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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
お化け屋敷[おばけやしき, obakeyashiki] (n) บ้านผีสิง

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
屋敷(P);邸(P)[やしき, yashiki] (n) residence; estate; grounds; premises; mansion; (P) #3,616 [Add to Longdo]
お化け屋敷;御化け屋敷[おばけやしき, obakeyashiki] (n) haunted house [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[やしきまち, yashikimachi] (n) residential area [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[しもやしき, shimoyashiki] (n) villa; daimyo's suburban residence [Add to Longdo]
化け物屋敷;化物屋敷[ばけものやしき, bakemonoyashiki] (n) haunted mansion; haunted house; enchanted house [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[いえやしき, ieyashiki] (n) estate; homestead; house and land (it stands on); messuage [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[はなやしき, hanayashiki] (n) public flower garden [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[かみやしき, kamiyashiki] (n) daimyo's main Tokyo mansion [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[くみやしき, kumiyashiki] (n) (See 与力, 同心・3) residence for low class samurai enrolled in one of the police forces (Edo period) [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[くらやしき, kurayashiki] (n) daimyo's city storehouse [Add to Longdo]
大名屋敷[だいみょうやしき, daimyouyashiki] (n) daimyo's mansion [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[なかやしき, nakayashiki] (n) (1) daimyo's spare residence or emergency refuge; (2) residence of a daimyo's successor [Add to Longdo]
武家屋敷[ぶけやしき, bukeyashiki] (n) samurai residence [Add to Longdo]
幽霊屋敷[ゆうれいやしき, yuureiyashiki] (n) haunted house [Add to Longdo]
屋敷[ろうやしき, rouyashiki] (n) precinct of a jail; vicinity of a prison [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The haunted house? I won't be able to sleep at night.お化け屋敷に行くの。夜寝られなくなっちゃうよ。
They say this old house is haunted.この古い屋敷には幽霊が出るそうだ。
I went to a haunted house.私は、幽霊屋敷に行った。
The first time I held my girlfriend's hand was in the haunted house.初めて彼女の手を握ったのは、お化け屋敷の中でした。
He lives on his country estate.彼はいなかの屋敷に住んでいる。
She owns a large property.彼女は大きな屋敷を持っている。
Keisuke has always studied in this mansion. That style known as 'home schooling', right?啓介さんは、このお屋敷で、ずっとお勉強しているんです。いわゆるホームスクーリングという形ですね。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The celebrated Anna Pavlovna Scherer, most intimate lady-in-waiting of the Empress Maria Fedorovna, gave at her home the receptions which she alone had a gift for organizing.[JP] 皇太后のお気に入りアンナ• パーブロヴナ•シェーレル その屋敷で開かれた夜会には ペテルブルクを代表する 名士たちが集った War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965)
He left me with the goze troupe.[CN] 把我寄养在瞽女屋敷 Ichi (2008)
It's a big white house, right at the end.[JP] そうですね その突き当たりに なんか 白いでっかい屋敷があるんですけど... ― ああ そう ― はい God's Left Hand, Devil's Right Hand (2006)
I understand that no one has served Sir William longer than you have.[JP] あなたは この屋敷の 奉公人の中で一番 古いとか Gosford Park (2001)
The strict order of life at Bald Hills could not be broken even by such an event as saying goodbye to his son.[JP] 公爵の屋敷では すべてが整然とし 息子の出征に際しても 混乱はなかった War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965)
Perhaps the beauty of the house renders its owner a little less repulsive, Lizzy?[JP] 美しいお屋敷を見たら 持ち主への反感が減るかも Episode #1.4 (1995)
Hello. Nice house.[JP] どうも いいお屋敷ですな Gosford Park (2001)
I've never been so happy to leave a place in my life![JP] あの屋敷を出て 気が楽になったわ Pride and Prejudice (1995)
I say staircases, because there are several, and each in its way very fine.[JP] 屋敷には階段がいくつもあり それぞれが素晴らしいので Episode #1.3 (1995)
'The house wasn't much, it was smaller than Buckingham Palace 'and had fewer windows than the Chrysler Building. '[JP] 屋敷はバッキンガム宮殿より 小さいし― クライスラー・ビルより 窓も少なかった Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Bag End.[JP] 袋小路屋敷 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Well, shall we apply to the housekeeper to see inside the place?[JP] 屋敷の見学を 家政婦に頼んでみよう Episode #1.4 (1995)
It's nothing to Pemberley, I know.[JP] 君の屋敷には負けるが Pride and Prejudice (1995)
No more than Blenheim or Chatsworth.[JP] 他の屋敷を見学したが Episode #1.4 (1995)
Nobody's going anywhere.[JP] 屋敷を出るなよ Gosford Park (2001)
Lonnie Elam said that's a haunted house.[JP] お化け屋敷だって言ってたよ Halloween (1978)
Sorry...no but it wasn't an atmosphere like any others would come forward[JP] 屋敷) あっ すいません いや でも誰かが名乗り出てくるような そんな空気ではぜんぜんなくて... Gakkô no shi (2003)
-What will you do with this place?[JP] この屋敷は どうするの? Gosford Park (2001)
There's always been a Baggins living here under the Hill in Bag End.[JP] 代々バギンズ家は この丘の下... 袋小路屋敷に住んできた The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Professor Kirke is not accustomed to havin' children in this house.[JP] カーク教授はこのお屋敷で子供たちと 一緒に暮らした事がありません The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
House and court, hall and keep, the glorious fortress now stands[JP] 家と屋敷 広間と館 めでたい砦が いまや しっかりと落成した Das Rheingold (1980)
I wondered how many people here had parents in service?[JP] 皆さん方は親の代から 屋敷奉公を ? Gosford Park (2001)
With all due respect, sir, Wayne Manor is your house.[JP] お言葉ですが この屋敷はあなたの家です Batman Begins (2005)
I've never been so happy to leave a place in my life![JP] あの屋敷を出て 気が楽になったわ Episode #1.1 (1995)
Well I don't think anyone is going to vomit if Yashiki is closed up it's impossible with him[JP] (生徒) まあ 屋敷に シメ られた っ て誰も吐きは しねえと思うけどよ (生徒) アイツじゃ無理だよなあ Gakkô no shi (2003)
He's left you Bag End.[JP] 袋小路屋敷をお前に残して The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Now welcome, dear heart, to what will soon be our new home... away from prying eyes, after our marriage, of course.[JP] 私たちの新居になる屋敷へようこそ 邪魔者は いない もちろん 結婚した後に Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004)
The troupe drove me out.[CN] 我被从瞽女屋敷赶出来 Ichi (2008)
I see you take my view of things, ma'am.[JP] つまり世界一のお屋敷よ 私も同感です Episode #1.3 (1995)
I don't think I've ever seen a place so happily situated.[JP] こんなに美しいお屋敷は初めて Episode #1.4 (1995)
So, why the haunted house?[JP] どうしてこのお化け屋敷 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
Not even one person came forward in 3B[JP] 屋敷) 3 Bは名乗り出てくる者は ひとりもいませんでした... Gakkô no shi (2003)
I shouldn't care for it myself, Lizzy, if it were merely a fine house, richly furnished.[JP] 立派なお屋敷を見るだけなら あまり興味はないけど Episode #1.4 (1995)
That's a spook house.[JP] お化け屋敷じゃん Halloween (1978)
I want the map that you made of Wong's house and the specifications of the safe.[JP] 君が持っている地図が欲しい... ...ウォン屋敷のさ。 詳しく、安全に... What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
Looks like a haunted house![JP] お化け屋敷みたい! My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
it is but five miles from Pemberley, and owes much of its prosperity to that great estate.[JP] 8キロ先のペンバリー 地域の繁栄は そのお屋敷のお陰よ Episode #1.4 (1995)
Andou sensei, can I have a minute?[JP] 屋敷) 安藤先生 ちょっと いいですか? Gakkô no shi (2003)
It's nothing to Pemberley, I know.[JP] 君の屋敷には負けるが Episode #1.1 (1995)
The Wayne legacy is more than bricks and mortar, sir.[JP] 屋敷よりも大事な ものがあります Batman Begins (2005)
I dare say you'll be able to imagine the scope of the whole, Mr. Wickham, when I tell you that the chimney piece alone, in the second drawing room, cost all of 800 pounds![JP] 屋敷の大きさが 分かるでしょう 小さな居間の暖炉が 800ポンドも するそうですから Episode #1.2 (1995)
Yes...[JP] 屋敷) はい... Gakkô no shi (2003)
You live in a haunted house![JP] ヤ~イ お前ん家 お化け屋敷~! My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Rosings Park is the residence of my noble patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.[JP] ロージングズは デ・バーグ令夫人のお屋敷ですから Episode #1.2 (1995)
We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?[JP] 叫びの屋敷"... よね? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Isn't it pretty here?[JP] ここは いい屋敷 Gosford Park (2001)
It didn't feel anything like that...[JP] 屋敷) ぜんぜん そんな感じじゃなくて... Gakkô no shi (2003)
Hobbiton, Westfarthing the Shire Middle-earth.[JP] ホビット村... 袋小路屋敷 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?[JP] ペンバリーの屋敷が汚される Episode #1.6 (1995)
Mom, do you like ghosts?[JP] お母さん お化け屋敷 好き? もちろん! My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
屋敷[やしき, yashiki] (herrschaftliches) Wohnhaus, Grundstueck [Add to Longdo]


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