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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
举止[jǔ zhǐ, ㄐㄩˇ ㄓˇ,   /  ] bearing; manner; mien #15,240 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
That is, if you complete your chores in time, mind your manners till then.[CN] 只要你做好家务,注意你的行为举止 Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
I don't like you behaving this way when you're out with me.[CN] 跟我一起的时候 我不喜欢你这样的举止 I don't like you behaving this way when you're out with me. Tea with Mussolini (1999)
Well, she has been acting a little oddly.[CN] 举止有点古怪 Hilary and Jackie (1998)
- It's your energy, attitude, the way you carry yourself.[CN] -是妳的活力,妳的举止 Being John Malkovich (1999)
♪ Good looking So refined ♪[CN] 别具风华 举止优雅 Little Voice (1998)
Sometimes, I sit on my own and try to think of what else I could do, how to act...[CN] 我时常一个人坐在那拼命地想 我能做点什么,什么样的举止... Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
Gestures that seem either slightly robotic or else unnecessarily expansive.[CN] 还有言行举止 还有其他 A Simple Plan (1998)
It's her demeanor needs attention.[CN] 行为举止还需改进 Onegin (1999)
But you better watch your manners next time[CN] 但你最好小心 你的举止下一次 斯科特... - 什么? Warlock III: The End of Innocence (1999)
There's a noticeable change in clothing and demeanour?[CN] 他的穿着和举止明显变了吗? There's a noticeable change in clothing and demeanour? The Pack (1997)
She's very strange.[CN] 她的举止很奇怪 Cruel Intentions (1999)
If you're going to be a noblewoman you must play the part.[CN] 如果你想做一个贵夫人 你就一定要改变你的举止 Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)


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