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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
亲笔[qīn bǐ, ㄑㄧㄣ ㄅㄧˇ,   /  ] in one's own handwriting #16,579 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Autographed movie star pictures![CN] 明星亲笔签名相呀! Echoes of the Rainbow (2010)
You boys may have had gelato with Stan Lee and gotten autographed comics, but I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order.[CN] 你们也许和Stan Lee一起吃了冰淇淋 还得到了他亲笔签名的漫画 但我却得以走进他家一窥究竟 并且得到一张他亲笔签名的限制令申请 The Excelsior Acquisition (2010)
Ask the man for an autograph![CN] 问他要个亲笔签名! Fanboys (2009)
So he went through this book four or five times and, like, selected different pictures, wrote notes, and they're all in, like, fairly bad English.[CN] 所以他把这本书看了四五遍 在每张图片上都有标注 都是他的亲笔注释 Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)
Workers retiring, were given slippers, an numbered umbrella and his autographed photo.[CN] 对干那些退休的工人 他会提供给他们妥协, 带有编号的雨伞 - 和他亲笔签名的照片 Potiche (2010)
I'm sorry, I'm a really big fan and wanted to ask for an autograph.[CN] 嗨,打扰了,我是您的忠实粉丝... ... 我想问,我是否能得到您的亲笔签名? Kokowääh (2011)
Forged autographed Yankee baseballs.[CN] 伪造洋基队亲笔签名的棒球 Forged autographed yankee baseballs. Countermeasures (2011)
Including my Monk's Dream, signed by Thelonious himself.[CN] 塞隆尼斯亲笔签名 The Good Soldier (2011)
Look, I have a photo, personally signed.[CN] 但你看 我有一张 个人亲笔签名照 Tad, the Lost Explorer (2012)
Mackerras himself wrote, and I quote:[CN] 麦克拉斯的亲笔信,我引述如下: Cloud Atlas (2012)
Voltaire. "[CN] 伏尔泰亲笔 A Royal Affair (2012)
Why don't you ask the man for an autograph?[CN] 你们为什么不问他要一个亲笔签名呢? Fanboys (2009)


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