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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
河底[かてい;かわぞこ, katei ; kawazoko] (n) river bed [Add to Longdo]

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Uh, I doubt that because my phone's at the bottom of the river.[CN] 嗯 我懷疑是因為我的手機沉到河底去了 Storage 24 (2012)
When he got to the bottom of the river, the safe warped.[CN] 当他下到河底的时候 保险箱变形了 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }When he got to the bottom of the river, the safe warped. Now You See Me (2013)
Now that she's at the bottom of the Saint Lawrence River.[CN] 现在她正躺在圣劳伦斯河的河底 Resistance (2010)
- Then swim to the bottom of the Seine.[CN] - 去塞纳河底找吧 The Monuments Men (2014)
The river?[JP] 河底だぞ? The Boxtrolls (2014)
I swim... until a shadow of a crocodile... darkens the river bottom.[CN] 我游弋着 l swim 直到看到一团鳄鱼的阴影 until a shadow of a crocodile 河底都因此暗沉 that darkens the river bottom. Jungle Child (2011)
If you've come for the car, I parked it at the bottom of the Tiber.[CN] 没问题 你要是来取车 车已经沉到台伯河底去了 Spectre (2015)
The attack on the navy was blamed on a "Sea Dragon" supposedly disturbed by the warships[CN] 水军遇袭谣传是河底龙王 受军舰惊扰,发威毁船 Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013)
That villain.[CN] 那个混蛋 我要将他沉到河底 That villain. Great Expectations (2012)
We settle onto the bottom.[CN] 我们沉在河底 After Earth (2013)
You are pulled to the bottom.[CN] 您会被拖进河底 然后一下就解脱了 vous allez entrainer au fond... The Suicide Shop (2012)
Mr. Bright wants the river dragged, so I'm breaking out the gumboots.[CN] Bright先生想打捞河底 所以我要把橡胶靴准备好 Girl (2013)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
河底[かてい, katei] Grund_eines_Flusses, Flussbett [Add to Longdo]


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