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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
菜园[cài yuán, ㄘㄞˋ ㄩㄢˊ,   /  ] vegetable garden [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm fixing up a decrepit old place in the country and I putter in the garden, raising vegetables, the asparagus is looking good this year.[CN] 我把在玛安的一所房子整了一下 我还有个菜园子 种了点菜... 有生菜 萝卜 西红柿 Belphegor: Phantom of the Louvre (2001)
Went to dig for a good carrot, What I needed the garden hadn't.[CN] 我想要胡萝卜解闷, 菜园子里却没一根! Farewell (1983)
Even the wolves are trespassing our garden.[CN] 野狼虽然侵犯我们五台山的菜园 The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter (1984)
A homesteader can't run but a few beef, but he can grow grain... and then with his garden and hogs and milk, he'll be all right.[CN] 自耕农可以养几头牛 种庄稼 靠着他的菜园 猪和牛奶 他也衣食无忧 Shane (1953)
We need that big cucumber I got out of the garden last night.[CN] 早知道就把昨晚在菜园摘下的黄瓜带来 Deliverance (1972)
It's her garden.[CN] 你夸奖内人了,这是她的菜园 Camille Claudel (1988)
I ask granddad to bring you to the field in the north of this city where's sparsely-populated.[CN] 叫我爷爷带你们到 北城城角的菜园子里去 那个地方荒凉 The Heroic Ones (1970)
well, I've got to go down now and see how my garden's growing.[CN] 我现在得下去看我的菜园长势如何 Tammy and the Bachelor (1957)
They have a vegetable garden in the back... where you can rent a plot, grow your own vegetables.[CN] 后面还有个菜园子... 你可以租地 自己种菜 The Indian Runner (1991)
Remember how he sneaked away crawling through the gardens?[CN] 就这么肚子贴地 从菜园里爬出去啦! Farewell (1983)
Uh, Mr. Radley... shot at a prowler out in his collard patch.[CN] 嗯,莱利 先生... 从他的菜园子开枪射一个小偷 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
Your garden?[CN] 你的菜园 Tammy and the Bachelor (1957)


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