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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
履歴書[りれきしょ, rirekisho] (n) personal history; curriculum vitae; resume; (P) [Add to Longdo]

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Please send me a kind of CV and I will present to Vaclav Havel and his Committee.[JP] 履歴書を提出してください バーツラフ・ハベルと委員会の 目に届くよう取り計らいましょう The Lady (2011)
I just want to finish going through these resumes.[JP] 履歴書に 目を通すんだ Smokey and the Bandit (2011)
which I think is more professional, but, you know, same thing pretty much.[JP] 履歴書というやつです どちらでも同じですね Gray Matter (2008)
With everything on your plate right now, the last thing you want to worry about is a transfer situation, trust me.[JP] 他の履歴書もね あなたの心配は 引き継ぎでしょ 私を信じて Smokey and the Bandit (2011)
But there are holes in your resume that Gretchen or Self or even Bagwell can fill.[JP] 君の履歴書には穴があり その穴は グレッチェンでもセルフでも バッグウェルですら埋められる Going Under (2008)
I haven't shown anyone my résumé, I could be a janitor.[JP] 履歴書も見ないで 管理人にでも採用された? Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
Well, and it doesn't really say it here, but I have a solid background in sales.[JP] 実は 履歴書には 書いていませんが― セールスの経験は それなりにあります Gray Matter (2008)
so... but I can't seem to find it anywhere.[JP] 見ての通り、沢山の応募を受けてね それで... いつも、履歴書をここに出すのだが 見つからなくてね The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
- It says here you were a soldier.[JP] - 履歴書には軍人だったと The Blind Banker (2010)
Do you run background checks on your employees or do you just let cons work here?[JP] 社員を雇う前、履歴書をチェックしたか? 或いは犯罪者も雇うのか? Blow Out (2008)
Your résumé says that you minored in French culinary arts.[JP] 履歴書では君の 副専攻はフランス料理だ Up in the Air (2009)
Then she read your resume, met you at the wedding, and in ten years, I've never seen her more excited about somebody's potential.[JP] その後 履歴書を見て 結婚式で君に会い― 彼女は君の才能に惚れ込んだ Get Me a Lawyer (2007)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
履歴書[りれきしょ, rirekisho] Lebenslauf [Add to Longdo]


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