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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
上去[shàng qù, ㄕㄤˋ ㄑㄩˋ,  ] to go up #2,837 [Add to Longdo]
上去[kàn shang qu, ㄎㄢˋ ㄕㄤ˙ ㄑㄩ˙,   ] it would appear; it seems (that) #4,761 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- That sounds lovely.[CN] 上去很不錯 That's Me Trying (2010)
They make it look so easy... connecting with another human being.[CN] 他们让人与人之间的相通 看上去不费吹灰之力 The Big One (2010)
Nothing, I-I... Karev, you stink. Now go take a shower.[CN] Karev 你臭死了 馬上去洗個澡 Superfreak (2010)
You'd feel pretty good about your chances. Dr. Hunt and I are going to operate, [CN] Hunt醫生和我馬上去手朮了 Something's Gotta Give (2010)
Perhaps you'd like to finish this party up there? You mean it's time to leave?[CN] 也许你想上去玩玩 One Way (2010)
Is Dr. Webber going up?[CN] Webber醫生上去了? Superfreak (2010)
So we know exactly how to hook them up to the recipient.[CN] 然後給接受者接上去時才知道怎麼做 These Arms of Mine (2010)
She was upset, So I followed her, [CN] 她看上去很不安 我就跟着她 Phoenix (2010)
First with your whining, and now with your fake, smiley passive aggressive enthusiasm.[CN] 先是不停的牢騷 現在又假裝笑出來 看上去很支持 其實一肚子意見 That's Me Trying (2010)
Not many go back home for New Year anymore. Come on[CN] 懂得回家的不多了 , 你也坐上去 Lost on Journey (2010)
right away, doctor.[CN] - 讓他穩定下來 我們去樓上 - 馬上去 These Arms of Mine (2010)
You look perfect.[CN] 你看上去... 很完美 真的吗 In the Beginning (2010)


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