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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
光束[guāng shù, ㄍㄨㄤ ㄕㄨˋ,  ] beam #30,278 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
光束[こうそく, kousoku] (n) (1) luminous flux; (2) pencil (of light) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
A beam of white light is split by a prism into rays of various colors.白色の光束はプリズムによって様々な色の光線に分離される。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The most famous painting that resolved any doubt in my mind depict a UFO with its laser beam, was made by Crivelli in[CN] 它描绘了一个发出激光束的UFO 是由Crivelli作于1486年 Closer Encounters (2010)
You beings are eons away from discovering light travel.[CN] 光束旅行不是你们能想像的 K-PAX (2001)
I have forwarded optical images, laserverbinding through this.[CN] 我用这个仪器发射激光束,传送光学照片 The Objective (2008)
-I have it covered with a tractor beam.[CN] 我们已经用牵引光束抓住了叛军 Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007)
Picard to Enterprise. Energize.[CN] 企业号,光束传送 Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
By adjusting the tuning frequency I get an enhancement of Higgs antibosons at 90GHz and an almost pure beam at 160GHz.[CN] 不断调整频率... 900亿赫兹时产生西格反玻子 1600亿赫兹时产生纯净光束 Solaris (2002)
And as the tractor beam is pulling Penny and you to aliens' mother ship we fade to black.[CN] 然后传输光束把你和Penny 带去外星人的母舰... ...画面渐暗 Bolt (2008)
Over the years, as Alvin threw her beams of light across the abyss, the spirit of this volcanic forces has begun to seem almost limitless.[CN] 数年来,"阿尔文号"的 光束不断穿透深渊 这座火山森林开始展现出它的无穷魅力 Volcanoes of the Deep Sea (2003)
I have a beam of light to catch.[CN] 我还要赶着坐光束 K-PAX (2001)
I've never seen anything like it. It's a beam of light...[CN] 我从来没有见过任何类似的东西 它像一道光束 District 9 (2009)
They could be using laser beams.[CN] 或许那儿还有激光束 Bee Movie (2007)
It's a major cash cow. Particle beam technology, it's the earthquake deal.[CN] 需要许多钱,分子光束技技 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)
A divine, guiding light.[CN] 一道神圣的光束指引着我 S. Darko (2009)
You'd be surprised how much energy is in a beam of light.[CN] 光束包含的能量大到让你吃惊 K-PAX (2001)
- Would you rather go back and deal with Sheldon or have a stranger carve out your corneas with a laser beam?[CN] 你是愿意回公寓面对Sheldon 还是愿意让你的角膜来次陌生的 激光束开拓之旅? The Pancake Batter Anomaly (2008)
We do have a beam.[CN] 我们确实有一个光束 Trojan War (1997)
In the lab, it's done by focusing 192 laser beams on a tiny sample of hydrogen.[CN] 在实验室里的方法 则是用192道激光束射向少量的氢 Planets (2010)
"Rays of light fall upon the river banks"[CN] 光束缠绕 散落河堤 啊 Love in Disguise (2010)
Should have caught the nearest beam of light.[CN] 早知道就坐光束回来 K-PAX (2001)
- Make him cut that beam immediately.[CN] - 馬上讓他關掉光束 Arthur and the Invisibles (2006)
## And leave a brilliant light behind ## lt's no secret how I feel[CN] ∮留下闪亮的光束∮ ∮没有任何怀疑踯躅∮ Phenomenon (1996)
And don't give me this beam-of-light shit, because I don't buy it.[CN] 少拿什么狗屁光束来唬我 我才不信 K-PAX (2001)
Cycles that raced on ribbons of light.[CN] 还有在光束上跑的摩托车 TRON: Legacy (2010)
Um, who would it be from...? Can it be...?[CN] 是由人造卫星发射的激光束所造成的 Jamming with Edward (1998)
LaserControl. Okay.[CN] 「雷射光束」,确认 TRON: Legacy (2010)
What are you gonna do, beam us up?[CN] 现在怎么做? 用光束把我们传送上去? Everybody Hates Hugo (2005)
Well, then, maybe you could show us how this light travel works.[CN] 也许你可以表演一下 你所谓的光束旅行 K-PAX (2001)
It won't be strong enough when it comes back... - ... to be seen by the naked eye.[CN] 但当裸眼观察光束回射的时候 又不会太强伤眼 The Lunar Excitation (2010)
- Wow! - Pulsating laser light![CN] 超强雷射光束 Toy Story (1995)
They already have a bounty of 8 million woolongs on the culprit...[CN] 就算那是 从卫星上面发射出来的激光束所造成的 在那个黑客的脑子里面 Jamming with Edward (1998)
About that light travel thing.[CN] 关于那个光束旅行 K-PAX (2001)
## Leave a brilliant light behind ##[CN] ∮留下闪亮的光束 Phenomenon (1996)
Yes, well, let's start with this idea of light travel, shall we?[CN] 那就... 从光束旅行开始好了 K-PAX (2001)
A laser accurate to .009 millimeters scans the retina.[CN] 精确度到0.009公厘的雷射光束扫描视网膜 Charlie's Angels (2000)
Maybe you could travel in a transmission... at the speed of light, like a thought.[CN] 或者你可以乘光束而来 只需一刹那 The Astronaut's Wife (1999)
- Cut the beam![CN] - 關掉光束 Arthur and the Invisibles (2006)
When it's locked on a target... it will be like holding a laser beam steady on a dime...[CN] 当它锁定在目标上 它就像拿着一道激光束稳稳的指向一枚... Hubble (2010)
Bridge to Transporter Room 3. Beam the Defiant survivors aboard.[CN] 三号传送室 用传送光束救出生还者 Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Recently we deployed a particle beam weapon into orbit.[CN] 我们把分子光束武器送上轨迹 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)
Beamline has no restrictions.[CN] 光束线无限制 Angels & Demons (2009)
See the infrared beam?[CN] 你看到红外光束了吧? Gun (2010)
Captain, these walls are titanium alloy and the bars are pulse-sonic lasers.[CN] 这是钛合金钢柱和雷射光束 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)
So in about one minute your friends are gonna have swat teams, ... smoke bombs, helicopters, and lasers all up in there, ... which means you got about 30 seconds to cut a deal, O'Hare.[CN] 一分钟内你的朋友们就会遭遇 特警队 烟雾弹 直升机和激光束 意味着你大概有30秒达成协议 O'Hare The Beantown Bailout Job (2009)
## And leave a brilliant light[CN] ∮留下闪亮的光束 Phenomenon (1996)
It+s a concentrated beam Of radiation, like a laser beam.[CN] 它是辐射集束 宛如激光束 Biggest Blasts (2009)
You're beaming back to K-PAX on July 27.[CN] 你7月27日要坐光束回去? K-PAX (2001)
You see, all infrared ray?[CN] 看到吗? 就那红外光束 Gun (2010)
## Leave a brilliant light[CN] ∮留下闪亮的光束 Phenomenon (1996)
Flicker? Flash? Beam?[CN] 亮闪闪 亮晶晶 光束 光芒 Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (2009)
The sphere is filled with photoelectric beams.[CN] 球体内布满反拆除光束 Executive Decision (1996)


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