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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
唐璜[táng huáng, ㄊㄤˊ ㄏㄨㄤˊ,  ] a dandy; a fop; Don Juan; a ladies man [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm talking about Don Juan.[CN] 唐璜,我的意思。 Belle du Seigneur (2012)
An ageing Don Juan.[CN] 他很自负,就像是老年的唐璜 Emmanuelle (1974)
Maybe you're a Don Juan underneath that mild-mannered exterior.[CN] 或许在你温柔的外表下面藏着一个唐璜(小说人物,比较风流)呢 Boy A (2007)
He's Don Juan on the east coast, Josef Mengele on the west.[CN] 东岸是唐璜、西岸是浪荡子 Kiss the Girls (1997)
And you find out he's a Don Juan -[CN] 你发现了他是"唐璜" One Hour with You (1932)
- Don Juanism. I've been reading about it all day. It's a cover-up.[CN] 牙医唐璜 我整天看唐璜,这只是掩饰 MASH (1970)
You're like the Don Juan's of Arrowhead.[CN] 你们就像箭头湖的父子唐璜 The Roommates (1973)
Don Juan and that chaste Adelina.[CN] 288) }唐璜和那貞節的阿德琳 Francisca (1981)
I've a new dress for the Don Juan, premiere[CN] 我为《唐璜》的首映礼买了 一条新裙子 Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962)
- You're the dental Don Juan of Detroit.[CN] 你是底特律的牙医唐璜... MASH (1970)
"Don Juan"[CN] 唐璜 The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Read Byron, eleventh stanza, twenty-eighth verse of "D. Juan".[CN] 288) }你讀一下拜的《唐璜》第十一歌第二十七節 Francisca (1981)


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