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战备[zhàn bèi, ㄓㄢˋ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] war preparation #18,815 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
General the Joint Chiefs have just signaled our intent to escalate to the Soviets[CN] 将军 参联会主席发出升高战备的讯号 Thirteen Days (2000)
They are preparing for war.[CN] 他们在战备状态 Gandhi (1982)
I've just been informed our nuclear forces are at DEFCON 2[CN] 我刚得知我们核武战备是2级 Thirteen Days (2000)
Weapons/Captain: Report approximate time for 1 SQ.[CN] 武器室 这里是舰长 报告一级战备的大约时间 Crimson Tide (1995)
Our troops are at their lowest level of readiness.[CN] 我们的军队处于最低战备状态 5 Days of War (2011)
Because the driver couldn't get the jeep started.[CN] 我当时想 这种战备观念 In the Heat of the Sun (1994)
We're at war here, people, war![CN] 这是战备状况,战备! American Pie Presents: Band Camp (2005)
Set condition 1 SQ.[CN] 请进入一级战备状态 Crimson Tide (1995)
Chief of the watch, secure for battle stations torpedo.[CN] 值更官 鱼雷室战备准备 Crimson Tide (1995)
We should make it top secret, and should move in with Defcon Four.[CN] 这事件应视为高度机密 并立刻将战备提升至状况四 Mars Attacks! (1996)
This panel has convened in order to investigate the events... subsequent to the setting of condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch... on board the USS Alabama on 1 November.[CN] 本委员会被召集和奉命调查... 11月1日 亚拉巴马号上所发生的... 进入一级战略导弹战备状态事件 Crimson Tide (1995)
Missile tubes 1-5 and 20-24 at 1 SQ, sir.[CN] 1到5和20到24号导弹发射管 已经进入一级战备状态了 长官 Crimson Tide (1995)
DEFCON 1 is a crisis.[CN] 五级战备状态意味着"没有危险" The Lizard-Spock Expansion (2008)
Sir, weapons system is at 1 SQ.[CN] 长官 武器系统进入一级战备 Crimson Tide (1995)
Set condition 1 SQ for WSRT. This is the captain. This is an exercise.[CN] 武器系统准备测试完毕 一级战备 我是舰长 这是演习 Crimson Tide (1995)
Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch.[CN] 导弹发射一级战备准备 Crimson Tide (1995)
Well, there's no need to rush.[CN] - 五级战备状态? The Lizard-Spock Expansion (2008)
This is the captain. Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch.[CN] 我是舰长 导弹发射一级战备准备 Crimson Tide (1995)
How can five not be worse than one?[CN] 一级战备状态才是危机来临 The Lizard-Spock Expansion (2008)
We're at 1 SQ. We're ready.[CN] 我们已进入一级战备状态 Crimson Tide (1995)
Mr. President, I recommend that we move to DEFCON 2.[CN] 总统先生, 我建议进入2级战备状态 The Sum of All Fears (2002)
Mr. President, I strongly recommend we go from DEFCON 4 to DEFCON 2.[CN] 我强烈建议提升战备到二级状态 至少在前线是如此 Salt (2010)
Let's go and seek safety in battle. Trumpeter, sound your trumpet.[CN] 让你们去检查一下战备 The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
preparing to mobilize in Sri Lanka.[CN] 承包了准备向斯里兰卡集结的美军 所需的战备物资的供应 The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
DEFCON 2?[CN] 进入2级战备? The Sum of All Fears (2002)
- There are none here, sir.[CN] - 这里没有战备专家, 长官. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983)
The Commander-in-Chief has directed U.S. Military forces... to set DEFCON four.[CN] 总统已下令美军 进入四级战备 Crimson Tide (1995)
Where is you report on armament's experts here in the camp?[CN] 你关于这营地里战备专家的报告呢? Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983)
Set condition 1 SQ for WSRT. This is the X.O. This is an exercise.[CN] 武器系统准备测试完毕 一级战备 我是副舰长 这是演习 Crimson Tide (1995)
Captain/Weapons: Approximate time to weapons system 1 SQ:[CN] 舰长 这里是武器室 到武器系统 一级战备的大约时间 Crimson Tide (1995)
Sir, I advise we go to DEFCON-1.[CN] 先生, 我建议进入一级战备状态 The Sum of All Fears (2002)
Set condition 2SQ.[CN] 进入二级战备状态 Crimson Tide (1995)
We're not at war, sir Not until DEFCON 1[CN] 要达到1级战备才算开? Thirteen Days (2000)
Conn/Weapons: Estimated time to 1 SQ for strategic launch is 14 minutes, sir. One, two, three, four, five, six.[CN] 控制室 这里是武器室 导弹发射一级战备准备 估计发射时间是14分 Crimson Tide (1995)
- Sir, DEFCON status?[CN] 先生, 进入战备状态? The Sum of All Fears (2002)
Set DEFCON 2.[CN] 请进入二级警戒战备 Crimson Tide (1995)
Secure for battle stations.[CN] 解除战备状态 Part XI (1989)
I secured for a while to allow the crew to get a sandwich and hit the head.[CN] 好,现在暂时解除战备 大家吃个三明治 再放放水 Part I (1988)
Ship is hovering on automatic. Dive's at 1 SQ, Captain.[CN] 潜艇自动静浮 潜入一级战备状态 长官 Crimson Tide (1995)
Sir, DEFCON-1, we're out of time.[CN] 长官, 快进入一级战备状态, 没时间了 The Sum of All Fears (2002)
First to halt this offensive build-up a strict quarantine on all offensive military equipment under shipment to Cuba is being initiated[CN] 首先 为阻止攻击性战备 将严格封锁古巴的攻击性武器 Thirteen Days (2000)
Secure from general quarters, Jim.[CN] 解除一级战备,吉姆 Part III (1988)
Go to General quarters, Commander Grigg.[CN] 格里格,一级战备 Part III (1988)
Conn/Weapons: Estimated time to weapons system 1 SQ: 3 minutes, 30 seconds, sir.[CN] 呼叫控制室 这里是武器室 一级战备武器系统的估计时间是3分钟30秒 长官 Crimson Tide (1995)
All stations, proceed to 1 SQ. Ready all missiles for launch.[CN] 全舰一级战备 导弹发射准备 Crimson Tide (1995)
Not to worry. The War Office keeps us well-supplied.[CN] 别担心,战备办公室会保证我们的供应 The Water Horse (2007)
We're here because his daddy put him as far away from danger as the War Office could find.[CN] 我们之所以到这里来,是因为他的父亲 想让他远离危险 这里是战备办公室能发现最远的地方 The Water Horse (2007)
Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch.[CN] 导弹发射一级战备准备... Crimson Tide (1995)
Missiles at 1 SQ. Ready to launch, sir.[CN] 一级战备状态的导弹 准备发射 长官 Crimson Tide (1995)
Quartermaster, sound general quarters.[CN] 军需官,发一级战备 Part III (1988)


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