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斗牛[dòu niú, ㄉㄡˋ ㄋㄧㄡˊ,   /  ] bullfighting; (astr.) Big Dipper and Altair #25,343 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I don't like your comparison of the flag of France to a bullfighter's cape.[CN] 我不喜欢你把法国国旗比作斗牛士的斗篷 Paths of Glory (1957)
You don't care about bullfighting.[CN] 你不是想谈斗牛 Talk to Her (2002)
Or go to a bullring and hear of manolete.[CN] 或是去斗牛场,听听玛诺莱特的事迹 A Game of Pool (1961)
I liked the bull ring, it was fun.[CN] 我喜欢斗牛场 很有趣 Friends (1971)
Because she looks like a pit bull.[CN] 因为她长得像头斗牛 What's with Robert? (2000)
Like a modern-day gladiator, a matador's fame will be determined by the quickness of his sword.[CN] 就像现在的角斗士,斗牛者将会 被他自己的利刃终结。 Faces of Death (1978)
Drunkards yelled, as if at a bullfight, [CN] 醉汉们大叫,就像在斗牛 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
Have him meet me at the bullfight at 5 p.m. What?[CN] 让他下午5点在斗牛场见我,什么? Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
That'd be like a red rag to a bull.[CN] 那就像在斗牛面前耍红布 Sexy Beast (2000)
It's been years since I kissed a bullfighter.[CN] 我有好几年没亲吻斗牛士了 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
What's going on?[CN] 我们去斗牛 Jamón, Jamón (1992)
That was the name of Seamus' pit bull.[CN] 也是谢默斯斗牛犬的名字 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
Well, it's time to enter the arena.[CN] 那么 是时候进到斗牛场了 Well, it's time to enter the arena. Rain over Santiago (1975)
His older brother, Lary, helped Michael hone his game... in their epic battles of one-on-one at their backyard hoop.[CN] 与他的哥哥拉里一起切磋球技 在后院的篮框下 跟他哥哥一起斗牛 Michael Jordan to the Max (2000)
Is that your daddy, bulldog?[CN] 那是你爸爸吗 斗牛犬? Final Exam (1981)
That's the bullfighter in you talking.[CN] 你说话的语气像个斗牛士 That's the bullfighter in you talking. Rain over Santiago (1975)
Boots for hunting in Africa, American furniture, spanish photographs, magazines and books in English, a bull-fight poster.[CN] 这是在非洲打猎的战利品 美国家具,西班牙照片 英语杂志和书籍 一张斗牛士海报! Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
Hey, toreador.[CN] 斗牛 Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
I don't want this guy taking you to, like, some sketchy quarry... in the middle of nowhere to find, like, crack whores huffing turpentine... or pit bulls raping each other or whatever it is you have us doing![CN] 我不想让这家伙 带你去什么采石场... 找嗑药的妓女吸松节油 或是斗牛犬互相强奸... 之类乱七八糟的事 Garden State (2004)
I burst with a Spanish pride.[CN] 我心迸发出斗牛士般的骄傲 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
Zanuck arrives in Morelia, Mexico, and I'm summoned to the bullring to do my quites and veronicas in front of him.[CN] 赞总到墨西哥,我被召回 斗牛圈摆姿势 The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002)
For a real bullfighter, it's not the fear of losing, but the fear of suffering-- your own suffering and that of thos e around you.[CN] "作为一个真正的斗牛者 是不惧怕失败的" 但害怕受苦... 你自己的苦难和在你周围的那些人 Intacto (2001)
Bulldog property![CN] "属于斗牛队的财产" The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
He thinks he's a pit bull.[CN] 他以为他是只斗牛 Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
We need a phone. We hav e to tell the bullfighter.[CN] "我们需要一个电话 我们必须告诉那个斗牛的人" Intacto (2001)
It's game point.[CN] 这是"斗牛" American History X (1998)
Do you write on bullfighting?[CN] 你写斗牛专栏? Talk to Her (2002)
For starters, that pitbull, Donnelly, is an ex-cop, or didn't you know that?[CN] 对于初学者来说,斗牛犬,唐纳利 是一个前警察,还是你不知道吗? Palmetto (1998)
Did I spend 9 years with matadors not to learn about fear and safety?[CN] 我浪费九年时光和这世上最差的斗牛士 难道还不知道害怕跟安全吗? For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
- Stop it. - I didn't do anything.[CN] 我什么也没做,斗牛 The Karate Kid (1984)
Bulldog, you're two klicks north-east of our position.[CN] 斗牛犬,你朝我们飞过来 More American Graffiti (1979)
And Captain Estelle Kass, aka Pitbull.[CN] 卡丝上尉代号为斗牛 Sky Fighters (2005)
Bulldog here was in on it.[CN] 这个斗牛犬与其有关 Final Exam (1981)
I was wondering, I'm looking for a particulary bloody bullfight.[CN] 我想看场比较血腥的斗牛 The Matador (2005)
He's the bull, I'm the matador![CN] 他是公牛 我就是斗牛士 He's the bull, I'm the matador! When We Were Kings (1996)
"La Cumparsita", bullfighting, tango...[CN] "化装舞会", 斗牛 探戈... Body of Love (1972)
What're you waiting on, toreador? I thought you wanted a little action.[CN] 你在等什么 斗牛士 你不是想动手吗 Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
I respect your talent so much. Don't even start with that, unless you're willing to back it up with sex.[CN] 我画过些斗牛士,裸体艺术 The Children's Book (1997)
Toro![CN] 斗牛 The Mask (1994)
Sure I did. Best thing to do to bullfight and screw.[CN] 斗牛和上床是最快活的事 Jamón, Jamón (1992)
Where's toreador? He beg off?[CN] 斗牛士呢 想求饶 Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
In real corridas, are the bulls bigger?[CN] 真的斗牛 公牛更大? The Night Heaven Fell (1958)
Doing the bull dance.[CN] 在跳斗牛 Happy Gilmore (1996)
He wanted to be known as a bullfighter and went much with them and Gypsies.[CN] 他想让大家知道他就像一个斗牛士 和吉普赛人与斗牛士在一起 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
And then I start going through my various things. I feel like an idiot. I know I'm gonna get fired.[CN] 并开始摆斗牛姿势 The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002)
I know nothing about bullfighting but a lot about desperate women.[CN] 我不懂斗牛 但很了解绝望的女人 Talk to Her (2002)
Adventures are for soldiers... or for the women the bullfighters fall in love with.[CN] 探险是军人的专利 或是那些斗牛士 忠爱的女人的专利 The Haunting (1999)
Not on game point, Danny.[CN] 这种"斗牛"不行 American History X (1998)
Look at the bullfighter. He's crying.[CN] 看看那位斗牛士,他在哭了 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
You love the matador.[CN] 你也爱这位斗牛 Carmen (2003)


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