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可汗[kè hán, ㄎㄜˋ ㄏㄢˊ,  ] Khan; Qaghan #27,815 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Mahrokh, where does Darwish Kahn find stones with holes in them?[CN] 马洛赫, 达比修 -可汗怎么找到 有洞洞的石头? The Garden of Stones (1976)
No, Nergüi... to live under the yoke of a Khan is not better than the Eternal Blue.[CN] 不 诺桂 No, Nergüi... 与其在可汗的束缚下活着 还不如死了干净 White Moon (2014)
Darvish Khan is a very good man.[CN] 达比修 -可汗是一个非常不错的人 The Garden of Stones (1976)
Did you come to the Khan's service by choice?[CN] 你是自愿效忠可汗的吗 Rendering (2014)
Mohammed Mydeen Khan is the new Chennai Police Commissioner.[CN] 默罕默德梅丁可汗 为臣罕警区新任总督 Pokkiri (2007)
Go and check on Darvish Khan.[CN] 去看看达比修 -可汗 The Garden of Stones (1976)
Chennai's Commissioner Md. Mydeen Khan is investigating the case.[CN] 钦耐的行政长官 梅丁可汗 已着手调查此案 Pokkiri (2007)
The Khan's wife is dead.[CN] 可汗的妻子已经死了 The Scholar's Pen (2014)
Mowgli, you're not supposed to go up there![CN] 但谢利·可汗的威胁 But Shere Khan's threat... 的确是无法忽视的 was not to be ignored. The Jungle Book (2016)
Shere Khan.[CN] 不是一般的老虎,是谢利·可汗 Not any tiger. The Jungle Book (2016)
Darvish Khan had a dream vision of it, therefore, it belongs to everyone.[CN] 达比修 -可汗得到圣人报梦 这个石头花园是属于大家的 The Garden of Stones (1976)
I don't know, it was not Darvish Khan![CN] 不知道, 绝对不是达比修 -可汗! The Garden of Stones (1976)
The Kobayashi Maru. It's from The Wrath of Khan.[CN] 小林丸号测试 出自《可汗之怒》 The San Dominick (2014)
Kublai Khan will win. He will rule.[CN] 忽必烈可汗必胜 他将君临天下 Rendering (2014)
Where did you come from?[CN] 可汗 The Other Side of the Door (2016)
on the Silk Road... grovel for the Khan's favor.[CN] 向蒙古可汗卑躬屈膝 The Heavenly and Primal (2014)
Escort me or I will tell the Khan of your disrespect.[CN] 陪我一起 否则我就告诉可汗你对我不敬 White Moon (2014)
Mahrokh, what's the story with Darwish Khan hanging stones from the trees?[CN] 马洛赫, 达比修 -可汗干嘛把石头拴在树上? The Garden of Stones (1976)
I will fetch you a hair off the Great Cham's beard... do you any embassage to the Pigmies... rather than hold three words' conference with this harpy.[CN] 我愿意给您去从蒙古大可汗的脸上拔下一根胡须... ... 或者到侏儒国里去办些什么事情也好... Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Napoleon, Kublai Khan, Sampson![CN] 拿破仑 忽必烈可汗 参孙 Loplop (2015)
Abu Alwaki Khan.[CN] Abu Alwaki 可汗 A Good Man (2014)
Please![CN] 谢利·可汗可能就在来的路上了 Shere Khan may be heading here as we speak. The Jungle Book (2016)
Please tell me, GreatKhan ofthe chicken Kingdom[CN] 请问鸡王国的可汗一声 Gu cheng bielian (1998)
Darvish Khan had a vision in a dream.[CN] 圣人向达比修 -可汗报梦 The Garden of Stones (1976)
Hey.[CN] 小露,可汗是从哪里拿来的? The Other Side of the Door (2016)
Darvish Khan, who was guided by the saints...[CN] 受神指引的人啊! 达比修 -可汗! The Garden of Stones (1976)
Shere Khan![CN] 谢利·可汗 Shere Khan! The Jungle Book (2016)
I'm sorry, Khan. We're gonna come back in one second.[CN] 不好意思,可汗 我们一会就回来 Music and Lyrics (2007)
GreatKhan, ljustwrote afewlines buti didn`tknowhowto end it, listen to it... I close my eyes...[CN] 可汗,我刚刚作了几句词 我不知怎样接上去,你听着: 那时我刚刚合上眼睛 Gu cheng bielian (1998)
How's Darvish Khan doing?[CN] 达比修 -可汗还好吧? The Garden of Stones (1976)
But if you send him back to the man village, they'll ruin him.[CN] 谢利·可汗在追杀他? Shere Khan's hunting him? The Jungle Book (2016)
Are you a fair-skinned bastard son of the Khan?[CN] 你是可汗的白皮肤私生子吗 Rendering (2014)
They are the Aghori.[CN] 可汗 The Other Side of the Door (2016)
He was, after all[CN] 他好歹也是纳瑟·阿里·可汗 Chicken with Plums (2011)
They say the Khan welcomes anyone if they pledge loyalty.[CN] 他们说可汗欢迎所有宣誓效忠的人 Rendering (2014)
- Shere Khan killed him.[CN] - 什么 - 谢利·可汗杀了他 The Jungle Book (2016)
after you've moved on.[CN] 在你走后 可汗的残暴只能殃及 那些无辜之人 White Moon (2014)
Kaidu of the Golden Horde has led the assault.[CN] 由金帐汗国的海都可汗做先锋 Rendering (2014)
He was in "The Conqueror" about Genghis Khan.[CN] 他在征服者里饰演成吉思汗可汗 A Moment of Innocence (1996)
Darvish Khan and His Family[CN] 出演: 达比修 -可汗和他的家人 The Garden of Stones (1976)
- Khan said I could just come up?[CN] - 可汗说我直接过来就行了? Music and Lyrics (2007)
Darvish Khan, the one who met the saints[CN] 达比修 -可汗 他梦见了圣人 The Garden of Stones (1976)
It's the Kobayashi Maru.[CN] 出自《星际迷航2: 可汗之怒》】 The San Dominick (2014)
Jingim Khan has much to say on the subject of Marco Polo.[CN] 真金可汗对马可·波罗之事颇有看法 Rendering (2014)
I'm not afraid of you![CN] 谢利·可汗 Shere Khan! The Jungle Book (2016)
The Khan has come.[CN] 可汗已经赶来了 White Moon (2014)
Hassan Khan, Hussein Khan, all your family are fine?[CN] 哈辛 -可汗和侯赛恩 -可汗, 全家人都好吧? The Garden of Stones (1976)
Men follow leaders. Sidao is half the man the Khan is.[CN] 良禽择木而栖 贾似道根本比不上可汗的为人 Rendering (2014)
Must've been on account of you.[CN] 谢利·可汗杀了他 Shere Khan killed him. The Jungle Book (2016)
We're going to Darvish Khan's stone garden for a pilgrimage.[CN] 我们将要到达比修 -可汗的石头花园作朝圣 The Garden of Stones (1976)


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