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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -uchees-, *uchees*, uchee
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา uchees มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *uche*)
Dictionaries languages

English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
คำ[kham] (n) EN: [ classifier : words ; mouthfuls of food ]  FR: [ classificateur : mots ; bouchées de nourriture ]
อ้าปาก[ā pāk] (v, exp) EN: open the mouth  FR: ouvrir la bouche ; être bouché bée
อาบน้ำฝักบัว[āpnām fakbūa] (v) EN: take a shower  FR: se doucher
ใบเบิกเงิน[baiboēk ngoen] (n, exp) EN: cash voucher ; withdrawal slip
ใบสั่งจ่าย[baisangjāi] (n) EN: voucher ; check ; payment order  FR: reçu [ m ]
เบื้องซ้าย[beūang sāi] (adv) EN: on the left side ; to the left  FR: à gauche ; sur la gauche
บ้วนปาก[būanpāk] (v, exp) EN: rinse one's mouth ; gargle  FR: se rincer la bouche ; se gargariser ; se rincer la gorge
ฉบับร่าง[chabap rāng] (n, exp) EN: draft ; early version ; preliminary outline  FR: ébauche [ f ] ; brouillon [ m ]
ชั้น[chan] (n) EN: layer ; stratum ; tier  FR: couche [ f ] ; strate [ f ] ; niveau [ m ]
ชั้นของโอโซน[chan khøng ōsōn] (n, exp) EN: ozone layer  FR: couche d'ozone [ f ]
ชิดซ้าย[chit sāi] (v, exp) EN: keep to the left ; keep left  FR: serrer à gauche ; gardez votre gauche !
ช้อนใหญ่[chøn yai] (n, exp) FR: louche [ f ]
ดาย[dāi] (v) EN: cut with a sweeping motion ; clear off grass and weed ; weed ; mow  FR: faucher ; sarcler ; désherber
ด่าง[dāng] (x) EN: spotted ; speckled ; mottled ; piebald ; striped  FR: tacheté ; marbré ; rayé ; moucheté ; tigré
ด้านซ้าย[dān sāi] (n, exp) FR: côté gauche [ m ]
ด้านซ้ายมือ[dān sāimēu] (prep) FR: à gauche ; sur la gauche ; côté gauche
เดือนดับ[deūoen dap] (n, exp) EN: moonset ; setting moon  FR: coucher de lune [ m ]
ฎีกา[dīkā] (n) EN: voucher ; request for a treasury payment
เอน[ēn] (v) EN: recline ; bend ; incline ; lean ; rest ; tend  FR: s'incliner ; pencher ; être couché
เอนกาย[ēnkāi] (v) EN: lie down  FR: être couché
ไฝ[fai] (n) EN: mole ; dark spot  FR: grain de beauté [ m ] ; mouche [ f ]
ฝักบัว[fakbūa] (n) EN: shower ; ceiling shower  FR: pommeau de douche [ m ]
ฝั่งซ้าย[fang sāi] (n, exp) EN: left bank  FR: rive gauche [ f ]
ฝันร้าย[fan rāi] (n, exp) EN: nightmare ; bad dream  FR: cauchemar [ m ] ; mauvais rêve [ m ] ; rêve affreux [ m ]
ฝันร้าย[fan rāi] (v, exp) EN: have a nightmare ; have bad dreams  FR: faire des cauchemars ; faire de mauvais rêves ; cauchemarder (fam.)
ฝาท่อระบายน้ำ[fā thø rabai nām] (n, exp) EN: manhole cover  FR: bouche d'égout [ f ]
ฟืน[feūn] (n, exp) EN: firewood ; fagot  FR: bûche [ m ] ; bois de chauffage [ m ]
ไห[hai] (n) EN: earthen jar ; jug  FR: jarre [ f ] ; cruche [ f ]
ห้ามจับของ[hām jap khøng] (v, exp) FR: ne pas toucher ; ne pas toucher à la marchandise ; défense de toucher
ห้ามแตะต้อง[hām taetøng] (v, exp) EN: do not touch ! ; don't touch !  FR: défense de toucher !
หางานทำ[hā ngān tham] (v, exp) FR: chercher un emploi ; chercher du travail ; chercher de l'embauche ; chercher un boulot (fam.)
หีบบุหรี่[hīp burī] (n, exp) EN: cigarette casket  FR: cartouche de cigarettes [ f ] ; farde de cigarettes [ f ] (Belg.)
ห้องนอน[hǿng nøn] (n) EN: bedroom  FR: chambre à coucher [ f ]
หัวใจห้องบนซ้าย[hūajai hǿng bon sāi] (n, exp) FR: oreillette gauche [ f ]
หัวใจห้องล่างซ้าย[hūajai hǿng lāng sāi] (n, exp) EN: left ventricle  FR: ventricule gauche [ m ]
จ้าง[jāng] (v) EN: hire ; employ ; engage  FR: embaucher ; engager ; employer ; recruter ; utiliser les services de
จับใจ[japjai] (v) EN: impress ; imprint  FR: captiver ; fasciner ; charmer ; émouvoir ; ensorceler ; envoûter ; impressionner ; séduire ; toucher
จด[jot] (v) EN: be contiguous ; adjoin ; border ; touch ; abut ; reach out to ; be in contact with  FR: être limitrophe ; border ; se toucher
จวนจบ[jūan jop] (v, exp) FR: toucher à sa fin
จุก[juk] (v) EN: stop ; block ; fill  FR: boucher
จูบปาก[jūp pāk] (v, exp) EN: kiss on the mouth ; kiss and make up  FR: embrasser sur la bouche
กั้ง[kang] (v) EN: keep back  FR: barrer ; bloquer ; boucher ; obstruer
การคลอด[kān khløt] (n) EN: delivery ; childbirth  FR: accouchement [ m ]
การคลอดลูก[kān khløt lūk] (n, exp) FR: accouchement [ m ] ; enfantement [ m ] (vx) ; délivrance [ f ]
การสัมภาษณ์การจ้างงาน[kān samphāt kān jāng-ngān] (n, exp) EN: employment interview  FR: entretien d'embauche [ m ]
การแท้ง[kān thaēng] (n) EN: abortion ; miscarriage  FR: avortement [ m ] ; fausse couche [ f ]
เก้งก้าง[kēngkāng] (adj) EN: awkward ; clumsy ; ungainly  FR: dégingandé ; gauche
ข่า[khā] (n) EN: galangal ; galingale  FR: souchet [ m ] ; amande de terre [ f ]
คำ[kham] (n) EN: mouthful  FR: bouchée [ f ] ; gorgée [ f ]
ขันอาบน้ำ[khan āpnām] (n, exp) FR: bol à douche [ m ]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. pl. (Ethnol.) A tribe of North American Indians belonging to the Creek confederation. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F., fr. accoucher to be delivered of a child, to aid in delivery, OF. acouchier orig. to lay down, put to bed, go to bed; L. ad + collocare to lay, put, place. See Collate. ] Delivery in childbed [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F., fr. accoucher. See Accouchement. ] A man who assists women in childbirth; a man midwife; an obstetrician. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F.., fem. of accoucher. ] A midwife. [ Recent ] Dunglison. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Pref. arch- + duchess. ] The consort of an archduke; also, a princess of the imperial family of Austria. See Archduke. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; the neck. ] (Zool.) The part of the neck nearest the back. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who avouches. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ G. barutsche, It. baroccio, biroccio, LL. barrotium, fr. L. birotus two-wheeled; bi- = bis twice + rota wheel. ] A four-wheeled carriage, with a falling top, a seat on the outside for the driver, and two double seats on the inside arranged so that the sitters on the front seat face those on the back seat. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A kind of light barouche. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A kind of half boot, or high shoe, with laces over the tongue; -- named from the Prussian general Blücher. Thackeray. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: blucher
Bonne bouche

pl. Bonnes bouches [ F. bon, fem. bonne, good + bouche mouth. ] A delicious morsel or mouthful; a tidbit. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ ‖ } n. [ F. bouche mouth, victuals. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A mouth. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An allowance of meat and drink for the tables of inferior officers or servants in a nobleman's palace or at court. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Bouche

v. t. Same as Bush, to line. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] Same as Bush, a lining. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ F., morsels, mouthfuls, fr. bouche mouth. ] (Cookery) Small patties. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ After Dr. Auguste Boucherie, a French chemist, who invented the process. ] To impregnate with a preservative solution of copper sulphate, as timber, railroad ties, etc. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. [ See Capoch. ] Cover with, or as with, a hood. [ Obs. ] Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Cartouches [ F. cartouche, It. cartuccia, cartoccio, cornet, cartouch, fr. L. charta paper. See 1st Card, and cf. Cartridge. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. (Mil.) (a) A roll or case of paper, etc., holding a charge for a firearm; a cartridge. (b) A cartridge box. (c) A wooden case filled with balls, to be shot from a cannon. (d) A gunner's bag for ammunition. (e) A military pass for a soldier on furlough. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Arch.) (a) A cantalever, console, corbel, or modillion, which has the form of a scroll of paper. (b) A tablet for ornament, or for receiving an inscription, formed like a sheet of paper with the edges rolled up; hence, any tablet of ornamental form. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Egyptian Antiq.) An oval figure on monuments, and in papyri, containing the name of a sovereign. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Cartouch

‖a. [ F., p. p. of coucher. See Couch, v. t. ] (Her.) (a) Not erect; inclined; -- said of anything that is usually erect, as an escutcheon. (b) Lying on its side; thus, a chevron couché is one which emerges from one side of the escutcheon and has its apex on the opposite side, or at the fess point. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Her.) Same as Couch&unr_;. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. couch&unr_;e a sleeping place from coucher. See Couch, v. t. ] A reception held at the time of going to bed, as by a sovereign or great prince. [ Obs. ] Dryden. The duke's levees and couchees were so crowded that the antechambers were full. Bp. Burnet. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. One who couches. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Paper Manuf.) One who couches paper. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. [ Cf. L. collectarius. ] (O. Eng. Law) (a) A factor or agent resident in a country for traffic. Blount. (b) The book in which a corporation or other body registers its particular acts. [ Obs. ] Cowell. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Marked with the sign of the cross. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Crouched friar. See Crutched friar, under Crutched.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. Dissolute; dissipated. “A coarse and debauched look.” Ld. Lytton. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a profligate manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The state of being debauched; intemperance. Bp. Hall. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. débauché, n., properly p. p. of débaucher. See Debauch, v. t. ] One who is given to intemperance or bacchanalian excesses; a man habitually lewd; a libertine. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who debauches or corrupts others; especially, a seducer to lewdness. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Debaucheries 1. Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance. [ 1913 Webster ]

The republic of Paris will endeavor to complete the debauchery of the army. Burke. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness. [ 1913 Webster ]

Oppose . . . debauchery by temperance. Sprat. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] A place for exit; an outlet; hence, a market for goods. [ 1913 Webster ]

The débouchés were ordered widened to afford easy egress. The Century. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F., fr. It. doccia, fr. docciare to flow, pour, fr. an assumed LL. ductiare, fr. L. ducere, ductum, to lead, conduct (water). See Duct. ] 1. A jet or current of water or vapor directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally; a douche bath. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Med.) A syringe. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. duchesse, fr. duc duke. ] The wife or widow of a duke; also, a lady who has the sovereignty of a duchy in her own right. [ 1913 Webster ]

Duchesse d'Angouleme

[ F. ] (Bot.) A variety of pear of large size and excellent flavor. [ 1913 Webster ]

Duchesse lace

A beautiful variety of Brussels pillow lace made originally in Belgium and resembling Honiton guipure. It is worked with fine thread in large sprays, usually of the primrose pattern, with much raised work. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. Formerly vouched or avowed; affirmed in advance. [ R. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] 1. Left handed; hence, awkward; clumsy. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Geom.) Winding; twisted; warped; -- applied to curves and surfaces. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Lacking grace and perceptivity in social situations; crude; tactless; socially inept.
Syn. -- graceless; unsophisticated. [ PJC ]

4. (Chem.) Not planar; -- of molecules or molecular conformations. [ PJC ]


n. an impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement.
Syn. -- crudeness, crudity. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ F. ] An awkward action; clumsiness; boorishness. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] Literally, a fly swallower; hence, once who keeps his mouth open; a boor; a silly and credulous person. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A genus of North American herbs with basal cordate or orbicular leaves and small panicled flowers.
Syn. -- genus Heuchera. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


{ ‖‖ } n. [ G. ] (Zool.) A large salmon (Salmo hucho or Salvelinus hucho) inhabiting the Danube; -- called also huso, and bull trout. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Huch

adj. of questionable taste, decency, or morality; not reputable; as, a louche nightclub; a louche painting.
Syn. -- shady. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]


‖n. pl. [ F. ] Goggles intended to rectify strabismus by permitting vision only directly in front. Knight. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F., the left hand. ] (Ancient Armor) The dagger held in the left hand, while the rapier is held in the right; -- used to parry thrusts of the adversary's rapier. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ √103. See Mickle. ] Much. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ German. ] A puffy mildly sweet lemon-flavored egg mixture sprinkled with confectioners' sugar and served with jam or a wine or fruit sauce.
Syn. -- german pancake. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ F., fr. It. peduccio console, corbel. ] A pedestal of small size, used to support small objects, as busts, vases, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] (Zool.) A flying squirrel (Sciuropterus volans) native of Northern Europe and Siberia; -- called also minene. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Zool.) (a) Having a marsupial pouch; as, the pouched badger, or the wombat. (b) Having external cheek pouches; as, the pouched gopher. (c) Having internal cheek pouches; as, the pouched squirrels. [ 1913 Webster ]

Pouched dog. (Zool.) See Zebra wolf, under Zebra. --
Pouched frog (Zool.), the nototrema, the female of which has a dorsal pouch in which the eggs are hatched, and in which the young pass through their brief tadpole stage. --
Pouched gopher, or
Pouched rat
. (Zool.) See Pocket gopher, under Pocket. --
Pouched mouse. (Zool.) See Pocket mouse, under Pocket.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Pouchet box

See Pouncet box. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ So named from the Pucher Mine, in Saxony. ] (Min.) Vanadate of bismuth, occurring in minute reddish brown crystals. [ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
douche-bag(n) คนเส็งเคร็ง เช่น A complete douchebag is someone who pisses you off. Most of the time it's like a sixth sense, you can't put your finger on it, but you just have the feeling., Syn. douchebag

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
douche(n) การฉีดล้างร่างกาย, See also: อุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ฉีดล้างร่างกาย, Syn. purgative
douche(vi) ฉีดล้างร่างกาย, Syn. clean, cleanse, flush, Ant. pollute
douche(vt) ฉีดล้างร่างกาย, Syn. clean, cleanse, flush, Ant. pollute
gauche(adj) เงอะงะ, See also: เปิ่นๆ, เชยๆ, เก้งก้าง, Syn. awkward, graceless, clumsy, Ant. graceful
duchess(n) ภรรยาของท่านดยุค, See also: ภรรยาหม้ายของท่านดยุค, คุณหญิง, ท่านหญิง, Syn. archduke, margrave
pouched(adj) ซึ่งมีถุงหน้าท้อง
touched(adj) ประทับใจ, See also: ซาบซึ้ง, จับใจ, Syn. moved, impressed
touched(adj) ที่ถูกเจือด้วยสิ่งอื่นเล็กน้อย
voucher(n) ใบสำคัญจ่าย, See also: ใบสำคัญแสดงหลักฐานการจ่ายเงิน รับเงิน หรือการส่งมอบของ
voucher(n) หนังสือรับรอง, See also: ใบรับรอง, เอกสารรับรอง, จดหมายรับรอง, Syn. credentials, proof
voucher(n) ผู้รับรอง, See also: ผู้รับประกัน, ผู้ค้ำประกัน, ผู้ยืนยัน, พยานสนับสนุน, Syn. guarantor
voucher(vt) เตรียมใบรับรองให้, See also: เตรียมใบสำคัญจ่ายให้, เตรียมหลักฐานให้
voucher(vt) รับประกัน, See also: ค้ำประกัน, Syn. guarantee
gauchely(adv) อย่างเงอะงะ, See also: อย่างเปิ่นๆ, อย่างเชยๆ, อย่างซุ่มซ่าม, Syn. awkwardly
debauchee(n) คนที่ล่อลวงคนอื่นไปสู่สิ่งที่ไม่ดี (คำเป็นทางการ)
gaucherie(n) ความเปิ่นเชย, See also: ควมมซุ่มซ่าม, ความงุ่มง่าม, Syn. clumsiness, boorishness
Kampuchea(n) กัมพูชา
Kampuchea(n) ประเทศกัมพูชา
retoucher(n) ผู้เสริมแต่ง, See also: ผู้ตกแต่ง
debauchery(n) พฤติกรรมที่ผิดศีลธรรมทางโลกีย์, See also: ความหมกมุ่นในโลกีย์, การล่อลวงให้ทำผิด, Syn. indulgence
accouchement(n) การให้กำเนิด, Syn. childbirth

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
accouchement(อะดูซมาน) fr. ระยะเก็บตัวในวัยเด็ก, การคลอด
accoucheur(อะคูเซอ') fr. ผู้ช่วยในการคลอด, หมดตำแย, สูติแพทย์
accoucheuse(อะคู; ซูส) fr. หมอตำแย
archduchess(อาร์ค'ดัชซิล) n. ภรรยาของ archduke, เจ้าหญิงออสเตรีย
debauchee(เดบ'บอชี) n. ผู้ลุ่มหลงในสุรายาเมา, ผู้ลุ่มหลงในโลกียวิสัย, การล่อลวงไปในทางเสีย
debouche(เดบูเช') n. ปากทาง, ทางออกจากที่แคบ, ป่าหรือภูเขาสู่ที่โล่ง, การจำหน่ายสินค้า
douche(ดูช) { douches, douching, douches } n. น้ำที่ฉีดล้าง, การใช้น้ำฉีดล้าง, เครื่องฉีดล้าง vt. ฉีดล้าง vi. ใช้น้ำฉีด
duchess(ดัช'ชิส) n. ภรรยา (หรือหญิงม่าย) ของท่านดยุค
gauche(โกช) adj. งุ่มง่าม, เก้งก้าง, เปิ่น, เคอะเขิน, See also: gaucheness n., Syn. stiff
gaucherie(โกชะรี') n. ความงุ่มง่าม, ความเก้งก้าง, ความเคอะเขิน
kampuchea(คามพู'เชีย) n. ประเทศเขมร
pouched(เพาชฺทฺ) adj. มีถุง, มีถุงหน้าท้องสำหรับแบกลูกอ่อน
unvouched(อันเวาชท') adj. ไม่ได้ค่ำประกัน, ไม่ได้ยืนยัน
voucher(เวา'เชอะ) n. ผู้รับรอง, ผู้รับประกัน, ผู้ค้ำประกัน, ผู้ยืนยัน, หนังสือรับรอง, ใบสำคัญคู่จ่าย. vt. เตรียมใบรับรองให้, เตรียมหลักฐานให้

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
accouchement(n) การให้กำเนิด, การคลอดลูก
debauchery(n) การกระทำชั่ว, การเสเพล, การมึนเมา, การเสพสุรา
duchess(n) ภรรยาท่านดยุก
voucher(n) ผู้รับประกัน, ใบเสร็จรับเงิน, ผู้รับรอง, ใบสำคัญ, ใบรับรอง

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
per bouche (L., Fr.)ด้วยปาก, ด้วยวาจา [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
parturition; accouchement; childbirth; labor; labour; partus; tocusการคลอด [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ delivery ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
partus; accouchement; childbirth; labor; labour; parturition; tocusการคลอด [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ delivery ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
labor; accouchement; childbirth; labour; parturition; partus; tocusการคลอด [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ delivery ๑ ] [ ศัพท์ที่มีคำ labor ประกอบ ดูที่ labour, ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
labour; accouchement; childbirth; labor; parturition; partus; tocusการคลอด [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ delivery ๑ ] [ ศัพท์ที่มีคำ labor ประกอบ ดูที่ labour, ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
locomotor ataxia; disease, Duchenne's; neurosyphilis, tabetic; tabes dorsalis; tabes spinalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
accouchement; childbirth; labor; labour; parturition; partus; tocusการคลอด [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ delivery ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
accouchement forceการข่มคลอด [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
accoucheurผู้ทำคลอด, หมอตำแย (ชาย) [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
accoucheuseผู้ทำคลอด, หมอตำแย (หญิง) [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
ataxia, locomotor; disease, Duchenne's; neurosyphilis, tabetic; tabes dorsalis; tabes spinalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
abouchementการบรรจบของหลอดหรือท่อ [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
childbirth; accouchement; labor; labour; parturition; partus; tocusการคลอด [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ delivery ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
disease, Duchenne's; ataxia, locomotor; neurosyphilis, tabetic; tabes dorsalis; tabes spinalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
Duchenne's disease; ataxia, locomotor; neurosyphilis, tabetic; tabes dorsalis; tabes spinalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
douche๑. ฉีดล้าง๒. (น้ำ, น้ำยา, เครื่องมือ ฯลฯ) ฉีดล้าง [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
doucheเครื่องฉีดล้าง (ช่องคลอด) [ประชากรศาสตร์ ๔ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
debaucheryความเสเพล, ความหมกมุ่นทางเพศ [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
voucher specimenตัวแทนตัวอย่าง [พฤกษศาสตร์ ๑๘ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
tocus; accouchement; childbirth; labor; labour; parturition; partusการคลอด [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ delivery ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
tabes dorsalis; ataxia, locomotor; disease, Duchenne's; neurosyphilis, tabetic; tabes spinalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
tabes spinalis; ataxia, locomotor; disease, Duchenne's; neurosyphilis, tabetic; tabes dorsalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
tabetic neurosyphilis; ataxia, locomotor; disease, Duchenne's; tabes dorsalis; tabes spinalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
neurosyphilis, tabetic; ataxia, locomotor; disease, Duchenne's; tabes dorsalis; tabes spinalisโรคไขสันหลังเสื่อม (เหตุซิฟิลิส) [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tabes ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Educational vouchersคูปองการศึกษา [TU Subject Heading]
Journal voucherใบสำคัญรายวันทั่วไป [การบัญชี]
Voucherใบสำคัญ [การบัญชี]
Voucher registerทะเบียนใบสำคัญจ่าย [การบัญชี]
Voucher systemระบบในสำคัญจ่าย [การบัญชี]
Accoucheursผดุงครรภ์ชาย [การแพทย์]
Doucheสวนล้างช่องคลอด [การแพทย์]
Douchesยาสวนล้าง [การแพทย์]
Duchenneความผิดปกติแบบดูเคนนี [การแพทย์]
Gaucher's Cellsเซลล์ของกอเชอร์ [การแพทย์]
Gaucher's Diseaseโกเชอร์, โรค; [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
ucheShe crouched down by the gate.
ucheFrost touched the flower.
ucheHer kindness touched me.
ucheHe touched the water with his foot.
ucheFather vouched for his friend.
ucheI add a few finishing touches.
ucheHe just drones on and on but hardly even touches on what we need to know for the test.
ucheThat plan still needed some finishing touches.
ucheThe cat crouched down ready to jump.
ucheThe ship touched at Yokohama.
ucheI am touched by the girl's acute sensitivity.
ucheHe sits upright, not crouched over his plate like an animal at a feeding trough.
ucheYour kindness really touches me.
ucheShe touched her hair. It was wet.
ucheHe crouched and went on crying.
ucheHe never touches alcoholic drinks.
ucheHe touched her on the shoulder.
ucheThe apple-blossom was touched by the frost.
ucheMy heart was touched by his story.
ucheSomebody touched me.
ucheGoods are the great travelers over the earth's surface, far more than humans, which means that hardly an inhabited spot on the globe is untouched by trade.
ucheOur ship touched at Marseilles.
ucheThe hero's speech touched the entire audience.
ucheThe presiding judge was touched by pity for the accused.
ucheSomebody's elbow touched my back.
ucheHis sad story touched my heart.
ucheHe never touched wine.
ucheI felt myself touched on the shoulder.
ucheFrost touched the flowers.
ucheDespite having lazed around without having touched my work I'm frightened at heart that "Ooh-er, this time I might really not get done in time!?"
ucheThey could not help being touched by the sight.
ucheHe touched me on the cheek.
ucheAll the guests were touched by her hospitality.
ucheThe jumbo jet touched down thundering.
ucheThe ship touched ground.
ucheIt is best left untouched.
ucheYou kept putting off working on the fine details on this project so it ended up lacking the finishing touches.
ucheHis kindness touched my heart.
ucheI haven't touched a tennis racket in years.
ucheThe moment he touched it, it blew up.
ucheHe who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith.
ucheI turned off the TV and settled down to put the finishing touches to the report.
ucheI was deeply touched by the story.
ucheAnd I was fourteen years old before I touched a piano for the first time.
ucheAn airplane touched down on the runway.
ucheHis sleeve touched the greasy pan.
ucheIt seems as if everything he touches turns to gold.
ucheHis pride was slightly touched.
ucheThe matter touches your interest.
ucheHer story touched my heart.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
มั่ว(v) be promiscuous, See also: be debauched, be licentious, Syn. สำส่อน, Example: สามีหล่อนชอบไปมั่วกับพวกนักร้องไม่รู้กี่คนต่อ กี่คน, Thai Definition: หมกมุ่นในโลกีย์วิสัย, มักมากในกามอย่างไม่เลือกหน้า
ขี้เหล้าเมายา(adj) drunken/drunk, See also: intoxicated, debauched, Syn. ขี้เหล้า, ขี้เมา, Example: พ่อกลายเป็นคนขี้เหล้าเมายานับตั้งแต่ถูกไล่ออกจากงาน
สำส่อน(adj) promiscuous, See also: licentious, immoral, debauched, debauched, libertine, Example: ภาพของเธอในสายตาของใครๆ เธอเป็นหญิงสำส่อน, Thai Definition: ที่ปะปนโดยไม่เลือก เช่น ในการคบค้าสมาคมหรือในการซ่องเสพเป็นต้น
กระทบกระเทือนใจ(v) hurt one's feelings, See also: be mentally moved, be touched, be stirred, stir up one's feeling, be hurt, Syn. สะเทือนใจ, Example: ปัญหาครอบครัวแตกแยกส่งผลกระทบกระเทือนใจต่อเด็ก, Thai Definition: พาดพิงไปถึงให้รู้สึกสะเทือนใจ
กระทบใจ(v) hurt one's feelings, See also: be mentally moved, be touched, be stirred, stir up one's feeling, be hurt, Syn. สะเทือนใจ, กระทบกระเทือนใจ, Example: เนื้อเรื่องของละครเรื่องนี้เศร้าโศกจนกระทบใจคนทั้งเมือง, Thai Definition: พาดพิงไปถึงให้รู้สึกสะเทือนใจ
เปิ่น(v) be awkward, See also: be stupid, be silly, be embarrassed, be gawky, be clumsy, be gauche, Syn. เก้อ, เก้อเขิน, เคอะเขิน, ซุ่มซ่าม, เงอะงะ, เซ่อซ่า, Example: เขาเปิ่นเพราะเต้นรำไม่เป็น, Thai Definition: แสดงกิริยาอาการหรือกระทำการใดๆ ผิดแปลกไปจากปกติที่เป็นอยู่ในหมู่พวก, Notes: (ปาก)
เปิ่น(adj) awkward, See also: stupid, silly, embarrassed, gawky, clumsy, gauche, Syn. เก้อ, เก้อเขิน, เคอะเขิน, ซุ่มซ่าม, เงอะงะ, เซ่อซ่า, Example: ใครจะรู้ว่า ชายชราท่าทางเปิ่นคนนั้นจะเคยเป็นทหารที่ผ่านการศึกมานับไม่ถ้วน, Thai Definition: ที่มีกิริยาอาการผิดแปลกไปจากปกติที่เป็นอยู่ในหมู่พวก, Notes: (ปาก)
สะเทือนอารมณ์(v) touch, See also: be deeply moved, be touched, stir up one's feelings, Example: เขาเขียนนิยายเรื่องนี้ได้สะเทือนอารมณ์ผู้อ่านมาก, Thai Definition: อารมณ์หวั่นไหวอย่างแรงด้วยความทุกข์
สูติแพทย์(n) obstetrician, See also: accoucheur, Example: หญิงในชนบทยังนิยมคลอดลูกกับหมอตำแยมากกว่าจะให้สูติแพทย์ทำคลอดให้, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: แพทย์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญการทำคลอด
นางผดุงครรภ์(n) midwife, See also: accoucheur, obstetrician, Syn. ผดุงครรภ์, Example: พยาบาลที่สถานีอนามัยเป็นนางผดุงครรภ์รับทำคลอดที่บ้านด้วย, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: สตรีผู้ได้รับการฝึกเพื่อช่วยทำคลอด, ผู้ทําการคลอดบุตรแผนปัจจุบัน
ใบสั่งจ่าย(n) voucher, See also: payment voucher, cheque, draft, Syn. คำสั่งจ่าย, Example: ใบสั่งจ่ายฉบับนี้ใส่จำนวนเงินไม่ถูกต้อง, Count Unit: ใบ, Thai Definition: หนังสือคำสั่งให้จ่ายเงินหรือสิ่งของ
กระเทือนใจ(v) be affected, See also: be touched, be moved, strike one's mind, be hurt, Syn. สะเทือนใจ, กระทบกระเทือนใจ, Example: ทุกครั้งที่มีเรื่องทำให้กระเทือนใจหล่อนต้องร้องไห้, Thai Definition: มีจิตใจหวั่นไหวอย่างรุนแรง เพราะมีสิ่งอื่นมากระทบจิตใจ
หม่อม(n) Lady, See also: Duchess, king's grandson's wife, Mom, Example: ท่านจันทร์สมรสกับหม่อมวิภามีบุตรและบุตรี 4 คน, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: คำที่ใช้นำหน้าชื่อหญิงสามัญที่เป็นภรรยาของเจ้าฟ้า พระองค์เจ้า และหม่อมเจ้า, ยศของหม่อมราชวงศ์ที่เลื่อนขึ้นเป็นหม่อมราชนิกุล
สะเทือนใจ(v) be touched, See also: be deeply moved or affected, , Example: เขาหวั่นไหวและสะเทือนใจกับเรื่องที่เกิดขึ้นเป็นอย่างมาก, Thai Definition: มีจิตใจหวั่นไหวอย่างแรงและรวดเร็วในเมื่อมีสิ่งที่น่าพอใจหรือไม่น่าพอใจมากระทบ (มักใช้เป็นสามัญในทางที่ไม่พอใจ)
สะเทือนใจ(v) be touched, See also: be deeply moved or affected, be struck deeply, Example: ภาพแม่ลูกนอนกอดกันตายชวนให้สะเทือนใจ, Thai Definition: มีจิตใจหวั่นไหวอย่างแรงและรวดเร็วในเมื่อมีสิ่งที่น่าพอใจหรือไม่น่าพอใจมากระทบ (มักใช้เป็นสามัญในทางที่ไม่พอใจ)
สะเทือนใจ(adj) moved, See also: touched, affected, Example: เรื่องนี้เป็นเรื่องสะเทือนใจเมื่อมันเป็นข่าวขึ้นมา, Thai Definition: เกี่ยวกับการมีจิตใจหวั่นไหวอย่างแรงและรวดเร็วในเมื่อมีสิ่งที่น่าพอใจหรือไม่น่าพอใจมากระทบ (มักใช้เป็นสามัญในทางที่ไม่พอใจ)
หม่อม(n) Lady, See also: Duchess, king's grandson's wife, Mom, Example: ท่านจันทร์สมรสกับหม่อมวิภามีบุตรและบุตรี 4 คน, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: คำที่ใช้นำหน้าชื่อหญิงสามัญที่เป็นภรรยาของเจ้าฟ้า พระองค์เจ้า และหม่อมเจ้า, ยศของหม่อมราชวงศ์ที่เลื่อนขึ้นเป็นหม่อมราชนิกุล

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อ้าปาก[ā pāk] (v, exp) EN: open the mouth  FR: ouvrir la bouche ; être bouché bée
อาบน้ำฝักบัว[āpnām fakbūa] (v) EN: take a shower  FR: se doucher
ใบเบิกเงิน[baiboēk ngoen] (n, exp) EN: cash voucher ; withdrawal slip
ใบสั่งจ่าย[baisangjāi] (n) EN: voucher ; check ; payment order  FR: reçu [ m ]
เบื้องซ้าย[beūang sāi] (adv) EN: on the left side ; to the left  FR: à gauche ; sur la gauche
บ้วนปาก[būanpāk] (v, exp) EN: rinse one's mouth ; gargle  FR: se rincer la bouche ; se gargariser ; se rincer la gorge
ฉบับร่าง[chabap rāng] (n, exp) EN: draft ; early version ; preliminary outline  FR: ébauche [ f ] ; brouillon [ m ]
ชั้น[chan] (n) EN: layer ; stratum ; tier  FR: couche [ f ] ; strate [ f ] ; niveau [ m ]
ชั้นของโอโซน[chan khøng ōsōn] (n, exp) EN: ozone layer  FR: couche d'ozone [ f ]
ชิดซ้าย[chit sāi] (v, exp) EN: keep to the left ; keep left  FR: serrer à gauche ; gardez votre gauche !
ช้อนใหญ่[chøn yai] (n, exp) FR: louche [ f ]
ดาย[dāi] (v) EN: cut with a sweeping motion ; clear off grass and weed ; weed ; mow  FR: faucher ; sarcler ; désherber
ด่าง[dāng] (x) EN: spotted ; speckled ; mottled ; piebald ; striped  FR: tacheté ; marbré ; rayé ; moucheté ; tigré
ด้านซ้าย[dān sāi] (n, exp) FR: côté gauche [ m ]
ด้านซ้ายมือ[dān sāimēu] (prep) FR: à gauche ; sur la gauche ; côté gauche
เดือนดับ[deūoen dap] (n, exp) EN: moonset ; setting moon  FR: coucher de lune [ m ]
ฎีกา[dīkā] (n) EN: voucher ; request for a treasury payment
เอน[ēn] (v) EN: recline ; bend ; incline ; lean ; rest ; tend  FR: s'incliner ; pencher ; être couché
เอนกาย[ēnkāi] (v) EN: lie down  FR: être couché
ไฝ[fai] (n) EN: mole ; dark spot  FR: grain de beauté [ m ] ; mouche [ f ]
ฝักบัว[fakbūa] (n) EN: shower ; ceiling shower  FR: pommeau de douche [ m ]
ฝั่งซ้าย[fang sāi] (n, exp) EN: left bank  FR: rive gauche [ f ]
ฝันร้าย[fan rāi] (n, exp) EN: nightmare ; bad dream  FR: cauchemar [ m ] ; mauvais rêve [ m ] ; rêve affreux [ m ]
ฝันร้าย[fan rāi] (v, exp) EN: have a nightmare ; have bad dreams  FR: faire des cauchemars ; faire de mauvais rêves ; cauchemarder (fam.)
ฝาท่อระบายน้ำ[fā thø rabai nām] (n, exp) EN: manhole cover  FR: bouche d'égout [ f ]
ฟืน[feūn] (n, exp) EN: firewood ; fagot  FR: bûche [ m ] ; bois de chauffage [ m ]
ไห[hai] (n) EN: earthen jar ; jug  FR: jarre [ f ] ; cruche [ f ]
ห้ามจับของ[hām jap khøng] (v, exp) FR: ne pas toucher ; ne pas toucher à la marchandise ; défense de toucher
ห้ามแตะต้อง[hām taetøng] (v, exp) EN: do not touch ! ; don't touch !  FR: défense de toucher !
หางานทำ[hā ngān tham] (v, exp) FR: chercher un emploi ; chercher du travail ; chercher de l'embauche ; chercher un boulot (fam.)
หีบบุหรี่[hīp burī] (n, exp) EN: cigarette casket  FR: cartouche de cigarettes [ f ] ; farde de cigarettes [ f ] (Belg.)
ห้องนอน[hǿng nøn] (n) EN: bedroom  FR: chambre à coucher [ f ]
หัวใจห้องบนซ้าย[hūajai hǿng bon sāi] (n, exp) FR: oreillette gauche [ f ]
หัวใจห้องล่างซ้าย[hūajai hǿng lāng sāi] (n, exp) EN: left ventricle  FR: ventricule gauche [ m ]
จ้าง[jāng] (v) EN: hire ; employ ; engage  FR: embaucher ; engager ; employer ; recruter ; utiliser les services de
จับใจ[japjai] (v) EN: impress ; imprint  FR: captiver ; fasciner ; charmer ; émouvoir ; ensorceler ; envoûter ; impressionner ; séduire ; toucher
จด[jot] (v) EN: be contiguous ; adjoin ; border ; touch ; abut ; reach out to ; be in contact with  FR: être limitrophe ; border ; se toucher
จวนจบ[jūan jop] (v, exp) FR: toucher à sa fin
จุก[juk] (v) EN: stop ; block ; fill  FR: boucher
จูบปาก[jūp pāk] (v, exp) EN: kiss on the mouth ; kiss and make up  FR: embrasser sur la bouche
กั้ง[kang] (v) EN: keep back  FR: barrer ; bloquer ; boucher ; obstruer
การคลอด[kān khløt] (n) EN: delivery ; childbirth  FR: accouchement [ m ]
การคลอดลูก[kān khløt lūk] (n, exp) FR: accouchement [ m ] ; enfantement [ m ] (vx) ; délivrance [ f ]
การสัมภาษณ์การจ้างงาน[kān samphāt kān jāng-ngān] (n, exp) EN: employment interview  FR: entretien d'embauche [ m ]
การแท้ง[kān thaēng] (n) EN: abortion ; miscarriage  FR: avortement [ m ] ; fausse couche [ f ]
เก้งก้าง[kēngkāng] (adj) EN: awkward ; clumsy ; ungainly  FR: dégingandé ; gauche
ข่า[khā] (n) EN: galangal ; galingale  FR: souchet [ m ] ; amande de terre [ f ]
คำ[kham] (n) EN: mouthful  FR: bouchée [ f ] ; gorgée [ f ]
คำ[kham] (n) EN: [ classifier : words ; mouthfuls of food ]  FR: [ classificateur : mots ; bouchées de nourriture ]
ขันอาบน้ำ[khan āpnām] (n, exp) FR: bol à douche [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
archduchess(n) a wife or widow of an archduke or a princess of the former ruling house of Austria
barouche(n) a horse-drawn carriage having four wheels; has an outside seat for the driver and facing inside seats for two couples and a folding top
Blucher(n) Prussian general who is remembered for his leadership in the wars against Napoleon (1742-1819), Syn. G. L. von Blucher, von Blucher, Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher
blucher(n) a high shoe with laces over the tongue
Buchenwald(n) a Nazi concentration camp for Jews in World War II that was located in central Germany
cartouche(n) a cartridge (usually with paper casing), Syn. cartouch
couchette(n) a compartment on a European passenger train; contains 4 to 6 berths for sleeping
douche(n) a small syringe with detachable nozzles; used for vaginal lavage and enemas, Syn. douche bag
douche(n) irrigation with a jet of water or medicated solution into or around a body part (especially the vagina) to treat infections or cleanse from odorous contents
douche(v) direct a spray of water into a bodily cavity, for cleaning
duchess(n) the wife of a duke or a woman holding ducal title in her own right
EntleBucher(n) the smallest of the Sennenhunde
gauche(adj) lacking social polish, Syn. graceless, unpolished
Heuchera(n) genus of North American herbs with basal cordate or orbicular leaves and small panicled flowers, Syn. genus Heuchera
Klyuchevskaya(n) an inactive volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula; last erupted in 1946
Kuchean(n) a dialect of Tocharian, Syn. West Tocharian, Kuchean dialect
louche(adj) of questionable taste or morality, Syn. shady
penuche(n) fudge made with brown sugar and butter and milk and nuts, Syn. panoche, penoche, panocha
pfannkuchen(n) puffy mildly sweet lemon-flavored egg mixture sprinkled with confectioners' sugar and served with jam or a wine or fruit sauce, Syn. german pancake
sloucher(n) a person who slouches; someone with a drooping carriage
toucher(n) a person who causes or allows a part of the body to come in contact with someone or something
untouched(adj) still full, Syn. untasted
untouched(adj) not having come in contact, Ant. touched
vouchee(n) (law) a person called into court to defend a title
voucher(n) someone who vouches for another or for the correctness of a statement, Syn. verifier
voucher(n) a document that serves as evidence of some expenditure
Borgia(n) Italian noblewoman and patron of the arts (1480-1519), Syn. Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara
Cambodia(n) a nation in southeastern Asia; was part of Indochina under French rule until 1946, Syn. Kingdom of Cambodia, Kampuchea
Cambodian(n) a native or inhabitant of Cambodia, Syn. Kampuchean
Cambodian(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Cambodia or its people or language, Syn. Kampuchean
catapult(n) an engine that provided medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones and other missiles, Syn. onager, ballista, mangonel, trebucket, arbalist, trebuchet, arbalest, bricole
childbirth(n) the parturition process in human beings; having a baby; the process of giving birth to a child, Syn. accouchement, vaginal birth, childbearing
coralbells(n) perennial plant of the western United States having bright red flowers in feathery spikes; used as an ornamental, Syn. Heuchera sanguinea
coupon(n) a negotiable certificate that can be detached and redeemed as needed, Syn. voucher
crudeness(n) an impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement, Syn. crudity, gaucheness
fey(adj) slightly insane, Syn. touched
gopher(n) burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae having large external cheek pouches; of Central America and southwestern North America, Syn. pouched rat, pocket gopher
libertine(n) a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained, Syn. rounder, debauchee
marsupial(n) mammals of which the females have a pouch (the marsupium) containing the teats where the young are fed and carried, Syn. pouched mammal
midwife(n) a woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies, Syn. accoucheuse
obstetrician(n) a physician specializing in obstetrics, Syn. accoucheur
orgy(n) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity, Syn. riot, bacchanalia, debauch, drunken revelry, saturnalia, bacchanal, debauchery
rusticity(n) the quality of being rustic or gauche, Syn. gaucherie, Ant. urbanity
Scaramouch(n) a stock character in commedia dell'arte depicted as a boastful coward, Syn. Scaramouche
Simpson(n) United States divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication, Syn. Wallis Warfield Windsor, Mrs. Simpson, Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Warfield Simpson
uninfluenced(adj) not influenced or affected; - V.L.Parrington, Syn. unswayed, untouched
unmoved(adj) emotionally unmoved, Syn. unaffected, untouched, Ant. moved
violator(n) someone who assaults others sexually, Syn. ravisher, debaucher

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. [ F., fr. accoucher to be delivered of a child, to aid in delivery, OF. acouchier orig. to lay down, put to bed, go to bed; L. ad + collocare to lay, put, place. See Collate. ] Delivery in childbed [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F., fr. accoucher. See Accouchement. ] A man who assists women in childbirth; a man midwife; an obstetrician. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F.., fem. of accoucher. ] A midwife. [ Recent ] Dunglison. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Pref. arch- + duchess. ] The consort of an archduke; also, a princess of the imperial family of Austria. See Archduke. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; the neck. ] (Zool.) The part of the neck nearest the back. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who avouches. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ G. barutsche, It. baroccio, biroccio, LL. barrotium, fr. L. birotus two-wheeled; bi- = bis twice + rota wheel. ] A four-wheeled carriage, with a falling top, a seat on the outside for the driver, and two double seats on the inside arranged so that the sitters on the front seat face those on the back seat. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A kind of light barouche. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A kind of half boot, or high shoe, with laces over the tongue; -- named from the Prussian general Blücher. Thackeray. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: blucher
Bonne bouche

pl. Bonnes bouches [ F. bon, fem. bonne, good + bouche mouth. ] A delicious morsel or mouthful; a tidbit. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ ‖ } n. [ F. bouche mouth, victuals. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A mouth. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An allowance of meat and drink for the tables of inferior officers or servants in a nobleman's palace or at court. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Bouche

v. t. Same as Bush, to line. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] Same as Bush, a lining. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ F., morsels, mouthfuls, fr. bouche mouth. ] (Cookery) Small patties. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ After Dr. Auguste Boucherie, a French chemist, who invented the process. ] To impregnate with a preservative solution of copper sulphate, as timber, railroad ties, etc. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. [ See Capoch. ] Cover with, or as with, a hood. [ Obs. ] Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Cartouches [ F. cartouche, It. cartuccia, cartoccio, cornet, cartouch, fr. L. charta paper. See 1st Card, and cf. Cartridge. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. (Mil.) (a) A roll or case of paper, etc., holding a charge for a firearm; a cartridge. (b) A cartridge box. (c) A wooden case filled with balls, to be shot from a cannon. (d) A gunner's bag for ammunition. (e) A military pass for a soldier on furlough. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Arch.) (a) A cantalever, console, corbel, or modillion, which has the form of a scroll of paper. (b) A tablet for ornament, or for receiving an inscription, formed like a sheet of paper with the edges rolled up; hence, any tablet of ornamental form. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Egyptian Antiq.) An oval figure on monuments, and in papyri, containing the name of a sovereign. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Cartouch

‖a. [ F., p. p. of coucher. See Couch, v. t. ] (Her.) (a) Not erect; inclined; -- said of anything that is usually erect, as an escutcheon. (b) Lying on its side; thus, a chevron couché is one which emerges from one side of the escutcheon and has its apex on the opposite side, or at the fess point. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Her.) Same as Couch&unr_;. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. couch&unr_;e a sleeping place from coucher. See Couch, v. t. ] A reception held at the time of going to bed, as by a sovereign or great prince. [ Obs. ] Dryden. The duke's levees and couchees were so crowded that the antechambers were full. Bp. Burnet. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. One who couches. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Paper Manuf.) One who couches paper. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. [ Cf. L. collectarius. ] (O. Eng. Law) (a) A factor or agent resident in a country for traffic. Blount. (b) The book in which a corporation or other body registers its particular acts. [ Obs. ] Cowell. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Marked with the sign of the cross. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Crouched friar. See Crutched friar, under Crutched.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. Dissolute; dissipated. “A coarse and debauched look.” Ld. Lytton. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a profligate manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The state of being debauched; intemperance. Bp. Hall. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. débauché, n., properly p. p. of débaucher. See Debauch, v. t. ] One who is given to intemperance or bacchanalian excesses; a man habitually lewd; a libertine. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who debauches or corrupts others; especially, a seducer to lewdness. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Debaucheries 1. Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance. [ 1913 Webster ]

The republic of Paris will endeavor to complete the debauchery of the army. Burke. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness. [ 1913 Webster ]

Oppose . . . debauchery by temperance. Sprat. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] A place for exit; an outlet; hence, a market for goods. [ 1913 Webster ]

The débouchés were ordered widened to afford easy egress. The Century. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F., fr. It. doccia, fr. docciare to flow, pour, fr. an assumed LL. ductiare, fr. L. ducere, ductum, to lead, conduct (water). See Duct. ] 1. A jet or current of water or vapor directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally; a douche bath. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Med.) A syringe. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. duchesse, fr. duc duke. ] The wife or widow of a duke; also, a lady who has the sovereignty of a duchy in her own right. [ 1913 Webster ]

Duchesse d'Angouleme

[ F. ] (Bot.) A variety of pear of large size and excellent flavor. [ 1913 Webster ]

Duchesse lace

A beautiful variety of Brussels pillow lace made originally in Belgium and resembling Honiton guipure. It is worked with fine thread in large sprays, usually of the primrose pattern, with much raised work. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. Formerly vouched or avowed; affirmed in advance. [ R. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] 1. Left handed; hence, awkward; clumsy. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Geom.) Winding; twisted; warped; -- applied to curves and surfaces. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Lacking grace and perceptivity in social situations; crude; tactless; socially inept.
Syn. -- graceless; unsophisticated. [ PJC ]

4. (Chem.) Not planar; -- of molecules or molecular conformations. [ PJC ]


n. an impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement.
Syn. -- crudeness, crudity. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ F. ] An awkward action; clumsiness; boorishness. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] Literally, a fly swallower; hence, once who keeps his mouth open; a boor; a silly and credulous person. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A genus of North American herbs with basal cordate or orbicular leaves and small panicled flowers.
Syn. -- genus Heuchera. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


{ ‖‖ } n. [ G. ] (Zool.) A large salmon (Salmo hucho or Salvelinus hucho) inhabiting the Danube; -- called also huso, and bull trout. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Huch

adj. of questionable taste, decency, or morality; not reputable; as, a louche nightclub; a louche painting.
Syn. -- shady. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]


‖n. pl. [ F. ] Goggles intended to rectify strabismus by permitting vision only directly in front. Knight. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F., the left hand. ] (Ancient Armor) The dagger held in the left hand, while the rapier is held in the right; -- used to parry thrusts of the adversary's rapier. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ √103. See Mickle. ] Much. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ German. ] A puffy mildly sweet lemon-flavored egg mixture sprinkled with confectioners' sugar and served with jam or a wine or fruit sauce.
Syn. -- german pancake. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ F., fr. It. peduccio console, corbel. ] A pedestal of small size, used to support small objects, as busts, vases, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] (Zool.) A flying squirrel (Sciuropterus volans) native of Northern Europe and Siberia; -- called also minene. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Zool.) (a) Having a marsupial pouch; as, the pouched badger, or the wombat. (b) Having external cheek pouches; as, the pouched gopher. (c) Having internal cheek pouches; as, the pouched squirrels. [ 1913 Webster ]

Pouched dog. (Zool.) See Zebra wolf, under Zebra. --
Pouched frog (Zool.), the nototrema, the female of which has a dorsal pouch in which the eggs are hatched, and in which the young pass through their brief tadpole stage. --
Pouched gopher, or
Pouched rat
. (Zool.) See Pocket gopher, under Pocket. --
Pouched mouse. (Zool.) See Pocket mouse, under Pocket.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Pouchet box

See Pouncet box. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ So named from the Pucher Mine, in Saxony. ] (Min.) Vanadate of bismuth, occurring in minute reddish brown crystals. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
柬埔寨[Jiǎn pǔ zhài, ㄐㄧㄢˇ ㄆㄨˇ ㄓㄞˋ,   ] Kampuchea (Cambodia) #7,616 [Add to Longdo]
票据[piào jù, ㄆㄧㄠˋ ㄐㄩˋ,   /  ] bill; banknote; voucher; receipt #10,072 [Add to Longdo]
卧铺[wò pù, ㄨㄛˋ ㄆㄨˋ,   /  ] a bed (on a train); a couchette #25,549 [Add to Longdo]
高棉[Gāo mián, ㄍㄠ ㄇㄧㄢˊ,  ] Cambodia; Kampuchea; Khmer #38,075 [Add to Longdo]
杨虎城[Yáng Hǔ chéng, ㄧㄤˊ ㄏㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,    /   ] Yang Hucheng #40,350 [Add to Longdo]
灯红酒绿[dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ, ㄉㄥ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄐㄧㄡˇ ㄌㄩˋ,    绿 /    ] (set phrase) scene of feasting and pleasure-seeking; scene of debauchery #42,096 [Add to Longdo]
纵欲[zòng yù, ㄗㄨㄥˋ ㄩˋ,   /  ] to indulge in debauchery #46,422 [Add to Longdo]
满堂红[mǎn táng hóng, ㄇㄢˇ ㄊㄤˊ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,    / 滿  ] success across the board; victory in everything one touches #50,854 [Add to Longdo]
诸城[Zhū chéng, ㄓㄨ ㄔㄥˊ,   /  ] Zhucheng city in Shandong #61,119 [Add to Longdo]
蜻蜓点水[qīng tíng diǎn shuǐ, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄉㄧㄢˇ ㄕㄨㄟˇ,     /    ] lit. the dragonfly touches the water lightly (成语 saw); lit. superficial contact; skin deep; to skim the issue without getting involved #61,650 [Add to Longdo]
库车[Kù chē, ㄎㄨˋ ㄔㄜ,   /  ] (N) Kuche (place in Xinjiang) #62,235 [Add to Longdo]
舒城[Shū chéng, ㄕㄨ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Shucheng (place in Anhui) #74,348 [Add to Longdo]
阜成门[Fù chéng mén, ㄈㄨˋ ㄔㄥˊ ㄇㄣˊ,    /   ] Fuchengmen neighborhood of Beijing #74,841 [Add to Longdo]
武城[Wǔ chéng, ㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Wucheng (place in Shandong) #75,942 [Add to Longdo]
浦城[Pǔ chéng, ㄆㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Pucheng (place in Fujian) #76,778 [Add to Longdo]
谷城[Gǔ chéng, ㄍㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Gucheng (place in Hubei) #81,389 [Add to Longdo]
柳城[Liǔ chéng, ㄌㄧㄡˇ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Liucheng (place in Guangxi) #81,546 [Add to Longdo]
蒲城[Pú chéng, ㄆㄨˊ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Pucheng (place in Shaanxi) #91,646 [Add to Longdo]
薛福成[Xuē Fú chéng, ㄒㄩㄝ ㄈㄨˊ ㄔㄥˊ,   ] Xue Fucheng (1838-1894), Qing official and progressive political theorist #97,658 [Add to Longdo]
禹城[Yǔ chéng, ㄩˇ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Yucheng (city in Shandong) #104,329 [Add to Longdo]
汝城[Rǔ chéng, ㄖㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Rucheng (place in Hunan) #108,186 [Add to Longdo]
阜城[Fù chéng, ㄈㄨˋ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Fucheng (place in Hebei) #115,984 [Add to Longdo]
潞城[Lù chéng, ㄌㄨˋ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Lucheng (city in Shanxi) #127,578 [Add to Longdo]
虞城[Yú chéng, ㄩˊ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Yucheng (place in Henan) #130,749 [Add to Longdo]
故城县[Gù chéng xiàn, ㄍㄨˋ ㄔㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,    /   ] Gucheng county in Shandong #140,901 [Add to Longdo]
长山山脉[Cháng shān shān mài, ㄔㄤˊ ㄕㄢ ㄕㄢ ㄇㄞˋ,     /    ] Truong Son Ra, mountain range forming the border between Vietnam and Laos and Kampuchea #462,309 [Add to Longdo]
公爵夫人[gōng jué fū rén, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄈㄨ ㄖㄣˊ,    ] duchess [Add to Longdo]
土城[Tǔ chéng, ㄊㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Tucheng (city in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]
安南山脉[Ān nán shān mài, ㄢ ㄋㄢˊ ㄕㄢ ㄇㄞˋ,     /    ] old term for Truong Son Ra 長山山脈|长山山脉, mountain range forming the border between Vietnam and Laos and Kampuchea [Add to Longdo]
布痕瓦尔德[Bù hén wǎ ěr dé, ㄅㄨˋ ㄏㄣˊ ㄨㄚˇ ㄦˇ ㄉㄜˊ,      /     ] Buchenwald [Add to Longdo]
别扭[biè niu, ㄅㄧㄝˋ ㄋㄧㄡ˙,   /  ] awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche; awkward (writing or speech) [Add to Longdo]
德法年鉴[dé fǎ nián jiàn, ㄉㄜˊ ㄈㄚˇ ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄢˋ,     /    ] Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher (published once in 1844 by Karl Marx and bourgeois radical Arnold Ruge) [Add to Longdo]
王禹偁[Wáng Yǔ chēng, ㄨㄤˊ ㄩˇ ㄔㄥ,   ] Wang Yucheng (954-1001) Song dynasty literary figure [Add to Longdo]
真腊[Zhēn là, ㄓㄣ ㄌㄚˋ,   /  ] Khmer kingdom of Kampuchea or Cambodia; Chinese term for Cambodia from 7th to 15th century [Add to Longdo]
票券[piào quàn, ㄆㄧㄠˋ ㄑㄩㄢˋ,  ] a voucher; a share (certificate) [Add to Longdo]
裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症[qiú xīn shì jī ròu wēi suǒ zhèng, ㄑㄧㄡˊ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄕˋ ㄐㄧ ㄖㄡˋ ㄨㄟ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄓㄥˋ,         /        ] Duchenne muscular dystrophy [Add to Longdo]
头城镇[Tóu chéng zhèn, ㄊㄡˊ ㄔㄥˊ ㄓㄣˋ,    /   ] (N) Toucheng (town in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
Besucher(n) |der, pl. Besucher| ผู้มาเยือน, แขก
versuchenทดลอง, พยายาม |versuchte, versucht|
Bücherregal(n) |das, pl. Bücherregale| ชั้นวางหนังสือ
Kuchen(n) |der, pl. Kuchen| ขนมเค้กประเภทเนื้อแน่น, เค้กผลไม้ที่เนื้อเค้กเต็มไปด้วยเนื้อผลไม้ หรือเค้กที่ไม่มีการตบแต่งมาก เช่น Käsekuchen, Apfelkuchen, See also: die Torte
Küche(n) |die, pl. Küchen| ห้องครัว
Geburtstagskuchen(n) |der, pl. Geburtstagskuchen| เค้กวันเกิด
Nichtraucher(n) |der, pl. Nichtraucher| คนที่ไม่สูบบุหรี่, See also: Related: Nichtraucherin
rauchen(vi, vt) |rauchte, hat geraucht| สูบบุหรี่ เช่น Dass du rauchst, stört ihn. = ที่เธอสูบบุหรี่นะ รบกวนเขานะ
untersuchen(vt) |untersuchte, hat untersucht| ตรวจสอบ, ทดสอบ, วิเคราะห์
die Ellbogen gebrauchen(phrase) ไม่คำนึงถึงบุคคลอื่นในยามที่ต้องการจะทำอะไรให้บรรลุจุดมุ่งหมาย, Syn. die Ellbogen einsetzen
brauchen(vt) |brauchte, hat gebraucht| ต้องการ, จำเป็นต้องมี เช่น Brauchst du meine Hilfe beim Umziehen? เธอต้องการความช่วยเหลือจากฉันตอนย้ายบ้านไหม
brauchen zu inf.(vi) จำเป็นต้องทำสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่ง เช่น Ihr braucht nicht auf mich zu warten. พวกเธอไม่จำเป็นต้องรอฉันนะ
aufbrauchen(vt) |brauchte auf, hat aufgebraucht| บริโภคจนหมด, ใช้ให้หมด เช่น Säfte sollen innerhalb von 3-4 Tagen aufgebraucht werden. น้ำผลไม้ควรถูกบริโภคให้หมดภายในสามถึงสี่วัน, See also: Related: aufessen, austrinken
Käsekuchen(n) |der, pl. Käsekuchen| ขนมเค้กประเภทหนึ่งที่ตัวแป้งส่วนใหญ่ประกอบด้วย Quark (ผลิตผลจากนม คล้ายโยเกิร์ต)
Bücher(pl) หนังสือ, See also: Related: Buch
ersuchen(vi) |ersuchte, hat ersucht| ขอความกรุณา, วิงวอน เช่น Wir ersuchen um Verlängerung folgender Läuferpasse.
Vogelscheuche(n) |die, pl. Vogelscheuchen| หุ่นไล่กา เช่น Bereits seit einigen Jahren wird eine Vogelscheuche in Form eines Drachen auf dem Markt angeboten.

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
*rproben; versuchen | erprobend; versuchend | erpro*(vi) ทดลอง ลองดูว่าบางสิ่งบางอย่างใช้ได้หรือไม่

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Abendunterricht { m } | Abendunterricht besuchennight school | to attend evening classes [Add to Longdo]
Abrechnung { f }; Buchen { n }; Buchung { f }accounting [Add to Longdo]
Abteilung { f } (eines in mehreren Teilen erscheinenden Buches)subdivision [Add to Longdo]
Abteilungstitel { m } (einer Unterabteilung eines in mehreren Teilen erscheinenden Buches)divisional title [Add to Longdo]
Aktivierungsbeleg { m }activation voucher [Add to Longdo]
Anlagenbeleg { m }asset voucher [Add to Longdo]
Anlagenbuchhaltungsbeleg { m }assets accounting voucher [Add to Longdo]
Annäherungsversuch { m } | Annäherungsversuche { pl } | Annäherungsversuche machenadvance | advances | to make obvious advances [Add to Longdo]
Annäherungsversuche bei jdm. machento make approaches to sb. [Add to Longdo]
Anspruchempfindlichkeit { f }responsiveness [Add to Longdo]
Antiraucher...anti-smoking [Add to Longdo]
Antrag { m }; Gesuch { n } | Anträge { pl }; Gesuche { pl } | gemeinsamer Antrag | einen Antrag stellen | einen Antrag stellen | einen Antrag ablehnen | einen Antrag annehmen | einen Antrag durchbringen | über einen Antrag entscheidenmotion | motions | joint motion | to bring forward a motion | to make a motion | to reject a motion | to carry a motion | to carry a motion | to decide on a motion [Add to Longdo]
Apfelkuchen { m }apple pie [Add to Longdo]
Apfelpfannkuchen { m } [ cook. ]apple pancake [Add to Longdo]
Arbeit { f }; Tätigkeit { f } | Arbeiten { pl } | bei der Arbeit | Arbeit suchen | sich an die Arbeit machen | die Arbeit niederlegenwork | works | at work | to look for work | to set to work | to down tools [Add to Longdo]
Arbeitsplatzsuche { f }job hunting [Add to Longdo]
Arbeitssuche { f }job search [Add to Longdo]
Attentäter { m }; Mörder { m } | Attentäter { pl }; Meuchelmörder { pl }assassin | assassins [Add to Longdo]
Auflage { f }; Ausgabe { f } (eines Buches) | Auflagen { pl }; Ausgaben { pl } | aktualisierte Ausgabe { f } | überarbeitete Auflage | beschränkte Auflage { f } | broschierte Ausgabe eines Buches | mehrsprachige Ausgabe { f }edition | editions | updated edition | revised edition | limited edition | paper edition of a book | polyglot edition [Add to Longdo]
Auftauchen { n }emersion [Add to Longdo]
Auftauchen { n }; Sichtbarwerden { n } (Marine)loom [Add to Longdo]
Ausbuchen { n }; Auschecken { n }check out [Add to Longdo]
Ausschau halten; suchen (nach)to prospect (for) [Add to Longdo]
Ausschweifung { f } | Ausschweifungen { pl }debauchery | debaucheries [Add to Longdo]
Auszug { m }; Abriss { m } (eines Buches)outline (of a book) [Add to Longdo]
Bauch { m }; Leib { m } | Bäuche { pl }belly | bellies [Add to Longdo]
Beleg { m }; Originalbeleg { m }; Zahlungsbeleg { m } | Belege { pl } | geprüfter Beleg | anerkannter Belegvoucher | vouchers | audited voucher | approved voucher [Add to Longdo]
Berliner Pfannkuchen { m }; Doghnut { m }doughnut [Add to Longdo]
Besuch { m } | Besuche { pl } | einen Besuch abstattenvisit | visits | to pay a visit [Add to Longdo]
Besuch { m } | Besuche { pl }visitation | visitations [Add to Longdo]
Besucher { m }; Besucherin { f } | Besucher { pl }; Besucherinnen { pl }visitor | visitors [Add to Longdo]
Besucher { m }caller [Add to Longdo]
auf Betreiben von; auf Ersuchen von; auf Veranlassung vonat the instance of [Add to Longdo]
Bitte { f }; Gesuch { n }; Ersuchen { n }; Antrag { m }; Nachfrage { f }; Wunsch { m }; Anliegen { pl } | auf Bitten von; auf Antrag von | auf vielfachen Wunschrequest | at request of | by popular request [Add to Longdo]
Bittgesuch { n }; Gesuch { n }; Bitte { f }; Petition { f }; Antrag { m } | Bittgesuche { pl }; Gesuche { pl }; Bitten { pl }; Petitionen { pl }; Anträge { pl }petition | petitions [Add to Longdo]
Brombeerstrauch { m } [ bot. ] | Brombeersträucher { pl }blackberry bush | blackberry bushes [Add to Longdo]
Buch { n }; Heft { n } | Bücher { pl } | lieferbare Bücher | Buch aufnehmen | Buch einordnen | Buch absignieren | (Buch) durchblättern | in ein Buch vertieft sein | wie es im Buche steht | vorhandene Bücher in der Bibliothek | ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln [ übtr. ]book | books | books in print | to catalogue a book; to list a book | to put the book in order; to shelve a book | to check books against readers' requests | to flip through | to be sunk in a book | a textbook example | books available in the library | a sealed book [Add to Longdo]
Bucheinband { m }book cover [Add to Longdo]
Buche { f } | Buchen { pl } | aus Buchenholzbeech | beeches | beechen [Add to Longdo]
Buchecker { f } [ bot. ] | Bucheckern { pl }beechnut | beechnuts [Add to Longdo]
Buchen { n }; Buchung { f }; Reservierung { f }; Bestellung { f } | Buchungen { pl }; Reservierungen { pl }; Bestellungen { pl }booking | bookings [Add to Longdo]
Buchhaltungsbeleg { m }accounting voucher [Add to Longdo]
Buchungsbeleg { m }voucher [Add to Longdo]
Buschwerk { n }; Sträucher { pl }bushes [Add to Longdo]
Coupon { m }; Kupon { m } | Coupons { pl }; Kupons { pl }coupon; voucher | coupons; vouchers [Add to Longdo]
auftauchento loom [Add to Longdo]
Dickbauch { m } | Dickbäuche { pl }potbelly | potbellies [Add to Longdo]
Dividendenbeleg { m }dividend voucher [Add to Longdo]
Divisor { m } (Teiler des Bruches) [ math. ]divisor [Add to Longdo]
Dornenstrauch; Brombeerstrauch { m } [ bot. ] | Dornensträucher { pl }; Brombeersträucher { pl }bramble | brambles [Add to Longdo]

French-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
gauche(n) |f| ข้างซ้าย, Ant. droite
à gaucheซึ่งอยู่ทางซ้ายมือ, Ant. à droite

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
動く[うごく, ugoku] (v5k, vi) (1) to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing; (2) to operate; to run; to go; to work; (3) to be touched; to be influenced; (4) to change; to vary; to fluctuate; to waver; (5) (as 動かぬ, 動かない, etc.) certain; factual; (6) to be transferred; (P) #7,990 [Add to Longdo]
仕上げ(P);仕上[しあげ, shiage] (n) end; finishing touches; being finished; (P) #11,918 [Add to Longdo]
いかれる[ikareru] (v1, vi) (1) to be beaten; to break down; (2) to be crazy; to be touched; (3) to be infatuated with; (4) to be outdone (by someone); to be beaten (in a contest) [Add to Longdo]
どら[dora] (n-pref, n) (1) loafing; indolent; lazy; debauched; profligate; (int) (2) hey [Add to Longdo]
ほろり[horori] (adv-to) (on-mim) (also ほろりとする) being moved (to tears); being touched by; becoming sentimental [Add to Longdo]
アウケニプテルス属[アウケニプテルスぞく, aukeniputerusu zoku] (n) Auchenipterus (genus of catfishes in the family Auchenipteridae) [Add to Longdo]
アウケノグラニスオッキデンタリス[aukenoguranisuokkidentarisu] (n) bubu (Auchenoglanis occidentalis); giraffe catfish [Add to Longdo]
カルトゥーシュ[karutou-shu] (n) cartouche (fre [Add to Longdo]
ギフト券[ギフトけん, gifuto ken] (n) gift certificate; gift voucher [Add to Longdo]
クシェット;クーシェット[kushietto ; ku-shietto] (n) couchette (fre [Add to Longdo]
ジーンと来る[ジーンとくる, ji-n tokuru] (exp, vk) to be moved to the point of tears; to be touched [Add to Longdo]
スカラムーシュ[sukaramu-shu] (n) Scaramouche (fre [Add to Longdo]
ダッチェスポテト[dacchiesupoteto] (n) duchess potatoes [Add to Longdo]
バウチャー[baucha-] (n) voucher [Add to Longdo]
バウチャーシステム[baucha-shisutemu] (n) voucher system [Add to Longdo]
バウムクーヘン[baumuku-hen] (n) baumkuchen (ger [Add to Longdo]
バンクロフト糸状虫[バンクロフトしじょうちゅう, bankurofuto shijouchuu] (n) Wuchereria bancrofti (species of filaria) [Add to Longdo]
ブッシュ・ド・ノエル;ブッシュドノエル;ビュッシュ・ド・ノエル;ビュッシュドノエル[busshu . do . noeru ; busshudonoeru ; byusshu . do . noeru ; byusshudonoeru] (n) bûche de Noël (fre [Add to Longdo]
ブッセ[busse] (n) bouche (fre [Add to Longdo]
メチニス[mechinisu] (n) silver dollar (Metynnis hypsauchen) (lat [Add to Longdo]
圧注[あっちゅう, acchuu] (n, vs) douche [Add to Longdo]
伊富;伊当[いとう, itou] (n) Japanese huchen (Hucho perryi) (salmonoid fish found in Hokkaido that grows up to 1.5 meters) [Add to Longdo]
一本取られた[いっぽんとられた, ippontorareta] (exp) touche'; you've got me there [Add to Longdo]
淫逸;淫佚[いんいつ, in'itsu] (n, adj-na) debauchery [Add to Longdo]
淫乱[いんらん, inran] (adj-na, adj-no) debauched; lewd; lascivious; lecherous; salacious; wild [Add to Longdo]
延命息災[えんめいそくさい, enmeisokusai] (n) (obsc) (See 息災延命) health and longevity; enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster [Add to Longdo]
額ずく;額づく;額突く;叩頭く;額衝く[ぬかずく(額ずく;額突く;叩頭く;額衝く);ぬかづく(額突く;叩頭く;額衝く);ぬかつく(額突く;叩頭く;額衝く)(ok), nukazuku ( hitai zuku ; hitai tsuku ; kou atama ku ; hitai tsuku ); nukaduku ( hita] (v5k, vi) to kowtow (to bow from a kneeling position such that the forehead touches the ground); to prostrate oneself; to give a deep, reverent bow [Add to Longdo]
完膚なきまで;完膚無きまで;完膚無き迄[かんぷなきまで, kanpunakimade] (exp) completely; thoroughly; horribly; without exception; until there's no untouched (undamaged) part [Add to Longdo]
起票[きひょう, kihyou] (n, vs) issue of a voucher [Add to Longdo]
漁色[ぎょしょく, gyoshoku] (n) lechery; debauchery; philandering [Add to Longdo]
胸にジーンと来る[むねにジーンとくる, muneni ji-n tokuru] (exp, vk) to have one's heart touched (by something very moving) [Add to Longdo]
屈葬[くっそう, kussou] (n) crouched burial [Add to Longdo]
公爵夫人[こうしゃくふじん, koushakufujin] (n) princess; duchess [Add to Longdo]
惚け(P);呆け(P)[ぼけ(P);ボケ, boke (P); boke] (n, suf) (1) (uk) idiot; fool; touched in the head (from); out of it (from); space case; (2) (See 漫才, 突っ込み・つっこみ・2) funny man (of a comedy duo); (in comedy) silly or stupid line; (3) Alzheimer's (impol); (P) [Add to Longdo]
歯茎音[はぐきおん;しけいおん, hagukion ; shikeion] (n) (See 歯茎) alveolar consonant; sound (e.g. n, t, d) where the tongue touches (or nearly touches) the ridge behind your front top teeth [Add to Longdo]
蛇いちご;蛇イチゴ;蛇苺[へびいちご(蛇いちご;蛇苺);ヘビイチゴ;くちなわいちご(蛇いちご;蛇苺), hebiichigo ( hebi ichigo ; hebi ichigo ); hebiichigo ; kuchinawaichigo ( hebi ichig] (n) false strawberry (Duchesnea chrysantha); mock strawberry [Add to Longdo]
手入らず[ていらず, teirazu] (n) requiring little trouble; untouched [Add to Longdo]
手付かず;手つかず[てつかず, tetsukazu] (adj-no, adj-na, n) untouched; unused; intact [Add to Longdo]
朱に交われば赤くなる[しゅにまじわればあかくなる, shunimajiwarebaakakunaru] (exp) (id) he who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith; one rotten apple spoils the barrel [Add to Longdo]
出来栄え;出来映え;出来ばえ[できばえ, dekibae] (n) (1) result; effect; performance; success; (2) workmanship; execution; shape and quality of (an article); finishing touches [Add to Longdo]
女道楽[おんなどうらく, onnadouraku] (n) womanizing; debauchery; philandering [Add to Longdo]
証票[しょうひょう, shouhyou] (n) certificate; voucher; chit [Add to Longdo]
証憑[しょうひょう, shouhyou] (n) documented evidence (contract, voucher, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
触感[しょっかん, shokkan] (n) sense of touch; sense of being touched; tactile sense [Add to Longdo]
心を動かされる[こころをうごかされる, kokorowougokasareru] (exp, v1) to be moved by; to be touched by [Add to Longdo]
心打たれる[こころうたれる, kokoroutareru] (v1) to be (deeply) touched by; to be struck by [Add to Longdo]
深草兎歩[しんそうとほ, shinsoutoho] (n) crouched walk treading on hands for stealth used by ninja [Add to Longdo]
赤魚[あかうお;アカウオ, akauo ; akauo] (n) (1) (See 赤魚鯛・1) Matsubara's red rockfish (Sebastes matsubarae); (2) Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus); (3) comb goby (Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus); (4) (See 石斑魚) Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis); (5) any edible red saltwater fish [Add to Longdo]
息災延命[そくさいえんめい, sokusaienmei] (n) health and longevity; enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster [Add to Longdo]
袋入り[ふくろいり, fukuroiri] (n) sacked; pouched [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
企てる[くわだてる, kuwadateru] planen, unternehmen, versuchen [Add to Longdo]
伺う[うかがう, ukagau] besuchen, -fragen, sich_erkundigen [Add to Longdo]
偽る[いつわる, itsuwaru] -luegen, faelschen, verfaelschen, heucheln, sich_verstellen, betruegen [Add to Longdo]
参る[まいる, mairu] gehen, kommen, besuchen, einen_Tempel_besuchen, einen_Schrein_besuchen [Add to Longdo]
参拝[さんぱい, sanpai] einen_Schrein_besuchen, ein_Grab_besuchen [Add to Longdo]
吸う[すう, suu] saugen, einsaugen, lutschen, -rauchen [Add to Longdo]
[きつ, kitsu] ESSEN, TRINKEN, RAUCHEN [Add to Longdo]
喫する[きっする, kissuru] -essen, -trinken, -rauchen [Add to Longdo]
喫煙[きつえん, kitsuen] das_Rauchen [Add to Longdo]
婿選び[むこえらび, mukoerabi] Suche_nach_einem_Ehemann, fuer_die_Tochter [Add to Longdo]
尋ねる[たずねる, tazuneru] -suchen, -fragen, sich_erkundigen [Add to Longdo]
尽かす[つかす, tsukasu] (vollkommen) aufbrauchen [Add to Longdo]
尽くす[つくす, tsukusu] erschoepfen, aufbrauchen, sich_anstrengen, sich_bemuehen [Add to Longdo]
悪疫[あくえき, akueki] Seuche, -Pest, Epidemie [Add to Longdo]
捜し回る[さがしまわる, sagashimawaru] umhersuchen [Add to Longdo]
捜す[さがす, sagasu] suchen [Add to Longdo]
捜索[そうさく, sousaku] Suche, Durchsuchung [Add to Longdo]
探し回る[さがしまわる, sagashimawaru] ueberall_suchen [Add to Longdo]
探す[さがす, sagasu] suchen [Add to Longdo]
探る[さぐる, saguru] tasten, suchen [Add to Longdo]
探求[たんきゅう, tankyuu] das_Suchen, Nachforschung [Add to Longdo]
探索[たんさく, tansaku] das_Suchen, Untersuchung, Nachforschung [Add to Longdo]
暗殺[あんさつ, ansatsu] Attentat, Meuchelmord [Add to Longdo]
枝切り[えだきり, edakiri] Beschneiden_von_Baeumen_und_Straeuchern, Stutzen_von_Baeumen_und_Straeuchern [Add to Longdo]
[さ, sa] UNTERSUCHEN [Add to Longdo]
汁粉[しるこ, shiruko] suesse_Bohnensuppe_mit_Reiskuchen [Add to Longdo]
求める[もとめる, motomeru] fordern, bitten, suchen [Add to Longdo]
求職[きゅうしょく, kyuushoku] Stellungssuche [Add to Longdo]
没入[ぼつにゅう, botsunyuu] untertauchen, (sich) versenken [Add to Longdo]
浮かぶ[うかぶ, ukabu] schwimmen, auftauchen, sich_zeigen [Add to Longdo]
浮く[うく, uku] schwimmen, auftauchen, wieder_flottwerden [Add to Longdo]
浸す[ひたす, hitasu] eintauchen, in_eine_Fluessigkeit_legen, einweichen, traenken [Add to Longdo]
浸る[ひたる, hitaru] eintauchen, sich_widmen [Add to Longdo]
消費者[しょうひしゃ, shouhisha] Verbraucher, Konsument [Add to Longdo]
漬ける[つける, tsukeru] eintauchen, einweichen, einlegen, einmachen, einpoekeln [Add to Longdo]
[せん, sen] TAUCHEN, SICH VERBERGEN [Add to Longdo]
潜る[もぐる, moguru] tauchen, hineinkriechen [Add to Longdo]
潜水[せんすい, sensui] -tauchen [Add to Longdo]
潜水夫[せんすいふ, sensuifu] Taucher [Add to Longdo]
煙い[けむい, kemui] voll_Rauch, verraeuchert [Add to Longdo]
煙る[けむる, kemuru] rauchen [Add to Longdo]
用いる[もちいる, mochiiru] gebrauchen, brauchen, benutzen [Add to Longdo]
疫病[えきびょう, ekibyou] Epidemie, Seuche [Add to Longdo]
発煙[はつえん, hatsuen] Rauchbildung, Rauchentwicklung [Add to Longdo]
発煙筒[はつえんとう, hatsuentou] Raeucherkerze, Raeucherstaebchen [Add to Longdo]
禁煙[きんえん, kin'en] Rauchen_verboten! [Add to Longdo]
究める[きわめる, kiwameru] gruendlich_erforschen, gruendlich_untersuchen [Add to Longdo]


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