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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
许配[xǔ pèi, ㄒㄩˇ ㄆㄟˋ,   /  ] to betroth a girl (in arranged marriages) #58,115 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Will the princess marry me?[CN] 是把公主许配给我吗? On His Majesty's Secret Service (2009)
She's promised to his son.[CN] 她已经许配给了他的儿子 The House of Black and White (2015)
The man whose daughter I was supposed to marry--[CN] 他的女儿曾经许配给我... Kissed by Fire (2013)
When I met Poojah, she was betrothed to a bricklayer's son-cum-internet millionaire.[CN] 当我遇到Poojah,她被许配 一个瓦工的 儿子暨互联网百万富翁。 The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
Your Emperor has commanded Princess Jing to marry our prince.[CN] 你们的皇帝 已将靖公主许配给我国王子 Painted Skin: The Resurrection (2012)
She was already promised to Robert.[CN] 她已被许配给了劳勃 Sons of the Harpy (2015)
Wei even said, when Yihang comes back, he'd marry Wei's daughter.[CN] 魏忠贤还说 等他回来 就把自己的女儿许配给他 The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom (2014)
I offer you my daughter, Michal.[CN] 我把我的女儿米甲许配给你 Kingdom (2013)
When he grows up, he'll marry Princess Coral Sea.[CN] 将来我要把珊瑚海公主许配他为妻 The Little Mermaid (1976)
You were betrothed to Loras Tyrell.[CN] 你被许配给Loras Tyrell了 The Children (2014)
You're still betrothed to Loras Tyrell.[CN] 你仍是被许配给Loras Tyrell The Children (2014)
I give her to you willingly.[CN] 我心甘情愿地把女儿许配给你。 What the Day Owes the Night (2012)


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