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参数[cān shù, ㄘㄢ ㄕㄨˋ,   /  ] a parameter #4,913 [Add to Longdo]
弧长参数[hú cháng cān shù, ㄏㄨˊ ㄔㄤˊ ㄘㄢ ㄕㄨˋ,     /    ] parametrization by arc length (of a space curve) [Add to Longdo]
正则参数[zhèng zé cān shù, ㄓㄥˋ ㄗㄜˊ ㄘㄢ ㄕㄨˋ,     /    ] regular parametrization [Add to Longdo]

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The Bureau allows for slight variations but ultimately the parameters are extremely strict.[CN] The Bureau allows for slight variations 局里允许可以有轻微的变化 but ultimately the parameters are extremely strict. 但最终的参数是非常严格的。 Predestination (2014)
Parameters match events from 2006.[CN] 参数与2006年的事件吻合 Amber 31422 (2010)
It's got, like, parametric equalization.[CN] 这机器有参数均衡功能 Thirty-Eight Snub (2011)
- That's you now, yeah?[CN] 第一个参数是一个 已婚夫妇。 What If (2013)
You want to make an argument about it, I'm getting a survey...[CN] 你想一个参数 关于它,我得到的调查... The Broken Shore (2013)
If you're here to check on that search you initiated, it didn't turn up anything, but I'd broaden the parameters if I had more to go on.[CN] 如果你在此查看 搜索你开始, 它并没有变成任何东西, 但我想扩大参数 如果我有更多去。 Officer Down (2013)
I cross-referenced the flight recording database at Bagram with parameters from the mission documents.[CN] 飞行记录数据库和任务文件的参数 Dreamworld (2013)
If high-explosive shells cannot penetrate his armor is at least 250 mm.[CN] 如果我们从情报中分析获得的技术参数准确 他的正面装甲至少有250毫米 Belyy tigr (2012)
For some people, who perhaps accept most of these arguments, in favor of nuclear power, the ultimate argument is:[CN] 对于一些人来说可能谁 接受大多数参数 - - 赞成核电 - 是最终的参数 Pandora's Promise (2013)
I used Gogol's computers to scan accounts using my search parameters.[CN] 我用Gogol的电脑扫描账户资料 靠的是我自己的搜索参数 Guardians (2011)
"Wow, someone really cared to put this parameter[CN] "哇,真的有人关心 把这个参数 Particle Fever (2013)
In fact, recently I've been thinking that given the parameters of your experiment, the transport of electrons through the aperture of the nano-fabricated metal rings is qualitatively no different than the experiment already conducted in the Netherlands.[CN] 其实呢 最近我一直在想 鉴于你实验中的参数 让电子穿过纳米制造的金属线圈孔 跟早期在荷兰完成的实验 本质上并无差别 The Gorilla Experiment (2009)
Benchmarks.[CN] 基本参数 Race To Space (2013)
He wanted me to look at the specs with him.[CN] 想让我去看看参数 Black-Winged Redbird (2013)
I'm sorry this causes you discomfort, but based on the currently established parameters of our relationship, I can put myself in any repellent situation I want.[CN] 抱歉让你不快了 I'm sorry this causes you discomfort, 但基于我们关系目前的既定参数 but based on the currently established parameters of our relationship, 只要我乐意 我可以做任何让你厌恶的事情 I can put myself in any repellent situation I want. The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition (2011)
I programmed it to pursue objectives within a certain parameter, but it's grown out of my control.[CN] 用来在特定的参数范围内实现目标 但它逐渐摆脱了我的控制 Prophets (2014)
If you saw a situation where, if the parameter has a very dangerous value and you change it a little bit, the world would change radically, and we'd be dead.[CN] 如果你看到一个情况下, 如果参数 有一个非常危险的值 你改变一点点, Particle Fever (2013)
Within biblical parameters.[CN] 圣经的参数内。 What If... (2010)
So if you're saying putting these numbers in your sexton can point to a place somewhere on a map I'd really like to know where that place is.[CN] 所以如果用这些数字作为你六分仪的参数 能够指向地图上某个特定位置的话... 我想知道这个地方在哪里 Gyre, Part 2 (2012)
Please verify your mission parameters.[CN] 请核实你的任务参数 Knightfall (2011)
What with all the arguments, talks of separation, divorce, et cetera, et cetera.[CN] 所有参数, 分离的讲座, 离婚,等等,等等。
No. I revised the parameters of my promise.[CN] 不 我是修改了我承诺的诚信参数 Chapter 4 (2013)
I got the specs. That was the deal.[CN] 我得到参数,这是我们的预定. Paranoia (2013)
The argument I had on one of these deals is they said:[CN] 我对其中一个参数 这些交易时,他们说: Artifact (2012)
But they did have do die, there's no argument there.[CN] 但他们确实有做模具, 有没有没有参数 Bad Turn Worse (2013)
No arguments.[CN] 没有参数? 。 Pride (2014)
Somehow an argument led to a scuffle.[CN] 不知怎的参数 导致了混战。 Let the Fire Burn (2013)
In our study, subjects understand the parameters of their participation.[CN] 在我们的研究里 志愿者能看到 他们所参与研究的各项参数 Blackbird (2014)
Oh, hey, Param, I'm just....[CN] 哦,嘿嘿,参数,我只是... ... Playing for Keeps (2012)
Assuming that Joshua Rose was taken out of the amber, necessary parameters would include a subterranean vault, a minimum of $50, 000, [CN] 假设乔舒亚・罗斯从琥珀隔离区里出来了 必要的参数包括 一个地下室 造价至少5万美元 Amber 31422 (2010)
- What's your trust setting, TARS?[CN] - 你的信任参数得有多低啊 TARS? - 显然比你低多了 - What's your trust setting, TARS? Interstellar (2014)
hearing the pro-left and pro-right arguments, so one day I would be convinced that one side was right.[CN] 我是一个年轻的, 易受影响的13岁 听到亲左 和亲正确的参数, 所以有一天我会被说服 那一方是正确的。 Particle Fever (2013)
If you must know, I Was having an argument[CN] 如果你要知道,我是 有一个参数 What If... (2010)
Param? Okay, yeah.[CN] 参数好吧,是的。 Playing for Keeps (2012)
You always did edit out the arguments and misery.[CN] 你总是没有编辑出 参数和痛苦。 Le Week-End (2013)
During the interview, if any parameters are violated, [CN] 在采访过程中,如果任何参数被侵犯, The Interview (2014)
- I'll need to reset the particle parameters[CN] 我要重置粒子参数 Things You Can't Outrun (2014)
It's our joint opinion the potential collateral damage falls within current *matrix* parameters.[CN] 我们都同意 按照现有参数 间接的伤害将更小 Marine One (2011)
That's within parameters.[CN] 这是内参数 100 Degrees Below Zero (2013)
- You can't. There are no parameters![CN] 那里 没有参数 I'll Follow You Down (2013)
If you look at the equations for a black hole and put in the parameters of the universe... the mass of the universe, the size of the universe... bingo![CN] 看看黑洞方程式 轮入宇宙参数 如质量和体积, 找到了 Black Holes (2010)
If you believe that someone out there cares and twiddles the parameters so that you can exist, that puts our existence at the very core of reality.[CN] 如果您认为 有人在那里问津 和twiddles参数 这样就可以存在, 这使我们的存在 在现实的核心。 Particle Fever (2013)
All right, now, that's a little better. Where's the cross-over?[CN] 现在好多了, 转换参数呢? The Dilemma (2011)
It's not an argument.[CN] 这不是一个参数 The Broken Shore (2013)
Einstein's going to help me set up the parameters of its use.[CN] 爱因斯坦的要帮我设置 了它的使用的参数 I'll Follow You Down (2013)
Wait, wait, Patti, wait. Wait, Param![CN] 等一下,等一下,帕蒂,等待,等待,参数 Playing for Keeps (2012)
Four years ago my team built a model predicting icelandic volcanic activity and this morning's eruption hews almost exactly to the parameters established in that model.[CN] 四年前,我的团队 建立了一个预测模型 冰岛火山 的活动,这 上午的喷发砍成几乎完全 该模型建立的参数 100 Degrees Below Zero (2013)
I think, rather than only result in only one parameter.[CN] 我想,而不是中将 只会造成只有一个参数 Battle Force (2012)
Yeah, well, but we can go back to California and put the boards in the testing hardware and test everything in isolation based on the parameters that you're finding here.[CN] 确实 但我们可以回到加州 把棋盘放进测试硬件 再基于你发现的这些参数 Computer Chess (2013)


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