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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
江河[jiāng hé, ㄐㄧㄤ ㄏㄜˊ,  ] rivers #17,511 [Add to Longdo]
黑龙江河[Hēi lóng jiāng hé, ㄏㄟ ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄐㄧㄤ ㄏㄜˊ,     /    ] Heilongjiang river; the Amur river the Amur River (the border between north east China and Russia) #384,029 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
江河[こうが, kouga] (n) Yangtze and Yellow rivers; large river [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
About some guy with ambitions for the House of Representatives. It keeps going under.[CN] 猛捧几个议会里的政客 让报纸江河日下 Love at the Top (1974)
How many rivers have fed her And how many oceans has she filled ?[CN] "丰沛无数江河 填满无尽海洋" The Source (2011)
So it's the crossing... of one of the branches of the Mekong... on the ferry that's between Vinh Long and Sa-Dec... in the great plains of mud and rice... of southern Indochina... the plain of the birds.[CN] 我正準備橫渡湄江河 乘坐橫跨尹朗與薩迪間的渡輪 就在印第支那南部 The Lover (1992)
Spread my ashes into the lakes and rivers of my motherland[CN] 把我的骨灰撒在祖國的江河湖海 Samsara (1988)
- So I'll go to lakes or rivers. - I'll give you a tour. We can...[CN] 所以我去湖或江河边 我们可以一起去 Short Cuts (1993)
Like the current flowing into the river, like Blanche, awakening, in love with her lover.[CN] 仿佛流入江河的水流 醒来的布朗什偎依在情人的怀中 My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days (1989)
Lockhart, Gardner is going under.[CN] LockhartGardner事务所现在是江河日下 Boom (2010)
Please stick to the rivers[CN] # 徜徉江河中吧 # We're the Millers (2013)
You're gonna get in your car and you're gonna drive up River Road.[CN] 上车 开车沿江河路走 You're gonna get in your car and you're gonna drive up River Road. Poker Night (2014)
My way of life is fallen into the sere, [CN] 我的人生之路日趋江河日下 Macbeth (2015)
♪ I'll probably swim through a few lagoons[CN] # 我要畅游江河 Submarine (2010)
-We must be swift as a coursing river[CN] 行动快速像那江河湍急 男子汉 Mulan (1998)


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