2012)
Because this gum is a full three-course dinner all by itself.[JP] 「これだけで、3種類のフルコースディナーの 味が楽しめるんです」 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
We're in the live-action business here, gents.[JP] 生のダンスが 楽しめるんです Exotica (1994)
Still, if you abandon your moral judgment, it can be fun.[JP] まあモラルを捨てれば楽しめる The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Which is why you're enjoying a luxuriously long miay coffee.[JP] それで贅沢なカフェの ひと時を楽しめるわけだ The Economist (2008)
I just figured if you're going to have a treat you should have something that's worth it, huh?[JP] おやつを楽しむなら 楽しめる物を買わないとな と思っただけさ Seeking Justice (2011)
Oh, no, no, it's more fun to destroy you.[JP] お前を貶める方が楽しめる Probable Cause (2012)
So that I could taste that fear... again.[JP] それで恐怖を楽しめるんだ Probable Cause (2012)
Because I thought that it would be fun for us to bake together today.[JP] 一緒なら楽しめると思ったんだ Bridesmaids (2011)
- - Enough to keep us busy for years.[JP] 当分は楽しめるわね TS-19 (2010)
I doubt I enjoyed it more than Det. Mills would enjoy time alone with me... in a room without windows.[JP] ミルズ刑事が尋問室で 私と2人になればもっと楽しめる Se7en (1995)
- It'll be fun. We'll have fun together.[JP] 楽しいわよ 私たち、一緒に楽しめる Her (2013)
Come on, I know you haven't done it in a while, but it'll be great.[JP] 暫く振りだろうが 楽しめるはずだ Bridesmaids (2011)
Enjoy the weekend?[JP] 週末を楽しめると思ったんだ 週末を楽しむって? The Hangover Part II (2011)
And you just might.[JP] 君には楽しめる The Avengers (2012)
I was just saying to Agent Tweed how I wanted to take a fun-filled vacation to Lincoln, Nebraska.[JP] ネブラスカ州のリンカーンで どうやれば休日を楽しめる Yes Man (2008)
God, she'll be thrilled.[JP] - そうね 彼女は楽しめる Blue Jasmine (2013)
It's gonna be great.[JP] - 楽しめる Blue Jasmine (2013)
I agree. This is my last night to howl before I go back to being a dutiful housewife.[JP] そうそう 楽しめるのは今日まで D.O.A. (1949)
You can't throw away years of your life just because, well, you think it's funny.[JP] 人生を 何年も無駄にするのか? きっと楽しめる One Day (2011)
Of some delights, I believe, sir, a little goes a long way.[JP] 些細な出来事なのに 長く楽しめる喜びね Episode #1.3 (1995)
- You guys are going to have fun in Miami.[JP] - きっとマイアミで楽しめる Magic Mike (2012)
That way you won't spoil it for all the other fans who watch the episode after you do.[JP] そしたら皆が新鮮に楽しめるでしょ Bear Trap: Part One (2012)
I think you'll enjoy it.[JP] 楽しめると思いますよ Water (2004)
They love it. You know, it makes them feel exotic.[JP] 異国情緒が 楽しめる After the Sunset (2004)
Why is it that only the rich should enjoy pharmaceutically-assisted moments of personal introspection?[JP] 何故 一部の金持ちだけが ヤクが楽しめる After the Sunset (2004)
I so envy people that can wear different clothes eveyday "Please look at the hand hand behind you"[JP] 毎日 違った衣装が楽しめる Nankyoku ryôrinin (2009)
Improves their sex life.[JP] セックスも楽しめる Strange Love (2008)
Soon, master elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves.[JP] エルフの旦那 もうすぐ ドワーフ自慢の歓待が楽しめる The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Otis, I never even get a chance to have a good time around here.[JP] 楽しめるわけないさ The Last Starfighter (1984)
I thought you might enjoy if I cooked for you.[JP] 私の料理を 楽しめるかと Oeuf (2013)
Anyway, he also said he saw some of your stuff online, so you have a fan.[JP] 楽しめるってよ V/H/S (2012)
Someone that truly enjoyed watching other people's pain.[JP] 他人が苦しむ姿を見るのを 心から楽しめる人物 Red Rover, Red Rover (2012)
The Golden Nugget in Atlantic City.[JP] カジノを楽しめるホテルが The Iceman (2012)
That's great. I bet you will have lots of fun.[JP] いいわね きっと楽しめる Dark Touch (2013)
I mean, that says something for us. We can enjoy ourselves even when we're trying to find a murderer.[JP] 殺人犯捜しを楽しめるなら いいコンビかもな To Love Is to Bury (2008)
I think you might actually enjoy this part.[JP] このパートは楽しめると思うよ I Am Anne Frank: Part 1 (2012)
Including the uncensored full length feature version of our show uninterrupted movie form.[JP] 途切れなしのエピソードが映画になって ノーカット版で楽しめるわよ Bear Fight (2012)
No one knows how this feud started, but it's all quite entertaining.[JP] この抗争の原因は 誰も知らないが結構楽しめる Gnomeo & Juliet (2011)
We're going to listen to him play free jazz on the piano for about nine hours, and it's going to be lots of fun and in no way awkward.[JP] 彼のピアノ演奏を 聞きに行くの とても楽しめるし 気に入るはずよ One Day (2011)
It was actually kind of fun. You might have enjoyed it.[JP] 楽しみにしてたけど あなたも楽しめると思って Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
It should be fun if you wanna hang with us.[JP] 来れば楽しめる Playback (2012)
You'll have fun. It's a huge party.[JP] 楽しめるわよ 大きなパーティだから Blue Jasmine (2013)
Well, I mean, if you wanted, you know, if it seems like it would be fun to you, maybe we could go for a drink or a dinner or a coffee or water.[JP] 君が望むなら― 何か楽しめる事を ディナーやコーヒー 水でも... Pain & Gain (2013)
See, you don't need Liz to have a good time.[JP] ほら リズ無しでも楽しめるだろ Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The only two factors that determine how good a time you have in a new city are the weather and the people.[JP] 新しい街を楽しめるかは 天候と人々だ Afflicted (2013)

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