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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
利器[lì qì, ㄌㄧˋ ㄑㄧˋ,  ] a sharp weapon; effective implement; an outstandingly able individual #15,810 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
利器[りき, riki] (n) sharp-edged tool; convenience [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
They don't have siege weapons.[CN] 没有攻城利器 The Wolf and the Lion (2011)
Five years in hell forged me into a weapon, which I use to honor a vow I made to my father, who sacrificed his life for mine.[CN] 五年地狱般的生活将我打造成一柄利器 以之兑现我对父亲的承诺 他牺牲自己 换我一命 Honor Thy Father (2012)
This tactical advantage, this tremendous tool that we've given you, don't squander it thinking.[CN] 你擁有此神兵利器和我們提供的戰略優勢,別胡思亂想 Source Code (2011)
This sword is very sharp[CN] 此剑乃天下利器 Forbidden City Cop (1996)
Cause of death was aortic tool cutting[CN] 死因是大动脉被利器割断 Kung Fu Jungle (2014)
From this, we discovered that the blade used to cut them was made from a special type of tungsten carbide.[CN] 从切断它的利器中 发现了特殊的碳化钨 The Brain Man (2013)
Nothing like a little edge, huh, sweetheart?[CN] Nothing like a little edge, huh, sweetheart? 要靠利器壮胆,啊,亲爱的? Strange Cargo (1940)
Threatening innocent citizens with a weapon[CN] 竟然在大庭广众手持利器 意图伤害无辜市民 Police Story (1985)
To make magic.[CN] 利器 And weapons... Doctor Strange (2016)
Louise, this is Ian Donnelly.[CN] "它是争论中首先出鞘的利器" "It's the first weapon drawn in a conflict." Arrival (2016)
In Scotland, they're referred to as "chibs."[CN] 在苏格兰, 人们称其为"利器" Get Hard (2015)
They gave you this; a scratcher, yes?[CN] 他们还给了你这个 一个划皮利器 是吧 They gave you this. A scratcher, yes? Bridge of Spies (2015)
Hide and Go Seek Sharp Objects?[CN] 利器捉迷藏? Hide and Go Seek Sharp Objects? Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
The killer had a large, sharp object.[CN] 凶手有一件大型利器 Musician Heal Thyself (2014)
Last couple of years, there have been some scuffles, of course, and, uh, one stabbing.[CN] 前几年的比赛出了几起斗殴事件 还有一起利器伤人案 A Good Shoot (2012)
Prehistoric jaws and claws are designed to do what they do best.[CN] 史前动物的爪与牙 生来就是杀人利器 Shiizakana (2014)
And while he's lying... on the sidewalk helpless... his attacker stabs him in both eyes.[CN] 他倒在人行道上后 凶手持利器刺他双眼 Se7en (1995)
to wage this terrible battle.[CN] 甚至来自战争的经验都为这场生死战提供利器 Armageddon (1998)
For a man on horseback, the curved blade is a good thing, easier to handle.[CN] 对于马背上的民族来说 弯刀是一把利器 易于掌握 Lord Snow (2011)
Well that's the problem.[JP] 「何が問題か 我々は文明の利器の中でー」 Regression (2015)
The Weapon was razor sharp.[CN] 利器是... 锋利的刀片 出去,我告诉过你出去 Highlander (1986)
You're a weapon, Mason. A damn good one. I value that.[CN] 你是一件武器 梅森 还是件利器 我看重你 The November Man (2014)
- My tongue becomes this intrusion.[CN] - 我的舌头成为一种利器 Girl, Interrupted (1999)
I used to scream, too, but for me, it wasn't so much the sharp instruments as it was the fingers.[CN] 我以前也凄厉地叫 但伤我的 不是利器 而是手指 Man on Fire (2014)
Not to mention it's a total chick magnet.[CN] - 而且这绝对是吸引美女的利器 A Good Shoot (2012)
Easier to sharpen and 700 times more common on Earth than copper, it is a game changer.[CN] 较容易造成利器的优点, 令它在地球上比铜普及700倍, 它改变了这场游戏. History of the World in 2 Hours (2011)
And I'd like to point out this wall just provided a lot of privacy![CN] 顺便说一句 And I'd like to point out 这墙真是保护隐私的利器! this wall just provided a lot of privacy! The Fortification Implementation (2015)
and we can glimpse Kew's tiny weapons in the battle to protect the future of all plants - seeds.[CN] 也能一瞥邱园的小型武器 那是保护所有植物未来的战斗利器 种子 Survival (2012)
The symbol of my humiliation had become a tool to get back on the horse.[CN] 我蒙羞的象徵卻成了縱橫情場的利器 Just Go with It (2011)
Initial reports indicate that the killer used the same blade with enough force to nearly-- well, in some cases, completely decapitate his victims.[CN] 初步鉴定结果显示凶手持同一把利器 从某些被害人身上看到 其行凶力度极大 可令被害人身首异处 Seventeen (2013)
A big warthog. Potential prey, but armed and dangerous.[CN] 一只大疣猪 { \3cH202020 }A big warthog. 但他身携利器 十分危险 { \3cH202020 }but armed and dangerous. Kalahari (2013)
That's how demons travel. That's why I stay away out here in the woods, [JP] だから私は森で暮らし 文明の利器を使わないんだ I Don't Wanna Know (2008)
And such an instrument I was to use.[CN] 告诉我应当用什么利器 Macbeth (1971)
Put down the weapon[CN] 放下利器 Police Story (1985)
Because they know I got a stone moneymaker here![CN] 因为他们知道我这里 多了个赚钱利器 Penguin's Umbrella (2014)
You scrape shavings off it with a stick that is split for a sharp edge.[CN] 利器刮下表皮 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
Police say Shibuya was stabbed umpteen times with a sharp object... Popular Script Writer SLAUGHTERED![CN] 被杀害的涉谷贵雄 全身被尖锐的利器刺了十几刀 Perfect Blue (1997)
HYDRA invested quite a bit of funds turning Mr. Peterson into the perfect killing machine ... money well-spent, I might add.[CN] 海德拉花了不少资金 Hydra invested quite a bit of funds 才把彼得森先生改造成杀人利器... turning Mr. Frenemy of My Enemy (2015)
You are the last man I'd run afoul of.[CN] 你得原谅我 { \fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000 }You'll forgive me 我无法就这么失去意识 { \fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000 }if I have a problem lying unconscious 躺在你的装置上 看着你在我面前拿着利器 { \fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000 }before a man with sharp items at his disposal. Ogygia (2017)
A tool for building up or blowing up... each candidate's credibility as America's next commander-in-chief.[CN] 这项利器既能造就 也能摧毁两位候选人 成为美国下一任三军统帅的信用 Truth (2015)
Minute of eternity was a dark-haired wicked waif who pierced my sorrow with a sharp and sacred breast leaving only the remorse of seeing the sun rise on my solitude.[CN] 来世 是一个黑发流浪儿 她用利器和圣洁的胸膛 Léolo (1992)
Dong Chang also established a weapon department specialized in developing various new weapons.[CN] 东厂又设有军器部 专事设计各类新颖杀人利器 Dragon Inn (1992)
Give me the sharp weapon, I wanna put it up his butt![CN] 快把这个利器给我 我要插进他屁股里! Pitch Perfect (2012)
Cause of death is multiple sharp-force injuries across the neck region.[CN] 从脖颈一侧至对侧的 多次利器伤致死 The Jungle (2013)
The town clerk has been killed." "Stabbed in the side with a strange pointed instrument."[CN] 一件非常尖锐的利器刺入身体一侧 造成了市务秘书的死亡 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
He's got a penetrating injury to the chest.[CN] 胸部有利器刺入 Bean (1997)
- Objects sharp.[CN] - - 利器 Eden and After (1970)
Some were stabbed, too.[CN] 而且身上都插有利器 Chinese Zodiac (2012)
Guy picks on the wrong woman, she pulls out a blade and stabs him.[CN] 兴许是强奸未遂 施暴者被杀 钓错了马子 被女人用利器所杀 Rubbery Homicide (2014)
We're trying to figure out what's going on. Well, if I have to solve this in the Stone Age, [JP] この事件を 文明の利器無しで解決するとしたら Snow Angels (2013)


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