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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -usss-, *usss*, uss
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา -usss- มีน้อย ระบบจึงเลือกคำใหม่ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: uses)
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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Pots and pans. Something they can use.หม้อกะทะน่ะรึ Schindler's List (1993)
Next time gonna use a nom de plume.ครั้งหน้าฉันจะใช้นามปากกา นั่นเขาไง! Aladdin (1992)
Ah, but it would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.อาา แต่มันจำเป็นต้องใช้เพชรสีน้ำเงินอันลึกลับ Aladdin (1992)
-Aha, yeah, right. No, really, I promise. After make my first two wishes, I'll use my third wish to set you free.ไม่ จริงๆ ข้าสัญญา หลังจากพร 2 ข้อของข้าเป็นจริง ข้าจะใช้พรข้อที่สาม ทำให้เข้าเป็นอิสระ Aladdin (1992)
I've come so far I can't go back to where I used to be! -A whole new world!ไม่สามารถกลับไปที่ซึ่งเคยอยู่ได้ โลกใหม่นี้ Aladdin (1992)
We used to get in his car and ride around listening to 911 calls on his scanner then speed over.เราเคยเข้าไปอยู่ในรถเขา และขับไปทั่ว... ...ฟัง 911 จาก วิทยุของเขา ...และเขาก็เร่งความเร็วขึ้น Basic Instinct (1992)
Nick used to say:นิคเคยพูดว่า: Basic Instinct (1992)
I didn't used to be.ตอนแรกๆ ก็เปล่าหรอก The Bodyguard (1992)
I don't like it when you use language like that.ฉันไม่อยากให้เธอพูดหยาบแบบนั้น The Bodyguard (1992)
We used to work together.เราเคยทำงานด้วยกัน The Bodyguard (1992)
You can't use that back here. The breakthrough is killing our radio mikes.ใช้ไอ้นั่นไม่ได้ รบกวนคลื่นเรา The Bodyguard (1992)
There's a room they don't use.มีห้องว่างอยู่ Wuthering Heights (1992)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
usesA sensible person is one who uses good sense.
usesBetween the language he uses and the language those around him use.
usesBrian intends to strictly limit the money he uses.
usesDr. Patterson also uses spoken language with Koko.
usesHe has come to look like a sly-as-a-fox Premier who uses his position's powers to the fullest extent, to his own advantage.
usesHe often uses a subway.
usesHe often uses the slightest thing as a pretext for a fight with anybody.
usesHe uses a pencil with a fine point.
usesHe uses extreme care when he drive in the rain.
usesHe uses extreme care when he drives in the rain.
usesHe uses foul language whenever he gets angry.
usesHe uses honey instead of sugar.

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อาคารบ้านเรือน[ākhān bānreūoen] (n, exp) EN: houses ; residence ; dwellings
บ้านเรือน[bānreūoen] (n) EN: houses ; dwellings ; buildings ; homes  FR: maisons [ fpl ] ; habitations [ fpl ]
จดหมายขอโทษ[jotmāi khøthōt] (n, exp) EN: letter of apology  FR: lettre d'excuses [ f ]
แก้ตัว[kaētūa] (v) EN: make an excuse ; offer an excuse ; find an excuse ; justify oneself ; make amends  FR: s'excuser ; présenter ses excuses ; faire amende honorable ; se justifier
ก้างขวางคอ[kāngkhwāngkhø] (n) EN: bur in the throat ; fishbone got stuck in one' s throat ; obstacle ; one who causes interruption ; someone in the way ; something in the way
การแก้ตัว[kān kaētūa] (n) EN: excuse  FR: excuses [ fpl ]
ขมา[khamā] (v) EN: ask for pardon ; apologize to   FR: demander le pardon ; présenter ses excuses
คัน[khan] (n) EN: [ classifier : automobiles, carriages and other vehicles (buses, motorbikes ...) ; umbrellas ; spoons, forks ]  FR: [ classificateur : automobiles, cyclomoteurs, bicyclettes, véhicules motorisés ; parapluies, ombrelles ; cuillères, fourchettes ]
คิดค้นหามูลเหตุ[khit khonhā mūnhēt] (v, exp) EN: inquire into the causes
คิดค้นหาสาเหตุ[khit khonhā sāhēt] (v, exp) EN: inquire into the causes

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[no] (prt) (See 乃) indicates possessive among other uses (for full details and examples see the main entry (linked)) #1 [Add to Longdo]
杯;盃[はい;はた(杯)(ok), hai ; hata ( hai )(ok)] (n) (1) (はい only) sake cup; cup for alcoholic beverages; (suf, ctr) (2) counter for cupfuls; (3) (はい only) counter for ships, octopuses and squid #1,247 [Add to Longdo]
アクセス[akusesu] (n, vs) access; (P) #1,680 [Add to Longdo]
[こ, ko] (ctr) counter for houses #2,735 [Add to Longdo]
縁;江に(ateji)[えん(縁);えにし(縁);えに;え(縁), en ( heri ); enishi ( heri ); eni ; e ( heri )] (n) (1) fate; destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together); (2) relationship (e.g. between two people); bond; link; connection; (3) family ties; affinity; (4) (えん only) opportunity; chance (to meet someone and start a relationship); (5) (えん only) { Buddh } (See 因・2) pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes); (6) (えん only) (also written as 椽) narrow open-air veranda #3,129 [Add to Longdo]
夫婦[ふうふ(P);めおと;みょうと, fuufu (P); meoto ; myouto] (n) married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair; (P) #3,728 [Add to Longdo]
[けん, ken] (suf, ctr) (1) counter for buildings (esp. houses); (suf) (2) suffix for a pen name, stage name, etc. #3,861 [Add to Longdo]
並(P);並み(P)[なみ, nami] (n, n-suf) (1) (See 中・ちゅう・1, 普通・1) average; medium; common; ordinary; (2) line; row of (e.g. houses); (3) mid-grade; (4) same level; equal; each (e.g. month); set of (e.g. teeth); (P) #7,934 [Add to Longdo]
多用[たよう, tayou] (adj-na, n, vs) (1) busyness; a lot of things to do; (2) frequent use; heavy use (of); many uses #8,305 [Add to Longdo]
因縁[いんねん(P);いんえん, innen (P); in'en] (n) (1) { Buddh } hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things); (2) fate; destiny; (3) connection; origin; (4) pretext; (P) #15,303 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
アクセスアーム[あくせすあーむ, akusesua-mu] access arm [Add to Longdo]
アクセスキー[あくせすきー, akusesuki-] access key [Add to Longdo]
アクセスコンテキスト[あくせすこんてきすと, akusesukontekisuto] access context [Add to Longdo]
アクセススイッチ[あくせすすいっち, akusesusuicchi] access switch [Add to Longdo]
アクセススピード[あくせすすぴーど, akusesusupi-do] access speed [Add to Longdo]
アクセスポイント[あくせすぽいんと, akusesupointo] access point [Add to Longdo]
アクセスモード[あくせすもーど, akusesumo-do] access mode [Add to Longdo]
アクセスログ[あくせすろぐ, akusesurogu] access log [Add to Longdo]
アクセス可能[アクセスかのう, akusesu kanou] accessible (an) [Add to Longdo]
アクセス回線[アクセスかいせん, akusesu kaisen] access line [Add to Longdo]


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