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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
谜团[mí tuán, ㄇㄧˊ ㄊㄨㄢˊ,   /  ] riddle; enigma; unpredictable situation; elusive matters #28,663 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
They weren't ready for Dendi Enigma.[CN] 他们对 Dendi 的谜团毫无戒心 Free to Play (2014)
What's the big mystery?[CN] 什么是大谜团 Way of the Wicked (2014)
I'm just going to whip this out.[CN] 我会解开谜团 The Sign of Three (2014)
Puppey is here.[CN] 大概是全世界最有耐心的谜团了 Puppey 到了 Free to Play (2014)
That was the most patient Enigma in the world.[CN] 大概是全世界最有耐心的谜团 Free to Play (2014)
We picked Enigma just to have a strong teamfight a five versus five combat.[CN] 我们挑选了谜团 以加强会战时 五打五的团战能力 Free to Play (2014)
Enigma pops.[CN] 谜团出现了 Free to Play (2014)
I didn't solve that one.[CN] 我没能解决这个谜团 The Sign of Three (2014)
I mean, there're just too many unanswered questions.[CN] 我是说,有太多未解的谜团 Annabelle (2014)
His private life is a mystery.[CN] 有关这方面是个谜团 The Little House (2014)
So we took the risk of taking him and risking maybe playing him badly.[CN] 因此我们就冒险选了谜团 并准备承担他操纵不好的风险 Free to Play (2014)
More what? More mystery, more magic.[CN] ―还有什么 ―还有 还有谜团 Magic in the Moonlight (2014)


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