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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
打狗[dǎ gǒu, ㄉㄚˇ ㄍㄡˇ,  ] to beat a dog; old name for Kaohsiung 高雄 in southern Taiwan [Add to Longdo]
打狗欺主[dǎ gǒu qī zhǔ, ㄉㄚˇ ㄍㄡˇ ㄑㄧ ㄓㄨˇ,    ] to beat a dog and bully its owner; fig. to humiliate sb indirectly by bullying a subordinate [Add to Longdo]
肉包子打狗[ròu bāo zǐ dǎ gǒu, ㄖㄡˋ ㄅㄠ ㄗˇ ㄉㄚˇ ㄍㄡˇ,     ] what's gone can never come back [Add to Longdo]

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Who knows. Some say he beat it.[CN] 谁知呢,有人说他打狗 Belle & Sebastian (2013)
So I decided to keep your motorcycle only to make you regret this gift.[CN] 于是我决定留着摩托 仅仅为了让你后悔肉包子打狗 The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)
They beat my dad like a dog in front of me.[CN] 他们在我面前打我爸爸像打狗一样 Get My Cigarettes (2014)
I do know how to use this waddy![CN] 谁说我不会打狗棒法? King of Beggars (1992)
For those who raise dogs, they buy a dog back, first, they beat it severely.[CN] 那些养狗的人,买一头打狗回来 也要先打它一顿 Fai seung hung che (2002)
"Dog Hitting Waddy"?[CN] 打狗棒! 是吗 King of Beggars (1992)
You shoot the dog, I'll kill you![CN] 你敢打狗 我杀了你 The Next Three Days (2010)
When they come in, we'll be beaten like dogs.[CN] 一会那帮阉驴杀进来了让人家关门打狗 Dragon Inn (1992)
You go straight to hell![CN] 我要像打狗一样打你! An Autumn's Tale (1987)
Now this move is called the stick.[CN] 这一招叫打狗棒法 Master Ping (2011)
Like the dogcatcher?[CN] 打狗一样 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
You don't know how to use the "Dog Hitting Waddy".[CN] 你又不会打狗棒法 King of Beggars (1992)
I left you the "Dog Hitting Waddy", is just for memory[CN] 我洪某当年留下打狗棒 目的只是留给大家作为留念 King of Beggars (1992)
Ask Mok to give us the "Dog Hitting Waddy"![CN] 叫莫老三把打狗棒交出来 King of Beggars (1992)
Hit you like a dog![CN] 打狗棍... 打... The Fearless Hyena (1979)
He broke the waddy![CN] 他打断了打狗 King of Beggars (1992)
I am giving you a lesson![CN] 我现在关起门来打狗 Gallants (2010)
And then we are no more a pond rat in a dust bag.[CN] 如果出去, 我们就变成了肉包子打狗... RocketMan (1997)
That's right, the stick.[CN] 打狗棒法 Master Ping (2011)
But it's dislike from the standard stances![CN] 不像打狗棒法 King of Beggars (1992)
This place need dog catcher.[CN] 这个地方需要打狗 Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United (2013)
- I'm a son of a bitch! - Die! You son of a bitch![CN] 打我 像打狗一样打我啊 Handphone (2009)
"Son of a movie star beats up paparazzi."[CN] 电影明星的儿子殴打狗仔队 Veronica Mars (2014)
You picked the wrong car to mess with.[CN] 打狗还得看主人吧 Humbug (2014)
The mighty stick that can beat the hell out of you.[CN] 可以打到老妈都不认得你的无敌打狗 On His Majesty's Secret Service (2009)
"They fought the dogs, and kill the cats.[CN] "他们打狗、杀猫 The Sweet Hereafter (1997)
It's for hitting dogs[CN] 棒棒都打狗 King of Beggars (1992)
Even you want me to practise Kung-fu, you should give me a waddy first[CN] 就算你要我练打狗棒法 你总该留个棒子给我吧 King of Beggars (1992)
I'm concerned about what people will think when they see you hunting a man down like a dog.[CN] It's gotta be done. 当你像打狗一样对待我们自己人的时候 All Hell (2016)
Judging from my kung-fu now, how can I defeat them and become the new master?[CN] 以我现在打狗棒法的功力 怎么可能打败三位长老当上帮主呢? King of Beggars (1992)
You have to consult its master even when you hit a dog.[CN] 打狗还得看主人吧? Keep Cool (1997)
It's the time of the season when love runs high in this time give it to me easy and let me try with pleasured hands to take you in the sun to promised lands to show you every one it's the time of the season for loving[CN] (迪克温蒂) (6.35釐米小型打狗枪) (苏珊李格兰特) Dear Wendy (2005)
Try hard to practise, be good[CN] 你要多用点心把打狗棒法练好才行 King of Beggars (1992)
I live like a dog during that time and our mother...[CN] 就是因为你,令妈妈被捉, 然后活活像打狗一样把她打死 A Better Tomorrow (2010)
Ollie, did you hit the dog?[CN] 奥丽 你打狗了吗 A Different Road (2014)
You can't really blame him, after the dog.[CN] 打狗那事以后 你不能怪他 A Touch of Class (2004)
Enough of this Ring Around the Rosy.[CN] 我们关起门来打狗 它们逃不了啦 101 Dalmatians (1961)


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