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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
幾人[いくにん;いくたり, ikunin ; ikutari] (n) number of people [Add to Longdo]
幾人[いくにんか, ikuninka] (exp, adj-no) several people; some people [Add to Longdo]
幾人でも[いくにんでも, ikunindemo] (exp) any number of people; as many people as one likes [Add to Longdo]
幾人もの[いくにんもの, ikuninmono] (exp) any number of people; a large number of people [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time; but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.すべての人をしばらくの間だますことは出来る。また幾人かの人をずっとだましておくことも出来る。しかし、すべての人をずっと騙しとおすことはできない。
Some of the student were from Asia and the others were from Europe.学生の幾人かはアジア出身で、他にはヨーロッパ出身だった。
Some people kept interrupting the speakers, and finally broke up the meeting.幾人かの人々が話し手の邪魔をし続けとうとう会は解散になった。
The women's college had a very small car park, and as several of the teachers and students, and many of the student's boyfriends, had cars, it was often difficult to find a place to park.女子学寮には非常に小さい駐車場があった。先生と学生の幾人かと学生のボーイフレンドの多くが車を持っていて、駐車する場所をみつけるのがしばしば難しかった。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The golden Gate in '48.[CN] 古來征戰幾人 Okinawa (2010)
How many of them were there, Mr. Boday?[CN] 幾人配著箭十字? 波達依先生 Music Box (1989)
got some cards. I've been working.[JP] ボールゲームで幾人かに会って 名刺を手に入れた 僕は働いている The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
-How many?[JP] - 幾人だ? The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
They bring a lot of people to hell with them.[JP] 幾人かを共に地獄に連れていく Bad JuJu (2007)
There've been a few.[JP] 幾人かわね Plastique (2014)
Some of my pals are crazy talented, and they're sitting in jail, and I'm sitting here.[JP] 幾人かはキレてて 刑務所にいて 俺はここに座ってる Crowd Sourced (2015)
Hundreds of years ago, the Triads would kill their enemies... with 100 cuts to the body.[JP] 100年前幾人もの身体を100に切ってきた Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Several bodies were dragged through here, away from the path.[JP] ここは 幾人もの勇者が 路から離れ引きずり込まれた Predator Dark Ages (2015)
The Blutbad seemed a little more worked up than the others.[CN] 狼人比其餘幾人更加緊張 The Show Must Go On (2014)
This is a powerful secret, a secret men died for.[JP] 重大な秘密... 幾人も命をささげた秘密だ Yes Men (2014)
Some engage in activity that we keep very confidential, and I'm talking about more than just ordering an adult movie.[JP] 幾人かが機密に携わる 成人映画を頼む以上にね The Evil Twin (2015)
Now, just because some of my people have been in trouble in the past, it doesn't mean to say they're in trouble now.[JP] この中の幾人かは 過去に経緯がありますが 今に 引きずってはいません The Show Must Go On (2014)
You don't get to be the supermarket king of Minnesota without making a few enemies, all right?[JP] 幾人かの敵をつくらずに ミネソタのスーパーマーケット王に なることはないんだ、だろ? The Rooster Prince (2014)
So many things, that I'm not going to start listing them all...[CN] 這種病有好幾人得過,都沒法治好... Madame Rosa (1977)
When some of these children who are here are my age, here is what it's going to be in less than 50 years.[JP] ここにいる幾人かの子供達が 私の年齢に達する時には これが、50年未満に起ります An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Some of them did. Well, they needed us.[JP] 王家が必要としたので 幾人かは Bad Teeth (2012)
Molly Hooper and some of my homeless network and that's all.[JP] モリーとホームレスの幾人か これで全てさ The Empty Hearse (2014)
Come and help here.[CN] 這邊來幾人 City of Life and Death (2009)
A few others came up, checked out as cleaning staff.[JP] 別の幾人かが来て清掃員みたいに チェックした Love Hurts (2007)


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