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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
毛孔[máo kǒng, ㄇㄠˊ ㄎㄨㄥˇ,  ] pore #11,008 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Spilling out of your son, from every pore.[CN] 从你儿子身上散发出来 每一个毛孔都在发光 Spilling out of your son, from every pore. Scars (2015)
And did you also suspect... that those ancient sewers have been flooded with an odorless psychotropic gas... that enters through the pores of the skin... gnaws at the roots of the mind... turning the psyche back in on itself, twisting and winding... until it resembles nothing so much as a labyrinth?[CN] 那么你是否也怀疑... ...下水道的空气里混了些无味的精神毒气呢... ...它们从你皮肤上的毛孔中渗透... Batman vs. Robin (2015)
My skin, they say it seems like I don't have pores[CN] 我的皮肤,他们说我好像没有毛孔 Good Times, Bed Times (2003)
Passion exuding out of every pore."[CN] 每个毛孔都流露出激情" The Dramatics: A Comedy (2015)
Unlike you, I'm sure.[CN] 和每一个毛孔去享受性爱,不像你,我敢肯定 Night on Earth (1991)
Sweetie, you sure you don't want to give it a try? - Oh...[CN] 她的毛孔和8岁男孩似的 屁股也是 The Mystery of the Mobile Murder (2014)
Mozart that my windshield with a sledgehammer, [CN] 莫扎特舒畅了我的肚脐,屁眼和毛孔 The Barber of Siberia (1998)
The grime. Seeps into every pore and fiber.[JP] 毛孔のすべてに ついてくる The Darkness Beneath (2014)
They open up everything.[CN] 夭寿,蒸气室让你的毛孔大开啊 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
Did you know that you can't have a change having big thoughts[CN] 你知道,如果你有毛孔粗大的你不能做什么? Spy (2015)
But it really opened up my pores.[CN] 但蒸汽真的打通了我的毛孔 The Expedition Approximation (2014)
Don't stay in too long. It opens the pores.[CN] 别待太久了 会让毛孔扩张的 The Lineup (1958)


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