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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
对等[duì děng, ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄉㄥˇ,   /  ] equal status; equal treatment; parity (under the law); equity; reciprocity #19,667 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Some friends are expecting us at a party and...[CN] 一些朋友在派对等我们,还有... The Day of the Beast (1995)
Why not consider it a competition between vulgarity and poetry?[CN] 你为什么会认为 是不对等的挑战? Fellini's Casanova (1976)
The way she flies that F-86, the Soviets must have an equivalent type.[CN] 她开F -86的那方式, 苏联人肯定有对等型号. Jet Pilot (1957)
But Mirabelle, now feeling the warmth of her first reciprocal love..[CN] 但是蜜拉贝儿,现在感受到 她头个对等的爱里头的温暖... ...来自于他 Shopgirl (2005)
As a matter of fact, I'll lay even money that this nag, Seabiscuit, couldn't even finish six furlongs.[CN] 事实上,我愿意下对等的赌金 赌这块烂饼干根本跑不完 Seabiscuit (2003)
Preparing a ship for war is not the same as having it returned to you.[CN] 用为你准备的船去战斗... 与回报并不完全对等 Shogun (1980)
- If the peer?[CN] 如果对等 Simply Irresistible (1999)
Collateral Damage.[CN] 几乎对等的伤害 Underground (2011)
I can't do otherwise. Sure.[CN] 当然了 永远要礼貌地对等女士们 Dédée d'Anvers (1948)
Let Data go, and I will take my place at your side, willingly, without any resistance.[CN] 成为你的对等搭档,让戴达走 我将随侍左右 不做任何反抗 Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
She is a subordinate. There is a disparity of power.[CN] 她是你的下属 你们之间权力不对等 From Whence We Came (2005)
It's only good for dying in.[CN] 它只对等死有好处 The Killer Reserved Nine Seats (1974)


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