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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
冷漠[lěng mò, ㄌㄥˇ ㄇㄛˋ,  ] cold and detached towards sb; lack of regard; indifference; neglect #7,183 [Add to Longdo]
冷漠对待[lěng mò duì dài, ㄌㄥˇ ㄇㄛˋ ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄉㄞˋ,     /    ] cold and detached towards sb; lack of regard; indifference; neglect [Add to Longdo]

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People are often restrained after attempted suicide.[CN] 人们在自杀未遂后往往会 变得清醒冷漠 Barbara (2012)
When it's your turn - would you welcome such indifference?[CN] 当你有一天老了的时候 你愿意看到那么冷漠的一幕发生吗 Caught in the Web (2012)
Indifference.[CN] 冷漠 Til Death (2012)
I saw a cold, snobby looking girl But not one in a wheelchair.[CN] 冷漠又没教养的女人 我倒是见过不少... 坐轮椅的女人嘛... Traffickers (2012)
The woman who loved lies dead, buried under the shadow of these impassive mountains.[CN] 你爱的那个女人已经死了 埋葬在这冷漠的大山里 Tabu (2012)
But he's so cold.[CN] 但他很冷漠 Barbara (2012)
No, because he's so cold.[CN] 不是 因为他对我很冷漠 Barbara (2012)
Remote, and far away.[CN] 冷漠,而且非常遥远 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
Bystander apathy is an epidemic.[CN] 旁观者的冷漠是一种流行病。 Among Friends (2012)
How can you be so cold about this?[CN] 这事你怎么能这么冷漠呢? A Bottle of Jean Nate (2012)
Li Jia's face appears cool but her body language tells another story.[CN] 李佳虽然表情冷漠 但身体不断靠近小五... The Bullet Vanishes (2012)
The indifference is mad crazy Like poverty's contagious[CN] 冷漠是疯了疯了 像贫困的传染性 Black Nativity (2013)


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