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公牛[gōng niú, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄋㄧㄡˊ,  ] bull #12,809 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Every now and then you gotta do what we folks around here like to call "Slap the Bull."[CN] 我们这儿的人 经常做一件叫做 "拍击公牛"的事 Wild Hogs (2007)
I've been slapping bulls...[CN] 我们还拍打了公牛... Wild Hogs (2007)
Weakened from blood loss, they run the bull in more circles until he is dizzy and stops chasing.[CN] 他们会让由于失血过多 而虚弱无比的公牛再多跑几圈 直到公牛眩晕得停止追逐 Earthlings (2005)
-Vodka Red Bull.[CN] -伏特加红色公牛 Hostel (2005)
I had seen bulls mount cows but the erect cock of a grown man was different[CN] 我看过发情的公牛 但成熟男人的勃起又不一样 Tear This Heart Out (2008)
An interview with the Raging Bull.[CN] 采访'愤怒的公牛' Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
Look, Bull Slap for everybody. Line 'em up.[CN] 看 人人都玩拍击公牛 来吧 排起队来 Wild Hogs (2007)
If you need someone to take the bull by the horns, Ben's your guy.[CN] 當你需要什麼人來幫你擋住公牛的角的話 班就是你需要的人 License to Wed (2007)
Bobby, I don't give a damn about you fighting no bulls![CN] 鲍比 我不管你和那该死的 公牛对打! Wild Hogs (2007)
One gets branded like a South Dakota steer.[CN] 一个被打上了烙印 { \3cH202020 }One gets branded 就像南达科他州的公牛一样 { \3cH202020 }like a South Dakota steer. By the Skin and the Teeth (2006)
- Yeah, we slapped a bull on the ass![CN] - 是的 我们在公牛的屁股上打了一下! Wild Hogs (2007)
You spend one second in that pen and that bull'd have his horn up your ass and sticking out your pecker.[CN] 你只要呆在那围栏里,那公牛就会用它的角 刺入你的屁股,然后把你的生殖器顶出来 The Devil's Rejects (2005)
Some truck's driver must've crap an entire cow in there, man.[CN] 那帮卡车司机一定是把整只 的公牛及进了厕所 老兄 Wild Hogs (2007)
Goddamn bull tore right through my holding pen.[CN] 该死的公牛冲出我的候宰栏 The Reaping (2007)
(which is Spanish for killer), and a confused, maimed, psychologically tormented, and physically debilitated bull.[CN] 在无比敏捷的斗牛士的剑 与一头昏乱,残废,精神痛苦 并且身体极度虚弱的公牛之间的决斗 Earthlings (2005)
Let it be known that's the wrong ox to gore.[CN] 让他们明白 不该挑衅这匹公牛 E.B. Was Left Out (2005)
and run like a bull towards the goal post.[CN] 然后像公牛一样冲向目标. Namastey London (2007)
Hey, how did they like my President "Bull" Clinton idea?[CN] 那他们觉得克林顿公牛的主意怎么样? There's Something About a War (2006)
Be interesting to see how the bull takes being slapped[CN] 我对能看到公牛如何反应 很感兴趣 Wild Hogs (2007)
They vaulted over bulls.[CN] 他们从公牛身上跳过去 Peaceful Warrior (2006)
Finally, the matador, this "killer", appears and, after provoking a few exhausted charges from the dying animal, tries to kill the bull with his sword.[CN] 最后,斗牛士,这个杀手,出场了 在数次激怒垂死的,精疲力竭的动物后 准备用它的剑杀手公牛 Earthlings (2005)
In high summer, the bulls are fat from the rich grazing and in prime condition, but only a few will mate.[CN] 在盛夏,公野牛个个吃得胖乎乎的 精神焕发. 然而只有为数不多的公牛会和母牛交配 Great Plains (2006)
Then come the banderilleros who distract and dart around the bull while plunging more lances into him.[CN] 此时短枪手上场 他们会分散在公牛周围投飞镖 并刺入更多的标枪 Earthlings (2005)
In a typical event, the bull enters and is approached by men who exhaust and frustrate him by running him in circles and tricking him into collisions.[CN] 在一个典型的斗牛中,公牛进场 被人用诡计逗弄 使它不停打转,冲撞,最后使它 精疲力竭,灰心丧气 Earthlings (2005)
Look at the best teams in history- the Celtics, the Bulls, the Lakers- all great defensive teams[CN] 看看史上那些最佳球队 凯尔特人 公牛 湖人 都是很会防守的队伍 In Her Shoes (2005)
Get a job, hair girl![CN] 美容師公牛 Exte: Hair Extensions (2007)
Many prominent former bullfighters report that bulls are intentionally debilitated with tranquilizers and laxatives, beatings to the kidneys, and heavy weights hung around their necks for weeks before a fight.[CN] 很多著名的前斗牛士报告 那些公牛被故意喂了镇定剂 以使它们虚弱 在斗牛前,已经被殴打腰部 并在脖子上挂重物长达数星期之久 Earthlings (2005)
But I'm not... I'm not gonna slap a bull.[CN] 但是我 我不会拍打公牛 Wild Hogs (2007)
-Vodka Red Bull, danke.[CN] -伏特加红色公牛 加水 Hostel (2005)
Strongly built, he'd come straight at you, his shoulders slightly hunched, his head forward, his dark eyes like a bull ready to charge.[CN] 288) }有力的身材,筆直向你走來 288) }肩膀略有些聳起,頭向前傾 288) }黑色眼睛中的光芒 讓人想起整裝待發的公牛 Capitaine Achab (2007)
The farmer said, "He's a heck of a bull"[CN] 农夫说 他是只公牛 A Prairie Home Companion (2006)
and on the other side, with the local script, a hump-backed Indian bull.[CN] 是当地的手写字和拱背的印度公牛 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
- I'll take a little Bull Slap.[CN] - 我要玩拍击公牛 Wild Hogs (2007)
- Let's have a little Bull Slap.[CN] - 我们来玩玩拍击公牛 Wild Hogs (2007)
You mess with the bull, you get the horns. [ snorting ][CN] 记住,你是在跟公牛比试,我会尝到厉害的 The Pacifier (2005)
- How 'bout a little Bull Slap?[CN] - 不如玩玩拍击公牛吧? Wild Hogs (2007)
"Slapping the Bull"?[CN] 拍击公牛 Wild Hogs (2007)
We call Fache "the Bull." Once he starts, he doesn't stop.[CN] 我们管法希叫"公牛" 他一开始就不会停的 The Da Vinci Code (2006)
That's-That's really somethin' coming' from the Raging Bull, huh?[CN] 他 他就是'愤怒的公牛'里那个? Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
like when Jordan came back to the United Center.[CN] 像乔丹回到芝加哥公牛联肮中心一样 Nothing Like the Holidays (2008)
- Someone get me a Red Bull.[CN] -有人为我拿到一头红公牛 What Love Is (2007)
When the bull is tired and out of breath, he is approached by picadors, who drive lances into his back and neck muscles, twisting and gouging to ensure a significant amount of blood loss, and impairing the bull's ability to lift his head.[CN] 公牛疲惫的几乎喘不上气时 一个长矛手会靠近它 在它的后背和颈部刺入标枪 扭转和挖凿以确实公牛大量失血 Earthlings (2005)
- I'm gonna put a tremendous step upside your head if you don't shut up with that treehugger bull.[CN] -我将要放一个惊人的台阶 上边你头如果你不 与那头极端环境保护主义者公牛关闭。 What Love Is (2007)
She was our John Gotti, and Rivi their "Sammy The Bull" Gravano.[CN] 她是我们的约翰・戈蒂, 和Rivi他们的"萨米的公牛"Gravano。 Cocaine Cowboys (2006)
In rodeos, bulls and broncos don't buck because they're wild, but because they're in pain.[CN] 在竞技中,公牛和野马并非因为它们 是未驯服的野生动物而挣扎腾越 Earthlings (2005)
- Tonight, the Raging Bull-[CN] 今晚 愤怒的公牛 更悲哀的是 Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
All right, all right, I'm gonna slap a bull.[CN] 好的 好的 我要去拍击公牛 Wild Hogs (2007)
That's why he stood there renouncing his whole kingdom, everything.[CN] 这边,他可能正倚着他的公牛: 南迪 但是公牛没有发现 Ages of Gold (2007)
So literally, we're gonna slap a bull?[CN] 所以 从字面上讲 我们要 拍打一头公牛 Wild Hogs (2007)
- I'm gonna slap that bull.[CN] - 我要去拍击公牛 Wild Hogs (2007)


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