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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
壁橱[bì chú, ㄅㄧˋ ㄔㄨˊ,   /  ] a built-in wardrobe or cupboard; closet #65,313 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
There is always the fear that some day, someone walks into your closet, [CN] 你会担心有一天有人走进了你的壁橱 The Big Bang (2010)
- What closet?[CN] - 哪个壁橱 The Big Bang (2010)
It would be good on my mantelpiece.[CN] 这个放在我壁橱上应该不错 Goal! III (2009)
Well, after all the fanfare and the champagne, he traipsed on home, went upstairs, went to his closet and removed his Browning double-barrelled shotgun, [CN] 在所有的欢庆和香槟杯盏之后,他慢慢回到家里 回到楼上, 走到他的壁橱, 拿出他的勃朗宁 双管霰弹枪, Love Happens (2009)
At times, I still see the small boy from the cupboard.[CN] 有时候,我还是能看到 那个壁橱里的小男孩 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
In Anton's room at Roosevelt Hotel.[CN] 在Roosevelt酒店Anton房间的壁橱里。 The Big Bang (2010)
In the closet, under the sink.[CN] 壁橱里,水槽下面 Dogtooth (2009)
- In the closet.[CN] - 在壁橱里。 The Big Bang (2010)
That little girl in the closet, [CN] 那个在壁橱的小女孩 Identity (2010)
You sound like you're in a closet.[CN] 听起来像在个壁橱 The Bounty Hunter (2010)
There was some stuff in your closet with no stickers, so I threw that in a pile and burned it in the backyard.[CN] 壁橱里面有几样东西没标签 我堆了一堆,在后院一把火给烧了 Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Get what you want from the cupboard.[CN] 那就去壁橱里找找吧 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)


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