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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
外包[wài bāo, ㄨㄞˋ ㄅㄠ,  ] outsourcing [Add to Longdo]

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We need to book another charter to make money.[CN] 我们得另外包辆船赚钱 The Fog (2005)
You can't outsource order fulfillment![CN] 你不能把收單外包 Outsourced (2006)
All downhill after that![CN] 那其实是到目前为止 最伟大的通过外包装取得胜利的案例 What to Do in Case of Fire (2001)
Well a lot of Americans are upset about outsourcing.[CN] 許多美國人都不喜歡外包服務 Outsourced (2006)
These, uh, bales of pot, they have that red Johnny Chimpo sticker on them.[CN] 这些,嗯,外包装上 它们有红色Johnny Chimpo的印记 Super Troopers (2001)
Offshore the whole department.[CN] 整個部門都要外包 Outsourced (2006)
All of your jobs have been outsourced.[CN] 各位的工作都被外包走了 Outsourced (2006)
We did a report that took 2, 5 years, 600, 000 dollars, 33 people, including ten investigate reporters on 6 continents, looking at private military companies and outsourcing war all over the world.[CN] "我们花费两年半时间、60万美元,由33人组成的团队,包括10名来自6大洲的调查员... ...调查全世界的私人军企和"服务外包战争" Why We Fight (2005)
You'll get the solution back plus a copy of the Rambaldi page.[CN] 你要补偿损失 另外包括兰巴迪纸页 Almost Thirty Years (2002)
Kellogg Brown and Root comes back and says "This is a terrific idea".[CN] Kellogg Brown and Root调查了一番 回报的结果是"这个主意(服务外包)好极了" Why We Fight (2005)
And we noticed that in 1992 there was a contract of 9 million dollars, giving out to a company Kellogg Brown and Root, to study the idea should the Pentagon start using the private sector to do some of the support type functions like food service, latrine duty, but even maybe some military things as well.[CN] 我们注意到1992年提供给一家公司的900万美元合同... ... Kellogg Brown and Root公司 为国防部进行一项针对外包服务的调查... ...类似餐饮服务、公共厕所设施甚至军事项目的外包 Why We Fight (2005)
We make a deal where we supply sports factoids to their boxes.[CN] 跟他们商定在他们的外包装盒上 提供体育运动广告 In Good Company (2004)


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