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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
既有[jì yǒu, ㄐㄧˋ ㄧㄡˇ,  ] existing #5,840 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Now history does teach us every time we thought we had it figured out... there was some major discovery right around the bend... that required a dramatic change in our understanding of the laws of physics.[CN] 反观历史我们每次理解了某事 就会产生重大发现 颠覆既有物理学的原理 Frequency (2000)
You save face, you make money.[CN] 既有面子也有钱 Da wan (2001)
I tell you, if I have meat in my belly, I intend to get something done.[CN] 我跟你说... 我既有肉下肚,便不会坐以待毙 Alive (1993)
" It is high time private and peaceful citizens of this country woke to the increasing encroachment of their freedoms."[CN] 〞該是全國民眾覺醒的時刻- 一確保既有的自由 不受他人侵佔〞 The Winslow Boy (1999)
Everything from giant lily pads to giant spiders seems to flourish here in extraordinary profusion.[CN] 丰富多采的事物看来在此繁荣兴旺, 既有巨大的睡莲叶子,也有巨蜘蛛。 偶而还真的能够见到飞鸟。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
I don't own you. You are brilliant, you are handsome.[CN] 才不是, 你既有才华又帅 Vanilla Sky (2001)
Our little Lucy is wearing a delightful mix of warm, northern comfort and southern insouciance.[CN] 我们的小露西 正穿这一套令人愉悦的 合成针织保暖装,既有北方的舒适感 又有南方的潇洒自如 Episode #2.17 (1991)
But they wouldn't, not if there was a simpler way.[CN] 既有容易的办法又何必麻烦 Terminal Velocity (1994)
Cultures coming together in both negative and positive ways.[CN] 文化融合,既有积极的一面也有消极的一面。 Lone Star (1996)
Also trumpets and troupers, those lions and wild boars...[CN] 既有喇叭和演员 又有狮子和野猪 The Swan Princess: The Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure (1998)
The remains of two million people lie here, lodged in every kind of property from an earth mound to a marble palace.[CN] 220万人在此安息。 他们的栖身之所各式各样, 既有小小土堆,也有大理石做的宫殿。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
mankind at its best and its worst.[CN] 但是考察队,既有最好也有最坏... Red Planet (2000)


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