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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
领养[lǐng yǎng, ㄌㄧㄥˇ ㄧㄤˇ,   /  ] adoption; to adopt a child #16,550 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
When I say he was my son, he wasn't my son by blood or any other legitimate means.[CN] 他不是我亲生而是我领养来的 Housebound (2014)
I already reached out to a lawyer who specializes in adoption.[CN] 我已经联系了 一个专攻领养案子的律师 The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
Because you were adopted.[CN] 因为你是被领养 The Great Hypnotist (2014)
For the last time, Alan, I am not adopting you![CN] 我最后说一次 Alan 我不会领养你的! The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
That said, I'd start looking at Golden Retriever puppies, 'cause there's no way you're getting a baby.[CN] 我建议你还是考虑一下 养金毛猎犬吧 因为你不可能领养到小孩的 The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
Uh, you know, if you really want to adopt...[CN] 如果你真的想领养... The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
Apparently, the whole system is geared towards married couples.[CN] 原来领养机构只青睐已婚人士 The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
Well, you're a perfect candidate to adopt.[CN] 你非常适合领养小孩 The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
He neglected to tell us that. After I adopted Jared, I petitioned the court.[CN] 领养Jared之后 我请法庭出具一份出生证明 The Twin Paradox (2014)
This little girl from my home, Cecilia, got adopted.[CN] 我们收容所有个小女孩Cecilia 被领养 Breaking Glass (2014)
But you're a single guy, and the system is really geared towards married couples.[CN] 没错 但你是单身男性 领养机构倾向选择已婚人士 The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
...are we living in where any two high school kids with a broken condom can screw behind an Applebee's Dumpster, have a baby, give it up for adoption, but not have it go to an adult who is upstanding, [CN] 两个高中小屁孩能戴着破安全套 在垃圾箱后边鬼混弄出个孩子 然后送去领养 却不能把孩子交给一个 正直 有责任心 The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)


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