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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
决裂[jué liè, ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄌㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] to rupture; to burst open; to break; to break off relations with; a rupture #29,161 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But I had enough for college, but it was all gone, so I got emancipated from them, and I've been on my own since I was 16.[CN] 但足够我支付大学学费 但是都没了 所以我就跟他们决裂 ...Then I'll Know (2015)
A week went by, here I am.[CN] 我们决裂 之后我便坐了牢 I Sell the Dead (2008)
"The cruelty of the sepoys," he said, [CN] 是一个与旧秩序决裂的机会 Freedom (2007)
In my previous programme, I showed how the Protestant faith broke away from medieval Catholicism to build a Protestant homeland in Europe.[CN] 在前面的节目里,我展示了新教信仰 是如何与中世纪的天主教相决裂、 在欧洲建立起新教据点的。 Protestantism: The Evangelical Explosion (2009)
He still hasn't recovered from the violence of his break with Professor Freud.[CN] 他还没从和弗洛伊德的决裂中回过神来 A Dangerous Method (2011)
Shift rubble and deal crack?[CN] 抬起碎石解决裂 Monsters: Dark Continent (2014)
The Kuomintang have broken with the Reds and have knocked them for six![CN] 国民党已与共产党决裂 并击败了他们六次 The Last Emperor (1987)
So, then I said, "If you talk to me like that again, we're through".[CN] 」 所以我就说「如果你再这样 对我讲话我们就决裂 Monsters, Inc. (2001)
If you ever do this again, it's over between me and you.[CN] 如果你继续干这个 我和你之间就决裂了 你明白我的意思吗? Wild Bill (2011)
You have allied yourself with Milan against the Empire.[CN] 米兰和帝国决裂 Sword of War (2009)
Maybe this was the reason for the split between two creators of the movie, [CN] 也许这就是两个电影导演决裂的原因 The Sacrifice (1986)
Months ago, Menoyo broke from the Directory, creating a Second Front.[CN] 数月前 麦诺亚跟指导委员会决裂后又建立了一条战线 (指导委员会指古巴3.13革命指导委员会) Che: Part One (2008)
This is my last chance to get away from my father, and everything else![CN] 我必须跟我父亲和其他所有人决裂 The Langoliers (1995)
To tell you the truth, what finished him for me was all that business about you.[CN] 老实说,我真正决定和他决裂 还是因为你的事情 A Dangerous Method (2011)
Those who followed on with Tarkovsky after Andrey Rublev started to break him from those who truly loved him - he was being led away from us.[CN] 那些在《安德烈 -卢布廖夫》跟随 塔尔夫斯基的人 都开始跟他决裂 那些人是真心喜欢塔尔夫斯基的 The Sacrifice (1986)
♫ Let's kiss and make up ♫ No use to break up[CN] 我们以吻来和好吧 不必决裂 Funny Face (1957)
And since the Bible nowhere tells clergy to be celibate, the Zurich clergy broke with half a millennium of Western Christian tradition and got married.[CN] 而由于圣经没有一处要神职人员守独身, 所以苏黎世的神职人员就与500年的 西方基督教传统决裂,娶妻生子。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
They've been jolted apart again, as they were... seeming to come just a little closer.[CN] 他们本来有希望达成和解 现在却因为这起事件彻底决裂 Munich (2005)
In a crisis that brought Julie and Austin together, while Carlos and Gaby broke apart.[CN] 经过危机julie和austin化敌为友 而carlos和gaby决裂 Children and Art (2006)
This absolutism would give later Protestants yet another reason to break away from the Western Latin Church.[CN] 这种绝对主义使得后来的新教徒 更有理由与西方拉丁教会决裂 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
And in a break from the past, Vatican II suggested that the Church might not have all the answers, after all.[CN] 在与过去决裂中,梵二会议暗示, 教会终究不可能拥有一切答案。 God in the Dock (2009)
He apparently went through an ugly divorce, had a drinking problem, retiring in two weeks.[CN] 与太太决裂离婚,酒瘾大 Rules of Engagement (2000)
You're right. We oughtn't to let her break it up.[CN] 你说得对 我们不能为了她决裂 Design for Living (1933)
And you can't just drop a bomb on me like our friendship ending and then refuse to tell me what happened.[CN] 而且你怎么能就说我们决裂了 却不告诉我原因 I Never... (2015)
Or is it that you plan to deny me?[CN] 您现在也要和我决裂了吗 La nueva reina (2012)
The French command soon broke with the government of Pétain and their troops became part of the Allied army.[CN] 法国指挥部很快与贝当政府决裂 他们的部队也成为盟军的一部分 Tough Old Gut: Italy - November 1942-June 1944 (1974)
Gradually, the temperature began to rise, and when Herbert Morrison for the Labour Party announced that they were going to divide at the end of the debate against the government...[CN] 逐渐地, 气温开始上升, 当赫伯特·莫里森作为工党代表 宣布他们将在辩论结束后与政府决裂... Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973)
To do otherwise is to be an enabler, a Mafia wife, with the true devils of extremism that draw their legitimacy from the billions of their fellow travelers.[CN] 你应该与其决裂,并反对它 而另一种做法,你将会成为帮凶 一个黑手党的妻子 Religulous (2008)
It broke us apart... because, as a young man, he had such talent.[CN] 我无法面对这件事 也因此和他决裂 Eddie the Eagle (2015)
I will teach him how to break with the demon[CN] 我们会教他如何与恶魔决裂 Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
If you can't be friends with him anymore, that's even better.[CN] 如果能够决裂就更好了 Episode #1.15 (2013)
I see Baruch Spinoza as the original doubter, the man who first dared to break with the past and question whether God was the answer.[CN] 我把斯宾诺莎视为最初的怀疑者。 是第一个敢于与过去决裂、并对 上帝即答案的观念提出质疑的人。 God in the Dock (2009)
I haven't had sex since I split up with my husband.[CN] 我没有做爱,自动我和丈夫决裂之后 Role Model (2005)
Your... your secession- you fight the yanks.[CN] 你们与北方决裂 与北军斗争 Still Valley (1961)
200 years later, in 1054, the West would finally split from the Church in Constantinople, creating distinct Catholic and Orthodox Churches.[CN] 200年后,1054年, 西方最终与君士坦丁堡的教会决裂, 双方各自发展成为个性鲜明 的天主教会和东正教会。 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
Marcel and I will never get back together now.[CN] Marcel跟我却永远决裂 Between Love & Goodbye (2008)
Time's not been kind to you, Bowen. - You should never have broke with me.[CN] 岁月不饶人 你不该和我决裂 DragonHeart (1996)
Breaking with Rome would isolate England politically and leave us at the mercy of the Protestants.[CN] 同罗马决裂, 政治上来说? 英格兰会被孤立的. 会让我们任基督教的摆布. The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)
It happened because I thought he was wrong from time to time.[CN] 之所以决裂, 是因为我觉得 他屡屡犯错 The Sacrifice (1986)
Break with the past...[CN] 和过去决裂... Sorry, If I Love You (2008)
And we fell out over that.[CN] 我们因为这原因,彻底决裂 Best of Enemies: Buckley vs. Vidal (2015)
Though they have all taken the oath, what is not yet known is how honestly or completely they have renounced the old religion.[CN] 他们虽然都宣誓效忠 Though they have all taken the oath, 但仍不能确信他们是否 what is not yet known is how honestly 已与旧信仰彻底决裂 or completely they have renounced the old religion. Lady in Waiting (2008)
I will report, that this negotiation was a complete failure.[CN] 我会报告 这次协商彻底决裂 Episode #1.8 (2011)
Why do you think I asked for them?[CN] 那等于要我跟罗马公然决裂 这正是我的目的 Cleopatra (1963)
But when it came to my brother, they did not seem to know or care that their course of secret action brought the kind of devastation that could cut them.[CN] 反倒是对我哥 却没有意识到这一点 他们的秘密行动 也是造成他们关系决裂的原因之一 Into the Wild (2007)
If Mack freaks out on me again, I am so through with him.[CN] 如果Mack再敢对我动粗 我就彻底跟他决裂 Strange Love (2008)
Broken with Rome.[CN] 跟罗马决裂. The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)
See, since you ripped off your money man, he wants you dead.[CN] 因为你和你的投资人决裂了 他想杀了你 Blind Spot (2010)
Broke with her liberal, presidio heights family by falling in love with a republican.[CN] 因为和一个共和党恋爱 而跟她普雷西迪奥高地的 自由主义家庭决裂 The Last Supper (2014)


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