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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
怪杰[guài jié, ㄍㄨㄞˋ ㄐㄧㄝˊ,   /  ] monstre sacré (i.e. artist famous for being deliberately preposterous) #669,118 [Add to Longdo]

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Keys kids don't use but geeks do.[CN] 这些键很小孩都不用,但是怪杰们常用 Antitrust (2001)
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.[CN] 你真坏 圣诞怪杰 The Launch Acceleration (2012)
Tomorrow, he is the most famous geek in the world[CN] 明天他就是最出名的怪杰 Antitrust (2001)
Even the earliest geeks don't get is till 5.[CN] 最早的电脑怪杰也不会在5点钟以前起床 Antitrust (2001)
You're a geek[CN] 你真是怪杰 Antitrust (2001)
We're booking it![CN] 我算是电子产品白痴 而Nic则是电子产品怪杰 The Amazing Race (2001)
It says in the morning you watched The Grinch for ten minutes... and then switched back over to Afro Whores.[CN] 记录上面说你在早上看了十分钟的《圣诞怪杰》 之后就又转到了《非洲浪女》 Rat Race (2001)
He gets his chain pulled a lot by the geeks around here because he is non-tech Because he is a ex-cop or whatever[CN] 他的规则被这里的电脑怪杰们破坏了太多 因为他没有技术背景,而且是一个前任警察 Antitrust (2001)
Tears seem appropriate.[CN] 格林奇 "圣诞怪杰"主人公 圣诞之日到镇上搞破坏 哭得很合时宜啊 The Maternal Congruence (2009)
- Bob. Milo is not just another geek[CN] -麦洛不是其他的怪杰 Antitrust (2001)
Some glorified cherry bomb, Some geeks idea of fun.[CN] 一些拙劣炸弹,如果还可以这么说的话,肯定是那些怪杰们用来找乐子的 Antitrust (2001)
I promise I'm gonna take back all those nasty thoughts about you being the Grinch.[CN] 我保证会消除所有把你当作 圣诞怪杰的恶劣想法 The Ultimate Gift (2006)


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