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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
演戏[yǎn xì, ㄧㄢˇ ㄒㄧˋ,   /  ] to put on a play; to perform; fig. to pretend; to feign #12,533 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Ugh... Drama.[CN] -呃 你以为在演戏 The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning (2008)
We are not playing. We are not in a play. We are serious.[CN] 我们不是在演戏 这不是一场表演 我们是认真的 I.O.U.S.A. (2008)
I won't do the play.[CN] 我不要演戏 A Christmas Tale (2008)
That's called acting. You should try it sometime.[CN] 那些叫做演戏 你也该试试的 High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)
Not too good. I didn't get the part in the Tobey Maguire movie.[CN] 不是很理想 我没被选中和托比・马奎尔一起演戏 Funny People (2009)
Where do you think you are, some fucking Regency costume drama?[CN] 你以为你在哪里啊? 在摄政团里面演戏啊? In the Loop (2009)
This is the time to be quiet, to be actors.[CN] - 这个时候就该闭嘴,演戏给他们看 Vincere (2009)
That's right, folks, this is not a reenactment, so for your own comfort and joy, could you please keep your legs and your arms within the vehicle![CN] 这就对啦 伙计们 这不是演戏 所以为了你们自己的生命 你们最好别 Hero Wanted (2008)
I'm sorry about all the theatrics, but I didn't know how many of you there'd be or whether you'd be armed.[CN] 对不起演戏骗了大家 但我不知道你们有多少人 或多少人有武器 The Economist (2008)
Well, we're not going to stand around here waiting for this kid to take a shit.[CN] 我们可不能傻站在这儿 看着这倒霉孩子演戏 Survival of the Dead (2009)
Not a good sign. Come see the play.[CN] 有时间你一定要来看我演戏 Coco Before Chanel (2009)
Wouldn't stuntmen become heroes if they knew acting?[CN] 替身演员学别人演戏? 宝贝. Incredible Love (2009)


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