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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
才华出众[cái huá chū zhòng, ㄘㄞˊ ㄏㄨㄚˊ ㄔㄨ ㄓㄨㄥˋ,     /    ] outstanding talent (成语 saw); incomparable artistic merit #85,879 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I think there are special moments in time when a whole series of things come together, when you had those young people from, you know, very ordinary backgrounds, who suddenly symbolised, represented something new and had that extraordinary ability to achieve.[CN] 这些年轻人来自最普通的家庭 突然间他们变成了时代的符号 他们才华出众 The Class of 92 (2013)
He's so talented.[CN] 他真是才华出众 What the Day Owes the Night (2012)
So, in other words, you were creating a better race in-in this sense.[CN] 异常强大 各方面都才华出众 换句话说 你创造了更优秀的种族 照这么说的话 The Visitors (2010)
and if my mother is so brilliant and active in the company, what do you want with me?[CN] 如果我母亲在"公司"如此才华出众 你想让我干吗 The Sunshine State (2008)
Percy Phelps, brilliant boy, carried off every prize the school had to offer, went on to fresh triumphs at Cambridge.[CN] 珀西 菲尔普斯 才华出众的孩子 获得过学校所颁发的一切奖赏 然后进入剑桥大学继续深造 The Naval Treaty (1984)
What the fuck did you do?[CN] 事实证明 你的这位朋友 Turns out your friend here 是个才华出众的年轻人 却未被人足够地赏识 is a much more talented young man than anyone gave him credit for. The Adversary (2016)
You have a very talented wife.[CN] 你的妻子 真是才华出众 Revolutionary Road (2008)
Why would a brilliant structural engineer rob a bank?[CN] 为什么一个才华出众的结构工程师会抢劫银行呢? Cowboys and Indians (2009)


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