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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
反手[fǎn shǒu, ㄈㄢˇ ㄕㄡˇ,  ] to turn a hand over; to put one's hand behind one's back; fig. easily done #20,450 [Add to Longdo]

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A Soviet spy in an old-boys club?[CN] 那个反手很厉害的俄国人 The Russian knockout with the killer backhand. Better Angels (2016)
- Backhand.[CN] - 反手抽击 Private Lessons (1981)
You killed Simon Toyne with a counter riposte.[CN] 当时你反手一击结果了西蒙. Lord Snow (2011)
New guy can't field a backhand to save his life.[CN] 新来的家伙能不能在现场反手 挽救他的生命。 20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending (2014)
I SWEAR I'VE GOT A BACKHAND WITH YOUR NAME WRITTEN ALL OVER IT.[CN] 我发誓,我已经有了一个反手 你的名字写了这一切。 Bloody Homecoming (2013)
One took a peck at him and instead of retreating, he hit it with the back of his hand.[CN] 有一只啄了他一下 但他没逃走 而是反手抽了它一巴掌 Alan Partridge (2013)
Kylie nails the perfect inverted backside air reverse.[CN] 凯莉秀出完美的 反向反手腾空转身 Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2 (2011)
In across the line. He fakes, backhand, he scores![CN] 穿过防线 做了个假动作 反手抽击 得分! Goon (2011)
It's gonna be great. All right. This... collar up, take the two ends, overhand knot, right?[CN] 这个会很棒的 这样 领子竖起来 打个反手结 好吧? For Better, for Worse (2013)
No, 'insect' key.[CN] 不,是「六角反手 A Man Called Ove (2015)
I don't know if I'm stupid or not, but I do know I know how to tie an overhand knot.[CN] 虽然我不知道有没有长蠢 但我知道怎么解反手 Nasty Habits (2013)
Do you have an 'insect' key? - Hex keys.[CN] 你该也有「六角反手」吧? A Man Called Ove (2015)


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